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Forum cleanup


Cursed Girl
Well i'we noticed the the forum is quite a mess cause there are hundreds of threads (literally lol) and it's easy to get lost in them.. i suggest to make some recyckle bin thingy or smth like to select what period threads you wanna see i mean smth liek this :
i'm not saying it's not good or anything it's just that ewerything looks messy o_O


Lost Soul
All the closed threads can be taken off the forum. You could just leave the popular threads on.


Sir Fretalot
actually if you go to your user CP you can edit it so you can only view the threads made in the past week/month/year


-is writing an album
That is where the Trash Can comes in. Basically, I do not know if you can do this here, but you can have a moderating option to send threads to a hidden bin only visible to the staff. Here all removed threads will appear here for evidence and of such. ;)

Nelo Assholo

King of the Universe
Another thing which didn't help much was there used to be a lot of spam bot thread spawning going on around the forums; do we still get these or not? If not, forget what I'm saying. Otherwise, if we do, making major validation from admins will help here, since you can knock the bots right out before they even attempt to sign up.


-is writing an album
Yes they appear every now and again, although really all those threads should be deleted instead of closed, preferably because you are going to get hundreds clogging up and eating away your server.


Demon a$$-kicker
Curse;38434 said:
Well i'we noticed the the forum is quite a mess cause there are hundreds of threads (literally lol) and it's easy to get lost in them.. i suggest to make some recyckle bin thingy or smth like to select what period threads you wanna see i mean smth liek this :
i'm not saying it's not good or anything it's just that ewerything looks messy o_O

*Salute* Amen!

Really, I'm pretty sick of seeing SOOO many threads that make little to no sense at all, and I completely agree with this idea.Hopefully an administrator or moderator might do this and prevent us from getting lost altogether. :) ^_^


Cursed Girl
pinky750;38489 said:
actually if you go to your user CP you can edit it so you can only view the threads made in the past week/month/year

oh thanks i totaly forgot about it!!! ^^
sorry for bringing this up XD


-is writing an album
Well..that won't particularly solve anything that will only make you think that the forum is tidy but in fact when you view all the threads it looks a mess.


Sir Fretalot
i know, but some people may want to review older threads still and that's why they have that "remove threads that have been around for a week/month/year" thing i was talking about.


Is not rat, is hamster
Hey guys - sorry for late response.

At the moment, we keep old threads around and delete only when absolutely necessary. I know there is a lot to wade through even when using the advanced search function but for now that's how it is going to have to be until we can sort something (if anything) out.

With regards to the trash can idea, Korn, does that mean that if someone were to search for a term in Google, for example, find a thread that was in the trash can and follow the link they would then be told they did not have permission to view the page? Or is that just codeine-induced rambling on my part?

And yeah, we get a ton of spam every day (yawn) but we've installed a mod that manages to catch most of it so that only staff see it and deal with it. This particular forum seems to really attract the spammers!

King Avallach

Deity of the Old World
Angel;39214 said:
Hey guys - sorry for late response.

At the moment, we keep old threads around and delete only when absolutely necessary. I know there is a lot to wade through even when using the advanced search function but for now that's how it is going to have to be until we can sort something (if anything) out.

With regards to the trash can idea, Korn, does that mean that if someone were to search for a term in Google, for example, find a thread that was in the trash can and follow the link they would then be told they did not have permission to view the page? Or is that just codeine-induced rambling on my part?

And yeah, we get a ton of spam every day (yawn) but we've installed a mod that manages to catch most of it so that only staff see it and deal with it. This particular forum seems to really attract the spammers!

Soz to interrupt but I was thinking, couldn't the staff create a warning system for the spammers.

E.g: Sending them a private message saying

Strike 1 as an initial warning

then if it repeats within a set space of time

Strike 2 as a final warning (and possibly stripping a rep point depending on how bad the spam is)

Then if repeated within a set space of time

Strike 3 and strp them of a moderate amount of rep points.

Then, if repeated in a set space of time

Strike 4 deducts them of a lot of rep points

Then, if repeated in a set space of time

Strike 5 banned from the DMC forums


TimeLord Detective
Seriously I can't see how that works. Usually members with lots of Reputation are usually worth it and therefore it is unlikely that they'll become spammers. Even so, a spammer can be a member who doesn't have Reputation points at all.
However, I like the idea of warnings. After receiving so many, there would be no doubt the this particular member should be banned, since he was given too many "chances".
But still, I think we have more good members than spammers, and this matter should be discussed further only if actually a real-problem member appears. ~_^


Is not rat, is hamster
It will depend on the spammer - if it's someone who makes one crap post and then leaves, who cares? But if it's a regular poster of the spamming variety then the warning system could work. Nice ideas there guys

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Yeah some interesting ideas being put forward and maybe a few with some minor tweaks that could work. Especially regarding the spammers and warning system.
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