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Finishing your video games.


I was reading this http://uk.kotaku.com/5775493/why-arent-you-finishing-your-video-games
and thought I'd post the topic here to ask.

So how many video games have you dropped, past and present, and for what reasons?

I've not completed a number of games due to, mostly, not having time or being a bit crap at them (patience has never been one of my virtues.) Kind of lost the passion I had when I was a teen for playing video games but I think it's also they way games have changed.

Also- Do you think you have to work harder in todays games? Or maybe they're too easy? What with memory cards and stuff making it an easy way to go casual. Do you have a certain franchise that you have to complete in order to move on to it's next title? Are you a completist in everything?

So what do you think?


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Some games are simply too easy and I don't care for them. Others are just not my cup of tea, like FFX.


Storm Silves;301680 said:
Some games are simply too easy and I don't care for them. Others are just not my cup of tea, like FFX.

Eh huh, go on. What's your "cup of tea" then?


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Osaka;301682 said:
Eh huh, go on. What's your "cup of tea" then?

Genres I like are: Shmups, FPAs, hack 'n slash, action RPGs, and anything that's a lot of action with good story.

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
The ammount of games I buy has dramaticly gone down in the past few years. When I was too young to buy games I spent years and of my life living on a small handful of SNES games my brother owned. Needless to say spending every waking hour on them I got to know them like the back of my hand and got really good at them, I enjoyed that feeling of superiority, putting in serious time and tearing through it like a badass. It's the same feeling I get from DMC4 now being able to IR all of Nero's moves like it's a second nature, thats gaming only true "achievement".

Maybe thats what it is for me, CoD, fallout, red dead, fable2+3, mass effect. It feels like I am ignoring so many games I would probably enjoy but refuse to buy them because for now I have what I have and would rather savor the games I waited for instead of keep buying new ones for the sake of it because then I probably would give up on a lot of them half way. 9/10 I am happy to screw around on DMC4 or Bayonetta whenever the urge strikes me because it feels like everytime I screw around I get a little better without realising it and that keeps me from getting bored of them.

In short: I always finish my games because I have always only ever bought what I really wanted/waited for. I very rarely even bother playing games I don't have a real dedication to from the get go. (I am borrowing fallout 3 from a friend atm...I got bored and turned it off after about 20 minutes because my heart wasn't really in it)

And about the difficulty I think gaming is a bit of a mixed bag these days but a lot of them have trouble finding that line between too easy and too hard. They are either trying to cater to the casual or the mega hardcore.


Oldschool DMC fan
I have many games I haven't yet finished, I always seem to go back to playing the ones I love over the ones I've bought and not finished. Sometimes it's just lack of time to play games, or dedicate whole weekends to them like I used to, and sometimes I buy a game and it's not what I expected and lose interest. Occasionally a game will come along and I'll fall in complete love with it, and then it'll be added to my list of overplayed loved ones.

Personally I think games are MUCH easier now and far more forgiving than when I was playing them as a teenager. Back then there were no memory cards, and you had to either hack the game or just leave it running if you wanted a break, because many were directly ripped from arcade versions. A lot of them I never completed as well, despite loving some of them to death. I remember old dungeon-type games as well that never came with any maps or cheats.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Osaka;301684 said:
That's hell bullets type games, isn't it? What does Shmup mean? Where does it originate from?

Bullet Hell games are a subgenre, but it can really mean any arcade style shooter, like Gradius or Xexex.

Shmup is merely a contraction of the phrase "Shoot 'em up".


Nein, not ze puppies!
Games that I have dropped are because they lose my interest quite easily. They do not have a good enough storyline, character development or they just plain lack everything. I like a good detailed game that is fun, even if it is simple but at least has enough details to keep me interested.


Don't trust people
I finish my video games. At least those I heavily anticipate and want. Those I randomly pick up can be a disappointment and some has been pushed aside. One of them: Lost Odyssey.

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Personally, I would make sure I can finish games as much as I can, even though the game is bad, except for really bad and boring games. I have completed around 30 games for PSX, 40 games for PS2, 17 games for Xbox 360 and 22 games for PS3.

I have dropped and not finished:

1. Star Ocean: The Last Hope - Extremely bad voice acting.
2. Grandia Xtreme - Boring RPG game, and not really fun to play.
3. Viewtiful Joe - Fun at first, but gets boring later on.
4. Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days - Extremely bad game.
5. Kane and Lynch: Dead Men - Extremely bad game.
6. Nier - Extremely poor and boring gameplay.

Most of the time, I won't finish a game if the game has bad storyline, bad voice acting or bad gameplay.


Chaos Master;301710 said:
3. Viewtiful Joe - Fun at first, but gets boring later on.

Really? I really enjoyed it, but the second one was a bit of a let down imo.

6. Nier - Extremely poor and boring gameplay.

I was going to take a look at this but maybe I'll try renting it first...

@ Storm: Ah I see! Thanks.


Devilicious Devi
Whenever a game of my interest comes out - i look forward to getting it. And when i do - i can tell by the first 10 minutes of the game if it`s worth it or not.

I`ve got and finished almost all of my games that i currently own. However there are certain ones that hadn`t got the honor of being finished.
A small list here:
* Silent Hill 2 Directors Cut - This game, when i first got it, it was too taxing for my machine, infact so bad, that i couldn`t stand playing it. About 4 years ago i installed it on my new rig (at that time), and i almost finished it, all that was left was to reach my dead wife. And zzzt/fizzle/kaboom my HDD died. Haven`t played the game since.
* The Witcher EE - This game had a similar problem like SH2DC, my "new" rig wasn`t up to the task. So after i got to the 1st Chapter i dropped the game. Now i`m playing it though...
* TOCA 2 - I`m not a real fan of racing sims, at least so i learnt after playing TOCA. After a few races i uninstalled the game and have never played it again.
* Beyond Divinity - Game of my most favorite franchises. Unfortunetly, this game proved to be so messed up, so little RPG, that i can`t stand the sight of it. Dropped.
* NFSHP2010 - Bullox game
* Darksiders - the controls ****ed me off..
* POP: The Forgotten Sands - the gameplay started to become quite repetetive and boring, so i dropped it.
* Assasins Creed - (The first game) Gameplay bacame.. erm, copy/paste the above.
* Alpha Protocol - Unlike the rest of the game, the last mission was soo difficult...
And there are more games than that. I guess it`d be easyer to say what i`ve finished... lol

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
I tend to drop very few games, but there are a couple on my list.

Killzone 2: See: God awful controls.

Penumbra Overture: Because it scared the crap out of me, yet I'm still playing Amnesia...

Starcraft 2: My GOD the campaign was boring as hell.

The Witcher: Sorely did not live up to the hype it was given and felt like a remarkably stale excuse for an RPG.

Prince of Persia 2008: I do not need to explain this.

Kane & Lynch 2: AAAARGH.


Ahh, abondoning games.
Well in all honestly, up until quite recently I was very bad for this as I tennded to drop around half the games I bought.
Heres a few examples:

Just Cause Two - Too damn big. (not the best of reasons but theres such a thing as TOO big)

Nier - It Sucked - Period.

AC for answer - thought I'd try this type of game out, looked fun. I was wrong.

Ninety-Nine Nights - Although I love ploughing through hundreds of enemies, everything gets boring after a while when it's just the same thing stretched out to make a game.

TC's RainbowSix Vegas - Usually I like this sort of game but the controls were horrible and the vast majority of enemies seem to blend in with there surroundings too well. Camo only goes tso far.

Resonance Of Fate - The difficulty curve on this is so steep it loops back around to slap you in the face.

Army Of Two - I don't need a reason for this one.

Lego Indiana Jones - Well I actually just forgot about this one altogether, Should really go back to finish it. Next Lifetime.

The Last Remnant - Liked the story, The characters, The voices, Setting. So pretty much everything exept the new approch to turn based combat. Good attempt, but you's failed. Badly

X-Blades - Bought this only cause the poster I got free in a magazine of the game looked cool. The game however was crap.

Burnout Paridise - Like every other burnout game before this it barly lasts me eight hours as I usually just do my own thing then try the missions, then trade it in after the 3rd one.

GTA IV - Such a hyped up game but it was so dark and gloomy. Not to mention the main characters voice was annoying as hell (as well as 90% of the cast). I did however love going through the windscreen of my vehicle as I crached, dunno why?

Halo 3 - Going to get raged at by fanboys here but seriously, whats all the commotion over this franchise, I do this on the normall difficulty, empty two clips into some "Normal" enemy and it doesn't die. WTF?

Magna Carta Two - I actually lost this, still trying to find it as I speak.

Enchanted Arms - Bought it from HMV, went home, played it for (No Joke) two mins, went back to HMV, got Mercs 2 instead. It's that bad.

Fracture - On sale for £5. Why not give it a try? Believe me, not worth more than £5. Actually lucky if it is worth £5.

I probably have lots more, but thats all I can remember right now.


CloudStryker;301739 said:
Resonance Of Fate - The difficulty curve on this is so steep it loops back around to slap you in the face.

Not to mention the fact that there really isn't that much to the game. I got right up to the last chapter and due to the fact that my exp was rising so damn slow (even with trainer bracelets on and swapping guns and stuff around) I gave up when I kept getting my ass kicked. Also gave up connecting the terminals.

The Last Remnant - Liked the story, The characters, The voices, Setting. So pretty much everything exept the new approch to turn based combat. Good attempt, but you's failed. Badly.
Another game I've put down recently. Agree with you about everything there.

GTA IV - Such a hyped up game but it was so dark and gloomy. Not to mention the main characters voice was annoying as hell (as well as 90% of the cast). I did however love going through the windscreen of my vehicle as I crached, dunno why?
Did drop it but have recently picked it up to do some side quests.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Umm, well... i've got games everywhere and just can't stop buying them.
I think i've got about 115 ps2 games and i can definitely say less than 1/4 of them are completed.
I find that if i get stuck on a game, i really do intend to enjoy it less then think, 'f**k that.'

I can tell you what game I HAVE finished which would be, pokemon red, blue etc. The Devil May Cry's, Legacy of Kain's (except for Blood omen and BO2) Fable 2 and 3, Lego Star Wars 1 and 2, Bayonetta and few tekken's.
There are more, but like i said, there are so many i just haven't got a clue.


This partys getting crazy
The one thats always played on my mind is Castlevania for the N64 i could never get past the beginning, i used to think i just wanted good enough but in reality i think it was just a bit broken, its always bugged me that i had to stop cause i found it too hard...i will beat it one day (i wish)


I had two games with the first ever console I had (Master System 2), one being Sonic, which I beat easy, and the other was the built-in game Alex Kidd in Miracle World. I always got stuck at the same place in the game after paying it for hours and gave up in the end. I'd like to think that one day I'll get round to playing it again and finish it once and for all (you know, like before I die lol.)
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