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Well-known Member
Jun 28, 2006
I am pretty sure I am not the only one that has given this subject a thought once or twice, but does Heaven exist in the Devil May Cry universe? I do know that Hell exists, but they dont mention Heaven or even God for that matter. Perphaps Heaven is the world in wich men live, and Hell being the alternate world of the demons/devils/etc. And if not, how do you guys think this would effect the Storyline in DMC4 if they added Angels, Heaven, God, etc.? Im so confused right now :wacko: Thanks for your time everyone! :P

*Note: I have not played DMC1 or DMC2. SO if I am missing something, please let me know!*
About the only hint of angels existing in dmc would the fallen in dmc3, suitable name, being fallen angels and all...

If they ever were to appear in the dmc universe, I think they would be just as bad as demons, why? in my opinion while the demons are trying to invade and corrupt the world, the angels would be cleansing it of all evil, even if that evil is in the form of humans.
yea wat the hell man...wheres heaven...i mean wat about the war between them mabye the next will feature heaven..with jesus as a hidden costume...hehe...''cruxicify this bitches''
Heaven does not really exist in DMC, just as in some cultures only exist Heaven and Earth, it's most liekly that in DMC there only exist either Earth and Hell. Besides, this is about demons, who cares about some shining white angels and god. This is a game about a guy and his love of killing demons. Nothing more needs to be added.
Seigfried said:
Heaven does not really exist in DMC, just as in some cultures only exist Heaven and Earth, it's most liekly that in DMC there only exist either Earth and Hell. Besides, this is about demons, who cares about some shining white angels and god. This is a game about a guy and his love of killing demons. Nothing more needs to be added.

:P :P I do agree with you on how nothing more needs to be added to the game, but what if they do add this to the game, how do you think it will effect the story? I havent played the first DMC, but from what I understand, Mundus is a fallen angel. So either angels live in Hell (Could be possible), or Heaven does exist in DMC (Just not mentioned).

And what happens to anyone if they die? Some people have mentioned that if someone dies, they just ceast to exist. But what about all of this talk of souls and whatnot? Im sorry if you guys find that im not making any sense (A bit tired), but I would really like the answers to these questions, and if thats not possible, at least tell me what you guys think about all of this.

And Seigfried, I agree with you on the matter that this game is about a guy and his love of killing demons, but there is so much more to it than that! (Im not sure what it is yet, but I will find out sooner or later! I can feel it.) Thanks. :P :P

well, I don't know about what the answer is, but I think that it does exist in the DMC universe, but Capcom don't really want to get into that topic because that game seems like a type of game most Athiests, (People that don't believe in god) would play. But heaven and god probably does exist in the DMC universe because that wouldn't make sense, if there's a devil, there's a god, same as if there's an up, there's a down. If there's light, there's darkness, if there's one thing, there's always an opposite.
i would still like to start ginslinging with Jesus and even probably Moses..im atheist so it doesnt hurt me to say this
I believe there is a heaven in the DMC but it won't be like what Christians or Catholics think of heaven to be. I don't think any those kind of religions exist in the DMC world since the underworld and human world were once one.
if you put it in reference to The Divine Comedy (something which the game is loosely based on), there is also an 'absence' of God (never mentioned by name). There's only things alluding to God and whatnot. The reason for this is because it is considered to be one of the punishments of hell.
I would love to go into Heaven and kick some Angel-budds.Wanna find out who is stronger: Jesus or Dante...*betsallhismoneyonDante* I am Atheist also^^
EDIT:2 Page is mine :P
The game focuses on Hell, thereofore, Hell is mainly spoken of. Fallen angles are beings of Hell and darkness, so it is fine for them to be spoken of. And there is no real devil, as you have seen when played, they never once refer to an absolute devil. Mundus was a king, but only to demons, not hell. The Prince(whatever his name) could be labeled and "the devil" but then again, was only a prince to demons and chaos. And the hell in DMC could be just a name that the humans gave to the "world of demons". So the fallen angels could just be an odd breed of light demon like Beowulf.

And if I am wrong in any way, feel free to correct me. Just don't be an ass about it.
i think it does but the reason it doesnt get much mention is the underworld is a **** hole that one of the reasons they keep trying to take earth i guess heven would be rather nice

another reason could be that in order to seperate there world from the human and demon worlds they used a lot of power so there quite weak wouldnt want to go tell mundus that
I think that if heaven did exist in the Devil may cry world,that could be bad for Dante since he is a half breed and he'll have demons and angels to worry about...but it could be diffrent because Dante would be helping the angels by killing of demons for fun.

Another thought would be Vergil going to the dark side and Dante takeing the good side and theyd be arch rivals(still)but Dante would be fighting aganst what him and his father really are.

but I dunno,since heaven isnt in the DMC world.
Think about it. ANGELS . If Dante ever ended up with a girl at the end of the Devil May Cry series it should be a angel. (Part Demon, Part Angel aweseme kids). He couldn't end up with Lady. (1/4 Devil really gay). Or Trish. (mother look-alike). And Lucia was just terrible.

That is why i think there should be heaven in DMC. Also kicking other angelic creatures arses
well......I beleave there is a GOD and/or a heaven in the DMC universe, its just....hidden i geuss u could say, i mean maybe sence in the game u ARE Dante a demon/human. maybe HE never talks, sees, or thinks about heaven because he dosn't know about a heaven. Dante does have demon in him therefor maybe he dosn't quite know theres a heaven, only that theres a hell, maybe in the DMC universe theres only earth and hell (if there not, infact, the same thing). but maybe im wrong and its all just a game that the government has built for us to waste time from thinking about conspiracies(dunno how to spell that>_< ) so we wont figure em' out:wacko: ?
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