..."Fans Protests" Facebook page...REALLY?

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Just read there post about vergil its even dumber. Its like facts mean nothing anymore lol just blind assumptions for a game they dont like.

Back in my day if a gamer didn't like a game they just ignored it >:
Man, those were the good ol' days.
And gamers weren't so bitchy like they are now. I understand completely with having criticisms for a game you want to be better, but majority of the people who are giving "constructive criticisms" to DmC don't like it at all and want it to fail.
The internet is a double edge sword because it has given people a place to speak their mind, but the bad part is...... people speak their mind.
I've said this many times a bud who hears me go on and on about DmC. The reason I got into this whole DmC "controversy" was because of how stupid I found it to be. Like honestly when I first saw the trailer and read the comments the first thing that came to mind was. Who gives a **** if his hair is black im pretty sure there's an explanation.

Then when I started to comment on the gametrailers/capcom cu site more and more I saw how angry and utterly stupid people got over this game. It came to the point that all people who hated DMC 4 came to defend it and call it the best action game ever.

For me its like this the best example I can use Metal gEar Rising. The game that alot of people say is the "true dmc" cause of platinum and 60fps. I am a huge MGS fan. So seeing a game where I play as the ninja characters was a refreshing and awesome thing. Suddenly after the first trailer the news of platinum took over and I instantly worried about the game. Not doubting it but just worried suddenly the trailer proved me right. Over the top, hyperspeed, quick time events, shoddy dialog, and just off the wall stuff. However I still had optimism for the game so a friend got me the ZoE hd collection which had the demo. I played it and whelp was again proven right. The games pushing of 60fps left the environment much to be desired. There physics made it to where the more you cut the laggier the game got. The combat was ho hum hack n slash combat (heavy and light attacks with no DMC like feel at all)and brought nothing new to the table. Which surprised me for a platinum game. The tacked on stealth segments, invisible walls, non skip-able radio contacts, pointless side weapons(for a demo ment to impress people) and easy counter system made this game seem so average I couldn't love it like I originally did. So after hearing and playing this I left it alone. I didn't goto anyone's twitter and cry, I didn't goto the forums and complain all day and say bring back the original or hand it to this or that. I stopped paying alot of my time and patience into the game. I dont HATE it at all im just left at the point to where its everything I expect for this game nothing more nothing less.

With the internet its brought many negatives to gamers because of well gamers and fans alike. Trying to be something they are not or trying to act/sound smart. With DmC its shown the world how immature the Devil May Cry fanbase is and how change in the gaming industry means controversy. Capcom has done so many spin offs and alt versions of there games and no one complained until it happened to DMC. DMC 4 showed the series getting stale and DmC showed something new yet the same to bring back the old and bring in the new. However optimism was thrown out the window when DmC wasent something every one wanted it to be.
I've said this many times a bud who hears me go on and on about DmC. The reason I got into this whole DmC "controversy" was because of how stupid I found it to be. Like honestly when I first saw the trailer and read the comments the first thing that came to mind was. Who gives a **** if his hair is black im pretty sure there's an explanation.

Then when I started to comment on the gametrailers/capcom cu site more and more I saw how angry and utterly stupid people got over this game. It came to the point that all people who hated DMC 4 came to defend it and call it the best action game ever.

For me its like this the best example I can use Metal gEar Rising. The game that alot of people say is the "true dmc" cause of platinum and 60fps. I am a huge MGS fan. So seeing a game where I play as the ninja characters was a refreshing and awesome thing. Suddenly after the first trailer the news of platinum took over and I instantly worried about the game. Not doubting it but just worried suddenly the trailer proved me right. Over the top, hyperspeed, quick time events, shoddy dialog, and just off the wall stuff. However I still had optimism for the game so a friend got me the ZoE hd collection which had the demo. I played it and whelp was again proven right. The games pushing of 60fps left the environment much to be desired. There physics made it to where the more you cut the laggier the game got. The combat was ho hum hack n slash combat (heavy and light attacks with no DMC like feel at all)and brought nothing new to the table. Which surprised me for a platinum game. The tacked on stealth segments, invisible walls, non skip-able radio contacts, pointless side weapons(for a demo ment to impress people) and easy counter system made this game seem so average I couldn't love it like I originally did. So after hearing and playing this I left it alone. I didn't goto anyone's twitter and cry, I didn't goto the forums and complain all day and say bring back the original or hand it to this or that. I stopped paying alot of my time and patience into the game. I dont HATE it at all im just left at the point to where its everything I expect for this game nothing more nothing less.

With the internet its brought many negatives to gamers because of well gamers and fans alike. Trying to be something they are not or trying to act/sound smart. With DmC its shown the world how immature the Devil May Cry fanbase is and how change in the gaming industry means controversy. Capcom has done so many spin offs and alt versions of there games and no one complained until it happened to DMC. DMC 4 showed the series getting stale and DmC showed something new yet the same to bring back the old and bring in the new. However optimism was thrown out the window when DmC wasent something every one wanted it to be.

I think ultimately this whole fan backlash has been pretty bad for the series as a whole. Ignoring if the game is awful or awesome, the fact that we has had 3 years of fan hate over Capcom daring to do something new just will reinforce Capcom and other developers that trying to do new things or daring to think outside the box is bad which is not what this industry needs to grow and be taken more seriously.

To me it was never a huge deal since I read a lot of comics and they do this ALL the time, rebooting and having alternate takes on established characters to make them not get so stale and boring.
you guys need to look deeper than just the game... this is the result of over population! its not a coincidence that hardly 1-2% of the people who dislike the game are actually rational individuals, Its Idiocracy all over again the world becomes more ignorant with each generation!!! *sarcasm(kinda)*
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you guys need to look deeper than just the game... this is the result of over population! its not a coincidence that hardly 1-2% of the people who dislike the game are actually rational individuals, Its Idiocracy all over again the world becomes more ignorant with each generation!!! *sarcasm(kinda)*

I hope you're sarcastic about the 1-2% thing. :/
Yea I got a lot of the MGR talk over at Shoryuken. Those people seem to act like Kamiya can do no wrong. Fact is, Rising is NOTHING like DMC...It's part Ninja Gaiden, part God of War, part slice everything into little pieces.

My favorite thing on the page was them bashing the DmC review that "Slasherjpc" put up (I'd urge you to go watch/subscribe...he's quality). Saying that he is kissing Ninja Theory's ass and is a tool, etc. The review was COMPLETELY UNBIASED. These people are absolute morons.
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Yea I got a lot of the MGR talk over at Shoryuken. Those people seem to act like Kamiya can do no wrong. Fact is, Rising is NOTHING like DMC...It's part Ninja Gaiden, part God of War, part slice everything into little pieces.

My favorite thing on the page was them bashing the DmC review that "Slasherjpc" put up (I'd urge you to go watch/subscribe...he's quality). Saying that he is kissing Ninja Theory's ass and is a tool, etc. The review was COMPLETELY UNBIASED. These people are absolute morons.
I just watched his review and even then he's still wrong on a few topic, BUT, is generally spot on. No puzzles, there are 3. The combat being too much I guess is akward for some but for everyone played DMC4 indepth, it's actually much less.
Now that I've completed the game I plan on doing my own review on it. This game has taken WAAAY to much crap from those that haven't even played it or are basing their opinions on the demo. I stated it before and now I know I'm right. Not enough enemies in the demo, but in the retail release, those areas of the game(on the easier difficulties) have more enemies so everyone who moaned about that is flat out wrong. There are problems with the game though, but I'll talk about that later. Combo time now
Yea I got a lot of the MGR talk over at Shoryuken. Those people seem to act like Kamiya can do no wrong. Fact is, Rising is NOTHING like DMC...It's part Ninja Gaiden, part God of War, part slice everything into little pieces.

My favorite thing on the page was them bashing the DmC review that "Slasherjpc" put up (I'd urge you to go watch/subscribe...he's quality). Saying that he is kissing Ninja Theory's ass and is a tool, etc. The review was COMPLETELY UNBIASED. These people are absolute morons.
I just now watched that review...that was awesome.
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