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Gamergate: This is stupid


Fake Geek Girl.
I'm pretty sure by now you may know what Gamergate is. The movement that is supposedly fighting for better ethnics in gaming journalism..........except it totally doesn't seem like it and is just a prime example of why people who play games are not taken seriously and can be just a bunch of childish geeks.

Now from what I've seen, this hasn't become the fight for some better gaming journalism. It's just become an internet lynch mob to assault a bunch of different people. Sure, Zoe Quinn might be a bad person sleeping with a bunch of dudes while married and doing other bad things, but how long are they gonna worry about this girl who just slept with 5 guys? Is this gonna be a fight for a cause or you're just gonna fill more and more message boards calling her a $lut?

And what about all the other attacks on people who consider themselves the feminist activist trying to speak out on sexism and misogyny in geek culture? You don't have to agree with them and yes we know the extremist can just be very idiotic, sexist, and severely misinformed, but is the answer attacking with that sexism in point or death threats? Which are, news flash, not really ok, like, at all.

And finally, this is big deal concerning........video games. F#CKING VIDEO GAMES. Like seriously, is something like Gamergate (just had to add the gate to the end for some dramatic effect huh?) really needed? What about all the other problems we have? In media? The kind of journalism that exist in your typical news sources. Threatening the fifth estate and all that mumbo jumbo. Causing way more problems and controversy than who f#cking will tell you what video games out there are good or not. Here's a thought, play games for yourself and make up your own damn opinion.

It's fine to be passionate about games and enjoy them more than most. I also come from a circle that can see video games be a very cool and unique entertainment media that can deliver experiences like no other. Being quite a platform for artistic expression.

But at the end of the day, I also step back and see I'm just playing video games. It's a hobby because I think they are fun and cool. Really nothing more when you get right down to it. When gaming evolved and became recognized than more than just a toy, gamers evolved with it to some also pretty stupid heights thinking this is really something that now should be taken uber seriously. Like hell I'm gonna ever consider video games a sport. It'd be a sad day when gamers can be considered athletes.

Gamers, you're just people who play games. That's a gamer. Any other deep excuse you wanna come up to describe some silly arbitrary gamer pride is just you talking out your a$$. Video games and gamers will be taken more seriously when they also realize it's just an entertainment platform. It's not a way of life, it's a fun hobby that's evolved to amazing extents and for that we should celebrate it. But getting all up tight with this stupid hardcore gamer attitude, you just make yourself look like a butthurt geek.

Gamergate is something that doesn't need to exist. And if there was a need for better ethnics in gaming journalism, you sure as hell didn't give a sh!t until one girl named Zoe Quinn came on the scene who just happened to be a game developer and whose's bag baggage came in to the spotlight.

And you know what, the people that could be better are gamers themselves because as much as you can argue that stuff like sexism, misogyny, and just ignorant hate doesn't exist in geek culture, there's no denying it's there. Just like racism and white privilege exist in society unfortunately thanks to the residue leftover from the past.

Note, I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT EVERYONE. This rant does contain hyperbole, but the point still stands. TL;DR People can suck. Stop adding to that suck pile and actually get your priorities together. The only way we'll really ever start making a difference for the better.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
I see the odd hashtag about it on Twitter and a couple of articles here and there but for the most part I have totally ignored it and gone about my business as usual.


Well-known Member
Just today I skimmed through someone's blog and saw a post about it, only really caught the part about creating paranoia and some going so far as to publish home address of this woman. That kinda freaked me out, you can argue, but placing a target onto someone in real life like that is just a step away from actually hiring a hitman. Over something intended to be fun. Some people are so creepy these days, it's like video games are new religion for them. *shudders*


Supporter 2014
but for the most part I have totally ignored it and gone about my business as usual.
Not surprising, considering its barely worth anyone's attention to begin with.

I live under a rock, so that's normal for me -- but I was surprised when it managed to invade even my "fortress of solitude."

I even read up about it (a little) to see if it was worth getting upset about. It wasn't. If the Mountain Dew/Doritos ordeal wasn't enough to get under my skin (especially since I love both products -- shocking, I know) then this way down on the bottom of my list.

Right above Renee Zellweger "getting old the wrong way."


... I've seen real corruption in journalism, and this is is nothing compared to that.


Fake Geek Girl.
Well, the gaming industry is something that is still VERY immature and has a lot of growing to do, but things like this will never get stuff done.
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