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GGC Gone?

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LoD Come Back!!!
Ya know, I used to run home after school and rush to the computer, excited as hell to get on the forums. Now, I come on every blue moon and in every thread I see, there is some argument going on about a stupid video game. It's not about support or not. It's a video game, a work of fiction. Is it really worth fighting over? That said, does every disagreement, argument, debate etc. have to end with people hiding behind the fact that it's their opinion? I mean seriously, a forum is supposed to be fun for everyone. People should challenge each others positions and, in doing so, discover new sides that they haven't seen before and whatnot. Yes, I've had my fair share of disrespect and I'm not exactly ashamed to say that I've retorted the same way, but I think we all need to realize that it's not the end of the world if someone disagrees with our opinion. After all, it's THEIR opinion. Insults towards opinions, disrespect, bullying, etc. is it really necessary? Is using the defense that it's your opinion the mature thing to do every time someone challenges it? In fact, I'm sick of the word "opinion". Which is why I must say, with a heavy heart, that I am leaving indefinitely until further notice. I never thought the forum would get this bad. I used to know almost everyone on here and we were all such good friends. All of a sudden a trailer comes out, all of these new accounts are made, and the forum falls apart. Goodbye my friends (you know who you are).

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
Again with the making a big fuss over nothing.

If the forum really was falling apart you would know about it and members would be leaving by the dozens. I hate to sound all up myself but there is no other way of putting this, I know what it's like to actually see a forum falling apart, I have been part of a close community as it crashed and burned because of mass hatred and devide and thats not whats happening here.

To say it's only a game isn't fair, you have to be a pretty big fan of something to decide you want to join a forum that is built around discussing it. So It's safe to assume that a majrity of people here are very big Devil May Cry fans, that it is very important to them and they care a lot about where the series is going. Especially of the eve of a big change and a new direction for the series if this kind of thing wasn't happening people would be here for the wrong reasons. I think that as long as it is constructive and it doesn't personally insult any of the members this should be the one place people should be aloud to vent a little and get their point across about why they are so p*ssed off about it and not have to worry about getting reported for saying how you feel.

I don't think forums are supposed to be happy for everyone all the time, I think if anything it should be the opposite, it should be a place where people should be free to discuss whatever they want as long as it doesn't blatantly break any of the rules. A mish mash of different peoples views and thoughts on certain issues, trying to make sense of things that aren't clear or weren't dealt with. Thats what should make a forum worth coming to, the clash of views and opinions not everyone saying the same thing.
People should also be able to cope with the odd person having a bit of a go at what you say especially if what you say is put across quite strongly. That shouldn't be seen as infringing the rules. If someone is purely here to cause trouble and rile people up for no reason im sure the staff have eyes and know the difference between being a stright talker with strong opinions and just being a troll.

That said I do like you as a person Cloud and it's a shame to see you go. Hope to see you here again someday (perhaps sometime around November;))

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
I normally do what most do and click another thread when people are talking about something i couldnt care less about (new DmC for example). If im not interested in the thread content on a forum i simply move to another thread or create a more interesting one instead of moaning about others moaning.


Well-known Member
*clings to leg* DON'T GO! ;_;

All the bickering is in one section, so just ignore that section entirely and talk to me instead! :D I'll miss you GGC and I hope you come back soon.


Dante enthusiast!
I'm sorry you feel like that. I know what you mean, but like others have said I just ignore the bullshit.
Take Care GCC. ;)
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