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Fallout Review


Well-known Member

Hallo en welkom op Torij 's Video Game beoordelingen. It's New Year's Eve, and what a crazy year it's been; we've had Final Fantasy, Katamari Damacy, Eternal Darkness, Spider-Man, Silent Hill, and Shadow of the Beast, and I thought what better way to cap off 2014 than a post-nuclear role playing game; the original Fallout.

If you're anything like me then chances are you were introduced to the series through Fallout 3. Well, Fallout 1 is a lot different. There's no first-person perspective in this game it's more of an overhead view like you'd find in a strategy game. Before you can do anything else you need to create your character.


I can't remember the last game that let me play as a Russian.

You have three preset characters to choose from that you can modify, or you can create a new one from scratch. The game starts off with the overseer of Vault 13 telling you that you need to find a control chip for their water petrifaction system unless you like the idea of dying from dehydration. Nobody knows where you can find the chip, but another vault is marked on your map to give you somewhere to go to begin your search.


He's dead, Jim.

Why does the Vault 13 uniforms look like they came from the Uncanny X-Men? Anyways, in order to do anything worth while you have to have a certain set of action points. You can be just trying to use a weapon only for it to tell you you don't have enough action points. The game starts you off with a handgun and a knife, and you can find more weapons and items by looting corpses. Like the skeleton laying next to you. Not like he needs it now.

There are these annoying rats that attack you while you're making your way out of the caves. They're not above stalking you either if you choose to just walk on by. Being an RPG it's only natural that you can still miss shooting a target even if you're standing in point blank range because **** logic. Even just walking around in this game is annoying. Best way to look at it is like moving pieces of a board game. You can only go so many steps before it's the other guy's turn.


They don't like it when you search the bookcase.

Your inventory usually consist of weapons, healing items, and anything else you can carry. Keep in mind that there is a weight limit, so there's only so much you can carry at any one time. What the hell is that bright red thing on the left supposed to be?


Looks like a dildo.

I love how people will give you **** if you enter a town with weapons “What the hell are you doing? You can't bring that in here!” I had several people commenting on it in Vault 13 before it occurred to me to holster the damn thing. Just like in real life if you run around with a weapon unholstered you're going to draw attention to yourself and get the cops on your ass.

You can always tell when you're talking to someone important because the screen will cut away to a closeup of the guy and they'll have a voice actor. Otherwise, the only thing you get are text screens one after another, but I don't find reading through them all as tedious as they were in Morrowind. One thing I do find annoying is that the NPC's text will move on to the next sentence before you even had the chance of finishing. Hello! Can you go back to the last line please? I wasn't done!

At any time you can just decide you want to shoot some poor random NPC for ****s and giggles. Of course if you do that anyone with a weapon will fight back and an entire town can turn on you. I got this just for choosing to help the mayor of Junktown. A bunch of goons attacked him in his own shop and they were having a fire fight right there in front of me. What was I supposed to do just stand there? For all I know they were going to kill him, but as soon the fight was over I couldn't talk to anybody, and people in the town kept attacking me. One woman I talked to ask if I could help with a dog and then punched me in the face. In the face! I didn't even get a chance to answer! As far as I can tell it's a glitch of some kind, but damn if I'm going to start the game over because of it.


Wanna play Blackjack?

Early on you meet an explorer named Ian who can join your party if you offer him one-hundred caps or his share of the loot. He's a handy partner in crime to have around since he's a lot stronger than you and take out enemies faster. Ian not the only one who can join your party either. There's a dog in Junktown you can get to join you if you know what to do.

Ian never seems to run out of action points. Come on, shoot the scorpion! “Not enough action points.” Ugh! How about opening this door? “Not enough action points.” What? I don't have enough action points to open a door!? It's a door! Just turn the knob and open it! Why does it look like I'm trying to open a safe? It's made of wood, it's honestly not that complicated! I could understand if it's a locked building, but it happens with every door you come across. The building is open to the public you shouldn't have to do that!

You can regain your action points by moving on the board, but that gets old fast. Imagine if in real life you couldn't enter into your house because you didn't have enough action points, and you had to walk around in circles on your front porch to get in. Not enough action points. Not enough ass points is what it should be called!


And what the **** are you going to do if I don't?

All joking aside, it's easy to see why Fallout is a cult classic. There's plenty to see and do, and you have your choice of being a good person, or a straight up asshole who just shoots things for ****s and giggles. If you enjoy RPGs and stories with post-apocalyptic settings then this game is for you.

Get it
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