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Gaming Nightmare: What's yours?


Pain and pleasure... I've got it all.
I'm pretty sure we've all eventually encountered them, sections of a game that have given us far more trouble then anything else in the game, be it a boss, a regular enemy with an annoying gimmick or maybe just a level in general.

What game has thrown a spanner in the works of your path to completion?

I personally have a few annoying examples that come immediately to mind:



I apologise ahead of time for this terrible memory for those who played it. Wizpig in Diddy Kong Racing was a HUGE step up in difficulty in terms of bosses in that game, bordering on outright unfair. He was fast, driving near him would make him immediately squash you (which might as well mean you've lost) and the only way to actually outrace him is pull of a perfect race on a course designed to slow you down if the smallest mistake was made and if he beat you? "HAHAHAHAHA.... YOU CAN'T BEAT MEEEEEE!" awaited you. It took HOURS for me to beat the first race with him.

Oddly enough the second race with him, while still hard, is nowhere near as difficult. Just goes to show you huh?


The Great Maze in SSBB's SSE mode.

I... i'm sorry but i'm not sure how much i can talk about this one. This one touched me places.

I cannot show you where.

Mario Galaxy - Bouldergeist Daredevil Challenge
It's not technically something that kept me from beating the game but it did keep me from getting 100% in the game for a while and in fact i didn't find it that much of a big deal on a second run through but on the first time? I just COULD NOT beat him without getting hit.

I'm sure as time goes by i'll have more to share but for now i'll leave it at that. So how about you guys?

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
1. Super Mario Galaxy 1; Dreadnought Galaxy's Purple Coin Challenge as Mario.
I swear I died over 20 times and spent maybe 2 hours on this planet and its damned challenge. Mario's fatass can't jump as high or move as fast as the superior Luigi. I remember missing so many coins and missing jumps and failing. For whatever reason, playing as Mario, it took so long and was so freaking difficult to complete this. Also, even though you were on a 2D plane, the controls still responded to 3D controls and sometimes I would pass by a coin thinking I picked it up. While playing as Luigi, it took maybe 5 tries and I was done; it was so easy as Luigi. Otherwise, Super Mario Galaxy 1 is a fairly easy game, but this was the hardest level in the game.

2. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2; The Only East Day . . . Was Yesterday on Hardened or Veteran Mode - can't remember.
This is a bad example of infinite spawns. I'm assuming that as long as you don't move up a certain point, these asshats will keep on spawning. Funny, the whole entire campaign of MW2 was fairly easy even on those difficulties and most of my deaths come from me charging in and getting shot up and not steering the boat in the right areas. But this level was freaking terrible since for whatever reason in games like these, enemies will always focus on you even if your allies are right in front of their face. Seriously, Soap's right there, stop shooting me from a mile away! Hell, they chased me down to a lower level of the oil rig when the fighting was happening upstairs; 3 to 4 guys would track me like bloodhounds.

3. Resonance of Fate; the whole game.
I'm not good at strategy games and this one is really strategy heavy compared to other RPGs like Final Fantasy, Mass Effect, Fire Emblem, etc. Not even Scott Menville, Nolan North, and Jessica DiCicco and all the other voice actors and actresses could keep me from selling this game and giving up. I was that terrible at it. I think I stopped at Chapter 3.

4. Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal; Mylon.
Basically, end game. Even though Ratchet & Clank games aren't that hard and they never were anything beyond normal difficulty, but this level was always troublesome for me. I don't know why. I remember Going Commando being hard when I was young, but I played through it again recently and it was easy. Then again, I was young. And recently, I remember going through this game for the 3rd time and it was still hard. But the first 2 enemies, Tyhrranoids I think, were good exp exploits. Also, Nefarious kicked my ass in Up Your Arsenal more than Flint Vorselon did in Future: A Crack in Time; Nefarious in Future: A Crack in Time was really easy.

5. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time; the Shadow Temple. Or any place with ReDeads in Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and Wind Waker.
I avoid horror games for this reason. I do not like ReDeads. In fact, I fear and hate them. Them dancing in Majora's Mask was not amusing. No, it was disturbing. Their "cartoon" redesign made them even more disturbing to look at. The scariest part of Ocarina of Time was in the Shadow Temple; that place was infested with them. I had my dad when I was young play through it. There's a reason why I don't play through Ocarina of Time multiple times despite how good the game is. Scary-ass undead.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Kingdom Hearts 1: F*ckin' final boss in that dark room. I use up half my potions and ether on his actual fight alone, and then he decided to pull me into his dark world where I gotta fight a giant ship of him?! WTF square-enix?!

Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core: F you Angeal and your minatar form that farts lightning.


Pain and pleasure... I've got it all.
5. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time; the Shadow Temple. Or any place with ReDeads in Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and Wind Waker.
I avoid horror games for this reason. I do not like ReDeads. In fact, I fear and hate them. Them dancing in Majora's Mask was not amusing. No, it was disturbing. Their "cartoon" redesign made them even more disturbing to look at. The scariest part of Ocarina of Time was in the Shadow Temple; that place was infested with them. I had my dad when I was young play through it. There's a reason why I don't play through Ocarina of Time multiple times despite how good the game is. Scary-ass undead.

Ikana Canyon in Majora's Mask must be like hell for you then, what with it being basically full of various undead things. I have to admit the "Under the Well" section in that game is pretty taxing even when you know what items you need to bring with you.


Is not rat, is hamster
1. The Broodmother from DA Origins. Now I know all you gaming elitists will roll your eyes here but I play on Casual difficulty for most games and when I got DA for the 360 I was uber-excited to get stuck into what I had hoped would be a great game. Then enter your first proper bossfight against this weird monstrosity and thus began my utter hatred for the game and the beginning of my dislike for BioWare.

I would contend that she is the hardest boss in the game, which annoys me because being chucked in at the deep end from the outset pees me off greatly. I died umpteen times, all my team mates died...I spent (after rage-quitting for a week) a total of 3 hours beating that stupid thing and wasting every last scrap of useful inventory at the same time. The thing that annoyed me most was this was a well-documented issue with the game for the 360 - those on Casual levels were getting problems with difficulty spiking in that when playing against bosses, you were somehow whacked up to the higher levels and therefore guaranteed to be beaten almost every time. For the PC, this was patched. Not so for the 360 and I was so utterly disappointed in BioWare's seeming inability to comprehend what the term "casual gamer" actually means. The description given for the difficulty setting I had chosen even implied that you'd be eased in and it was for those new or unused to that style of game. What a load of bull.

Naturally, anyone who dared to complain about this was instantly shot down by the Baldur's Gate/Neverwinter Nights fanboys...

2. Seymour from FF-X. I hate this guy. Still haven't beat him. Don't think I even want to bother any more. He's one of those bosses you think you've beaten and then he comes back with full everything while half your party are dead and the other are...inept.

3. Balverines from Fable 3. Now bear with me on this one, it is legitimate (from my point of view, anyway). For some reason, they just swarm you in this title and seem to get a good few too many more hits in than you can. At a lower level, this is frustrating more than anything and it just irritates me to have to battle through them again and again and again when all I want to do is quickly head over to such and such a place. I've never been knocked out during a boss fight in this game but the Balverine swarms get me on an all-too frequent basis.

4. Not a nightmare in terms of difficulty, but a royal nuisance - Kantus in Gears of War 2. They roll out of the way at the last moment and seem to avoid ever getting hit. Make me rage so hard...

5. General RAAM from Gears 1. Yeah...don't go there.


Well-known Member
I can't play any horror game.
Back when Resident Evil for the Playstation was new, I played to the part in the beginning where you walk down the hallway with the big windows and suddenly these zombie hounds jump through the windows and wants to eat you! I threw the controller across the room and fled out the door. XD
It startled me so badly and to this day, I can't play any games where monsters suddenly pop up from nowhere which generally happens in horror games.

Another kind of gaming nightmare must be Final Fantasy bosses. Unless you grind your character levels up, then they will always be your death, again and again and again. And I hate that! It ruins the flow of the game and I hate that I have to grind up alot of levels just to be able to continue the story I am playing through.


Single life for life
There are only three that I can actually think of now, all of which are being recalled from years and years ago during childhood. I know there are definitely more but for the life of me I can't think of them right now.

Croc: Legend of the Gobbos
This.. Is a child's game... yet I swear it's harder than some of the current 'hardcore' games. Can't remember any specific points, I just know that multiple sections definitely did cause repeated deaths and high frustration. Can't actually remember if I completed the game fully on my own.

DMC1 (DMD Mode)
The entire game was hard as hell, and I know there are probably bits I have forgotten that I had a hard time on, but I do remember full well that beating Mundus was absolute hell. He caused so many deaths and a LOT were at points extremely close to actually beating him, which just made me unbelievably frustrated. I was dead set on unlocking Super Dante so I would not give up. I eventually did beat the game on DMD mode, but it still took a damn long time to do so.

Time Splitters 2
Pretty much any of the levels where you weren't allowed to be detected at all, I spent so many retries on them. Again can't recall any detailed specifics apart from snow level and train level (I think), I just know they were a pain to complete for me, and my sister come to think of it.

Diamond Tiara

The one, the only, nobody.
To me, the stuff that was really challenging for me were the following:

1. Dark Souls: Everything
The entire game was really challenging. The only boss that was laughably easy was the demon at the end of the sewers (beat him without even getting hit).

2. Super Mario Galaxy: Dreadnought Galaxy's Purple Coin Run
My god, I hated this level. I first went into the level with 56 lives. I came out with 2 left. Mario can't jump that far at all. Countless times I passed up coins that I thought that I had grabbed, and by the time I realized it, it was too late. Playing as Luigi was a different story though.

3. Motaro: MK3
This was the only Mortal Kombat boss I had trouble with. Shang Tsung, easy. Shao Kahn, easy. Shinnok, laughably easy. Motaro, on the other hand, was the only Mortal Kombat boss to make me rage quit.

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
Ikana Canyon in Majora's Mask must be like hell for you then, what with it being basically full of various undead things. I have to admit the "Under the Well" section in that game is pretty taxing even when you know what items you need to bring with you.
Stalfos, Bubbles, ReDeads from Twilight Princess, and other undead like those, I'm fine with. But undead like necromorphs even, since they became nuisances in Dead Space 3 more than horrific beings, "that guy" from Amnesia, and other twisted creatures disturb me enough that I avoid horror games like the plague. And technically they aren't dead, but the Descendants from Uncharted: Drake's Fortune were pretty creepy. Then I died a lot, became angry, and they became pests. They kept coming back even when I killed 20 of them, damn it!

Fighting generic skeleton, learning from Stalfo-Link/Hero's Shade, or fighting a badass undead like in Darksiders, or going through waves of (annoying) zombies in Borderlands, that's fine with me and sometimes really cool with how they're designed. But going through levels with ReDeads, Dead Hand (the stupid, nasty mini-boss in the Shadow Temple and the Bottom of the Well), Wallmaster, Floormaster, and even Gibdos make me uneasy. Remember the Hell Knight from Doom 3? Yeah, Best Buy had a poster of that brute near the PC games section. I was a kid and that freaked me out. Not anymore, but I still will not play the Doom series or any horror games for that matter because of things like that.

Kind of funny when you think that I can go through games where people are decapitated, disemboweled, lit on fire, and other horrific things happening to them and be fine, but when these asshats show up in their 64-bit glory I run as fast as I can to get by them or not even try at all. I hate the Shadow Temple and the stupid well. I try to finish those levels as fast as I can - screw collectibles. Ikana Canyon was less creepy than the Shadow Temple and the Bottom of the Well. Why? Well, do you see any bloody walls, razor sharp blades spinning, guillotines, or dark corridors around in Ikana Canyon? Beneath the Well, where you get the Mirror's Shield was dark, but that was a cave without bloody walls, sharp blades, and guillotines. And it was tedious to go through. Still had Gibdos, which I think they were silent ones unless you hit them.

Also, Solidus Snake's corpse twitching. Freaked me out as well. I avoid anything horror related, unless their hidden or not that horror like Luigi's Mansion or Shadows of the Damned, and anything fish related. When games get really photorealistic and have water areas, I'm probably going to pass or I might die from a heart attack. Damn phobia.


Keyser Söze
That LAST level in God of war 1.... filled with those Re-spawning annoying bats and moving platforms which leads you to that gigantic Grinder of death and worst of all There are ARCHERS !

so let's see..

looks can be deceiving its the hardest muthafukin level in the whole game !

Unblockable bats+Moving platforms+ Re-spawning Archers+Grinding pillars+ Flamethrowers = You're Fu*ked



SETH from ORIGINAL SF4 Pc version.. he's the most cheap and broken boss i've ever fought Krizalid from Kof is like a Breeze in a park compared to this atrocity ! and i was playing ON NORMAL... WTF ?


Well-known Member
Arkham DMD Mode second half with no style.
Vergil 3 DMD(DMC 3)..........His unlimited(or quite more than enough) DT supply was jus annoying.
Capcom vs SNK 2.........Shin gouki in boss battle mode final stage.(God rugal is far better)
Godhand on hard mode.(Pure hell)


Well-known Member
Protecting Ashley in RE4 in Professional difficulty mode is a pain in the ass.
I bought the RE4 HD from the PSN store a couple of weeks ago. Decided to finish the game again on Professional.
I freakin' hate Ashley. I have to babysit her AND give her my herbs which I really need for myself because I'm playing on the highest difficulty AND she dies in one hit, So if a Ganado captured her and I tried to shot and missed, She dies, Simple as that. I can barely protect myself on the Pro difficulty mode, Protecting someone else too is something above my capabilities.

She is an annoying character. But in the Professional mode she is a nightmare to me o_O.


Well-known Member
I hate special areas in a game that is completely different from the game's style but is increasingly difficult. Like vehicle sections, etc.

Gaming nightmare is the 3 hour long final dungeon in FFIII that is completely without saves.

Gaming nightmare is Kingdom Hearts. It tries to kill me with all that comic relief, srsly how much comic relief can be put in a game?!


Follow me to Apex
Yismat FF12
That dark as heck cave level in MGS3
Any water based Zelda temple (besides The Ancient cistern)


I fought the war but the war won't staaaahhhppp...
First section of the final boss fight of Jak 3. I just. I am incapable of shooting accurately at moving targets while hurtling along that flaming desert. It still irks me to this day! Plus I absolutely despise the Sandshark, which doesn't help either.


It's One on One.
The last freakin dungeon in Star Ocean the Last Hope. You have to go up 20 floors in a row.Each with an annoying objective you have to complete to move on. If you die you start over, if you exit you start from floor one again. Each floor has treasure that's completely randomized but only a few of them are worth anything. The treasure locations change every time you leave and exit. If you get a good one on let's see floor 19, you either have to leave to save the game and start ALL OVER again or you continue to the final boss who is a cheap spamming wench who constantly uses a move that can 1 hit KO your party. She also takes about 40 minutes to beat with a party that's fully maxed out in stats. This dungeon is annoying and tedious. I hated it.


Devil hunter in training
The third Seymour fight in Final Fantasy X! That guy was so....>_< It took me so much grinding and then 6 attempts to beat him.

The demon wall in Final fantasy VII. I remember as a kid it took me so many tries before I beat it. Drove me nuts.

Haunting ground, Lorenzo fight. Getting those fans to work at the same time was so hard as the game was a bit temperamental. I gave up and had to go back to it months later. I think it was only luck I finished that boss fight.


It's One on One.
The third Seymour fight in Final Fantasy X! That guy was so....>_< It took me so much grinding and then 6 attempts to beat him.

I feel like I cheated. Before I fought Seymore, I was doing parts of the Monster Areana sidequest. I had my characters maxed out in almost every stat and was able to beat him in like one or two hits. Same with Yu Yevon. I didn't know my party was THAT powerful. I lol'd. Which reminds me:

A big FU to Sun Sigul. That Chocobo Race was rigged!!


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I've had plenty of gaming Nightmares... too many to list, but it's probably down to my own stupidity.... XD (at least i was honest :p )

This guy:

Melchiah (Soul Reaver) Was a literal nightmare. I have never spent a boss battle screaming my head off whilst being chased by a mound of rotting flesh :p


Pain and pleasure... I've got it all.
I feel like I cheated. Before I fought Seymore, I was doing parts of the Monster Areana sidequest. I had my characters maxed out in almost every stat and was able to beat him in like one or two hits. Same with Yu Yevon. I didn't know my party was THAT powerful. I lol'd. Which reminds me:

A big FU to Sun Sigul. That Chocobo Race was rigged!!

It's not like you need max stats to beat Yu Yevon anyway :p You could take party members you've not even levelled up at all and beat him. Hell i'm pretty sure the only way to lose that fight is to turn your entire party into stone.

I'm going to add the entire last section of Soul Reaver 2, from Janos's lair back to the Sarafan Stronghold. The entire section is one lengthy, punishing gauntlet of mooks and demons from one end of the map to the other and the game forces you to kill EVERY single last one.
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