CloudStryker;237214 said:.
Damn you got some patientce, while we're on the titans challenges discussion is the thing that does the multicast one of the ones your stuck on. (I have absolutly no idea how to spell it's name)
aka958;237216 said:While we're talking patience, should I mention the 20 hour grind of Adamantoises to get Trapezohedrons? I've got one trapezohedron in 20 hours of adamantoise slaying!
CloudStryker;237228 said:Ohh, I need them.
Why not get a collectors catolouge and upgrade it, allows for increased rare-item drop rate.
So, adamantosies are the big things with the metal plates?
And gui's are BIGGER, how much of your screen do they take up?
CloudStryker;237237 said:Absolute loling. :lol:
I'm surprised you didn't just shout: YASSS or Thank F*CK
So the catolouges don't do much then?
aka958;237099 said:I meant without the death trick... My Vanille has been left to rot. She has not so high magic stat, and I consider it utilizing bugs... That is not funny.
Have you killed the two Rakjatjivas too?
meg127;237331 said:Well sorry, but that's what I used. Take it or leave it. And the way I see it is they gave you the Death spell, so use it.
meg127;237411 said:^ Weeeeell if you hate it then why don't you just stop? Take a break, play something else, and go back to it later if you want.
Annnnd! On a not related note, its time for Meghan's FFXIII Tip of the Day! Mission 64 is a real pain in the butt. He has 15 million HP and can heal. Nothing can hurt him while he's in recovery mode, right? WRONG. Lightning's Army of One ability does damage. Really handy dandy. So Lightning haters canHonestly though, it makes a difference.
aka958;237419 said:Attacus may be hard, but I heard Snow is useful in that battle. And the percentage in it's stagger bar still adds to your extra damage. So higher it up to 300% and keep it there with a good paradigm.
I gave it a break, I tried again today but it ain't funny. Can't find the good in it. FFXII had much more replay value than this.
meg127;237422 said:Um. I wasn't talking about Attacus. :|
And I finished this game a few weeks ago and I still think it's fun :lol: Sure, its starting to get kinda dull, but I figure I'll keep playing it until I'm bored, then put it on the shelf for a while. I'm holding on to this one, that's for sure. I've learned the hard way that trading in amazing games once you're bored with them is a bad idea.