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Gaming Nightmare: What's yours?


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It's not like you need max stats to beat Yu Yevon anyway :p You could take party members you've not even levelled up at all and beat him. Hell i'm pretty sure the only way to lose that fight is to turn your entire party into stone.

I'm going to add the entire last section of Soul Reaver 2, from Janos's lair back to the Sarafan Stronghold. The entire section is one lengthy, punishing gauntlet of mooks and demons from one end of the map to the other and the game forces you to kill EVERY single last one.
actually im pretty sure the whole party has auto life the whole time. so you cant lose at all

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
The last freakin dungeon in Star Ocean the Last Hope.

On the topic of Star Ocean games, I never finished Star Ocean: Till the End of Time as a result of the dungeon before the final boss absolutely sucking ass. I put it down to me being a lot younger and a lot less experienced with gaming in general, but that dungeon was an absolute pain in the ass. Left me with very few healing items and a pretty beaten up party, which made the final boss practically impossible.
Thing is, I don't even know where my copy is, so it's not like I can go back and even attempt it again, but I will beat that gaming nightmare one day.


Well-known Member
I would mention Dark Souls but I don't think it's a nightmare, more like a challenge. I never feel frustrated or cheated on, I never feel that I don't have the chance to win at all or anything of the like.
The hardest battle is against Ornstein and Smough by far if you are fighting against them alone and even then I don't consider it that nightmarish.

Another thing, things that require 1-frame precision or perfect precision in games. I think that is so annoying and disturbing since I can't time it well.


Well-known Member
Protecting Ashley in RE4 in Professional difficulty mode is a pain in the ass.
I bought the RE4 HD from the PSN store a couple of weeks ago. Decided to finish the game again on Professional.
I freakin' hate Ashley. I have to babysit her AND give her my herbs which I really need for myself because I'm playing on the highest difficulty AND she dies in one hit, So if a Ganado captured her and I tried to shot and missed, She dies, Simple as that. I can barely protect myself on the Pro difficulty mode, Protecting someone else too is something above my capabilities.

She is an annoying character. But in the Professional mode she is a nightmare to me :blink:.

Complete seperate ways(or assignment ada but i think it's seperate ways). Equip tuxedo costume(or costume 2) of leon. Ashley comes with a knight's armour and is immune to any attacks or carrying away. Problem solved.

A little heads up to final krauser fight(on Professional). The guy can be a b*tch.


Well-known Member
Complete seperate ways(or assignment ada but i think it's seperate ways). Equip tuxedo costume(or costume 2) of leon. Ashley comes with a knight's armour and is immune to any attacks or carrying away. Problem solved.

A little heads up to final krauser fight(on Professional). The guy can be a b*tch.
I didn't choose the costume that gives Ashley an armor. It would've been a LOT better
if I choose it, But I didn't because I liked Leon's RPD Costume.

I really can't start a new game since I'm in the second half of the game. I'll have to complete the Pro mode with unarmored, It'll take me time. Didn't encounter Krauser yet, But looks like I need to keep an eye on him ^_^.


Well-known Member
I didn't choose the costume that gives Ashley an armor. It would've been a LOT better
if I choose it, But I didn't because I liked Leon's RPD Costume.

I really can't start a new game since I'm in the second half of the game. I'll have to complete the Pro mode with unarmored, It'll take me time. Didn't encounter Krauser yet, But looks like I need to keep an eye on him ^_^.

Actually i discovered about the armor after beating Professional. I thought if i could beat mercenaries and have hand cannon, it could help me on boss battles but could only get after a complete game on PRO(or normal for that matter).


I'm surprised only one said DarkSouls & i'm amazed i didn't think of this before.
I agree DarkSouls is a Nightmare itself but one of the worst is The Four Kings.

The interesting thing about this was that The Four Kings boss fight was by far the easiest fight I ran into in my first playthrough.

But staying on the topic of Dark Souls

Ornstein and Smough.

Don't get me wrong, I love Dark Souls. Currently on yet another playthrough. But O+S almost made me walk away from the game. I have problems when it comes to thinking sometimes, and those problems magnify when I'm being rushed by a guy with giant golden moobs and a creepy clown laugh. I just can't. I can't. .__.

I've fallen prey to several nightmares in my gaming career, most frequently when I lose patience or get too comfortable with a game. To list them would involve volumes, and tiresome paperwork, and soon there would be Ballads of Tonks and I really don't think I'm ready for that level of fame yet.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?

The interesting thing about this was that The Four Kings boss fight was by far the easiest fight I ran into in my first playthrough.

But staying on the topic of Dark Souls

Ornstein and Smough.

Don't get me wrong, I love Dark Souls. Currently on yet another playthrough. But O+S almost made me walk away from the game. I have problems when it comes to thinking sometimes, and those problems magnify when I'm being rushed by a guy with giant golden moobs and a creepy clown laugh. I just can't. I can't. .__.

I've fallen prey to several nightmares in my gaming career, most frequently when I lose patience or get too comfortable with a game. To list them would involve volumes, and tiresome paperwork, and soon there would be Ballads of Tonks and I really don't think I'm ready for that level of fame yet.

HAH, Snorlax and Pikachu made me rage something hard at that game.
Everything after just seemed stupidly easy in comparison.


Pain and pleasure... I've got it all.
Di... did you just refer to Ornstein and Smough as Snorlax and Pikachu? I... I can't unsee it now D:

I'm going to throw another of mine in the mix:

Bass XX from BN5 is the strongest boss in the game and can only be fought after numerous requirements have been met and it took me AGES to beat him, his HP is massive, his attacks do ridiculous amounts of damage and he has a barrier that, unless you get rid of it with northwind (a chip that removes barriers), will make fighting him impossible.
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