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Is not rat, is hamster
Ok, don't panic. Just take all your clothes off, burn them and smother yourself in syrup. Run outside naked until you find a wasp nest and then plough right into it. The ensuing attack will make you forget all about fleas - you may even find yourself wishing the fleas would be your only problem again...

Alternatively, don't visit your relatives ever again - or if you do, wear a flea collar.

The dark knight

Well-known Member
Do that to your husband then I'll know it has been proven by a DEATH,PAIN and Misery doctor.LOL JK!Unless he is willing to be the test subject.


Fearfully and wonderfully made
I'll try anything once!

Except taking off my clothes, burning them, smothering myself in syrup, running outside naked into a wasp's nest. Other than that though, I'm up for anything! ^_^


Fearfully and wonderfully made
Not after the last time! I swore: never again... :ninja:


Is not rat, is hamster
Or de-flea the relatives...whichever amuses you the most...

Demons Destiny

Silenced Vampire
and if you are gonna de-flea your relatives, de-flea their house then you will probably never have to go there again....but if that doesnt work...the next time your parents say "shift your @$$ we are going to see your relatives" (well obviously they are not gonna say that lol) then say "shove off i have very important course work to do" then make sure they take flea powder so they dont come back with fleas.....

Demons Destiny

Silenced Vampire
*starts to laugh* i've forgotten what you guys were talking about (before you say 'oh just scroll up to find out' i just cant really be bothered)...wait is it about.......oh yeah i get you now...sorry thats my blonde side showing (i dont have blonde hair but i used to)

ok back on topic-my bleedin kitten had fleas and i was forever killing the damn things.Oh if your relatives have a dog/cat/hamster (dont ask about the hamster bit :p) then you throw them out the house or cover them in flea powder. They may turn white but its all ok ;)
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