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Finally played and through!

Dante Redgrave

Son of Sparda
So I finally got play my DMC4 after almost a year of waiting to get my ps3, just finished today. As my first post in a long while, I thought I'd share my rather late thoughts on it.

Proud Souls. I'm not a fan of this new skill up system, an d don't understand why they added a second skill pay set of souls after the Red Souls system worked just fine for three game. It's also horribly broken, where you actually earn MORE proud souls by saving, exiting the level, then going back in.

The dice game; I could do without it, especially during the last stairway to Sanctus in mission 19. I was highly amused for Dante to slice that suck in half, though, and give it the "you have got to be kidding me" look.

The Devil Bringer. Okay, far and away one of my FAVORITE new aspects of the game. Allows for some handy dodges in tight spots, adds a whole new dimension to the fighting, and to top it off...It EATS demons. What worse way to go for a demon than to be eaten and assimilated by Nero's arm?!

Plot. For those that whined about Dante not getting enough focus...seriously, the whole love story would not have played out as well with HIM instead of Nero. He's the James Bond "new lady a week" kind'a guy, a straight out "love of his life" would never work for him. It had some weak moments, like not explaining outright at all Nero, the Bringer, or the Order beyond that they worshiped Sparda, and Sanctus went power hungry. As well, you're left spotty on what other reasons Dante has for having hit Fortuna, besides recovering the Sparda and taking back Yamato.

Nero. Okay, speaking of Yamato...at this point, I am more convinced than ever that Nero is NOT some incarnation of Vergil, and here's a very big reason why. Take a really good look at Yamato whenever Nero uses it. Yes, his devil aura is blue...but when he's channeling his own power through the Yamato...it glows PURPLE. The fact that the Devil Aura also mimics all his actions instead of controlling him is a big indicator that it's actually a projection of himself, not of some demonic energy that's being hosted by him. Not only that, but the "smoke" light that comes off the Bringer when he's channeling a lot of power through it, is purple. Not blue, not reddish...purple. Take into account that even Sanctus says he has inherited Sparda's power, that the blood of Sparda runs in his veins, and calls him a "descendant of Sparda" all hints that Nero is descended from Sparda's bloodline, if not in fact a reincarnation of Sparda himself. The fact that he speaks so passionately on why Sparda betrayed hell, why Sanctus can never claim Sparda's power, is more than someone who merely followed his creed would do. Then there's the point that his relationship with Kyrie seems to sort of mirror what I can imagine the meeting and love life of Sparda and Eva was like.

Controls. The return of DMC3s fully customizable control scheme. Ah, never fix something if you just fixed it. ^_^ Camera got a little wonky at times, but not too bad. To top it off, the Exceed System was an awesome addition, especially when you learn to time it just right.

Sound. I was happy that many of the classic effects returned, and the music, as always, top-notch, especially the climatic showdown version of "Shall Never Surrender".

Overall, very fun game, and I didn't mind the repetition of the bosses, being it's Capcom, repeating bosses is their action game trademark. It was a bit off going from Nero, who can pound the living crap out of the bosses with a buster, to Dante, who has to get right up there on FOOT to slice and dice, but, it keeps you on your toes. I agree some more Dante levels would have been nice, and I'm not too happy that you can't got back through the Nero game with Dante, but with the Devil Bringer focus of those versions of the stages, I should not be surprised.


|Photoshop Guru|
Sometimes I get stuck in those stupid dice games for hours. The roll of the dice just keeps me going in circles. I could definitely do without those as well.


Devilicious Devi
The dice games are a hellova fun =D
First time with Nero, right before the location where you get Yamato was a bit boring, but then the 19thh stage.. hohoho, i found a new wa of gaining orbs and proud souls, by just being stuck in there for hours. Especially on LDK mode. Besides you need reflexes to get through it, you can do the stage in about 5-10 minutes =)
Dantes levels were hard at first, until i learned all the Styles at lvl 4, aswell as Pandora. With my favorite style - Swordmaster, i could do all bosses flat.
But still my favorite character from DMC 4 remains Nero. His DT sucks, Dantes is far better, but i still enjoy playing him more than Dante.
I disliked the repeating of the stages a bit though, especially Echidnas part.


Fearfully and wonderfully made
I had a quick skim through your review, but I'll be reading it fully when I have a little more time later on this evening. Good to hear you finally brought a PS3, by the way! I'm currently looking at PS3 bundles deal at the moment before I commit to buying. Can't decide whether to get a PS3 with Little Big Planet or an Iron Man / Incredible Hulk Blu-ray combo...
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