Expanding the DMC territory.

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Woki Bakoki

Well-known Member
Dec 27, 2020
What's poppin' devil hunters.

Just wanna make a quick post about the community in general. The world of DMC is kinda quiet. Of course it isn't a AAA franchise or nothing and I think that's for the best. But I think it's a shame that not a lot of people are checking here daily or posting DMC content around the web. Of course there's plenty of DMC material around but it's mostly very old. There are a few exceptions like SSSmoke (Who you should absolutely check out if you haven't) for example but you get the point. The community is kinda quiet overall.

Maybe I'm totally wrong or just looking in the wrong places though so please point me in the right direction if that's the case. I heard there's a decent DMC following in China, and I've heard of some names but they don't bring up any results apart from maybe one brief combo done in DMC4 years ago. I love these games, and the genre overall (Besides Astral Chain, hate that one XD). I wish it was more active and more people wanted to share material like game play and whatnot. Again there's plenty of content out there I know. Just nothing recent. It's not a bustling community I don't think.

So idk, recommend it to a friend I suppose. Lets get more people playing these games or get more people active on websites like this :) It's lovely here, not many people enjoying it though. I wanna geek out about the old games but no ones playing them. That's all really. Have a good day yo.
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Devil May Cry has always been the type of series that prides itself on combat and gameplay, but isn't given the props to go with it. And that's perfectly fine.

Devil May Cry has existed for more than 20 years. Sure there have been issues here and there (DMC2, DMC4's change in direction, DmC, the long years of waiting for DMC5, change in chronological order, etc.) but through thick and thin, we're still here; happy with DMC5 and awaiting what comes next.
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Reactions: Woki Bakoki
I just hope DMC can keep moving forward with new stories, new cast of characters.... ANYTHING to bring love to the franchise.
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Reactions: Woki Bakoki


DMC is a niche title and that's where it belongs. People that want to play the series will find it and experience it for themselves, not have it proselytized to them. This isn't the JoJo fandom. Besides, what even counts as valid fan content and contribution to the community? Some people play these games when combo videos are the literal least thing they're interested in posting or creating. They might be shipping. Or fanarting. Or writing. Or creating an OC or a dozen. Or making an otome-style game. Or modding DMC5 to have co-op. Or figuring out what settings allow you to play the game on a smart fridge. Or modding the Doom Engine to create a "DMC but it's actually Persona" fangame.
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They need to reboot it really, only now, they would actually know where the story and style and characters and personalities is heading.

Make 3 the base of it, and mix it with 2 if that make any sense.. And to avoid controversies, keep it loyal to the original.

If first entry to reboot is done and out, branch franchise, make a spin-off out of it, outsource the franchise under Capcom's supervision.

That is all i can say.

I mean, Resident evil worked that way.
I think I'd take just about anything with the DMC title slapped on it. I would love that remake of DMC2 people are throwing around recently. A simple sixth entry, a sequel to DmC: Donte's Awakening. They all sound awesome. Personally I'd be most on board with a sequel to the re brand. That's my favorite game of all, but probably the least likely :( Sure it's overly edgy in places but the game play and... most of the music is to die for. In my stinky opinion.

But yeah that idea of a total reset with 3 as the base sounds awesome too. But the PS2 days are over and DMC's peak has certainly passed. It aint cool to be a dual pistol wielding anime dude no more. The kids want Fortnite XD So Capcom will likely not throw there best at whatever the next game will be and go all in on a masterpiece. Sadly they're still a business at the end of the day that can't run on fan service.

This last idea is a massive stretch but DMC could maybe make its identity crisis a selling point with a new set of characters or a new setting for each game. Or maybe keep DmC and DMC as two different things going at once (Of course a name change is certainly in order first because for real "DmC: Devil May Cry" is a stupid name. Think about it, unshortened it's "Devil May Cry: Devil May Cry". Fully shortened it's "DmC: DMC"). Give it a sort of Doctor Who or Jojo rule where the game gets a whole new coat of paint each time.

Idk, I'm rambling. This is just what I wanted from the forum XD Lemme see some more opinions. Thanks :)
Being a video game forum is hard because you often wait pretty long between entries.

There was an animated series announced a while back. It's produced by the same people who did the Castlevania series on Netflix. Maybe it would draw some more fans to the forums when it debuts?

We are probably going to another game so it's just a matter of time. It's probably a Nero centric which I'm not looking forward to. I rather a new cast pop up, disconnected from the Sparda family drama but I think that's unlikely.

I'm ok with another reboot but I don't think it's a viable option.

A remake of DMC1 and 2 by Platinum games would be cool.

I'm cool with a noncanon crossover. DMC x Darkstalkers would write itself. DMC vs NG could be a fun match up. DMC, Viewtiful Joe, Okami and Godhand all were made by Team Clover so a teamup would be cool.

A Lady/Trish/Lucia spinoff would be cool. If 5 hadn't mentioned 2 I would have remade 2 with Lady and Trish instead of Dante. It would kill two birds with one stone.
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Reactions: Woki Bakoki
DmC 2 would be cool to tie up loose ends, dmc2 remake with 4 and 5 combat system would be epic

6th main seri3s entry would be cool, but i don't like nero enough to be as invested if it's only him

Though I'd still play it
To me, a DmC2 without NT wouldn't be worth it.

I rather do another reboot or a spinoff instead.

Dc comics had the rights to publish a DMC comic back in 2010. It would be cool if we could get another.
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Unfortunately nt are no longer independent, but maybe it could be done if the game was put on gamepass day one

Or timed exclusive to xbox and pc potentially
I'd love to get a DMC 1 and 2 remake like how they've been remaking Resident Evil.

I'd also be happy with a DmC 2 but I don't see it ever happening.
Making remake of DMC 1 and 2 would be the best choice imo. Both of those could be used to fix the serie's plotholes and incoherences. DMC 3 doesn't really need a remake being an excellent classic and having an alright story, and a DMC 4 remake would be nice to properly establish Nero's background, Kyrie and Credo (but DMC 1 first).

Right now, making a DMC 6 seems like a bad idea unless it start on fresh ground with a new cast (which is unlikely to happen) or is used to set up the stage for a long arc while taking his time. My ideal scenario would be Dante and Vergil wandering into Hell, meeting demons that aren't trying to kill them, and start building their own base of operation in Hell. Nero would mostly witness how the human world reacts to demons being a thing and keeping an eye on new organisation rising up from that fact. Just add foreshadowing of a new big villain working in the shadow and have one of his ally be the antagonist, and make that he is forging some bonds with humans sorcerers, giving Nero a target too. The main goals of a game like this would be world building and foreshadowing, just take it slow and don't mess things up.
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It would be nice to introduce a new enemy for Nero in the next game. And who knows... we'd have a Giorno Giovanna joining in.

I do like a new organization since the Order tampering with/mastering demonic power. Possibly to create a new breed of humanity like Sparda's sons.
Instead of a remake for 1 and 2, you could always have Nero visit both locations. There's a new plot that he gets involved, new villians etc.
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A Sparda prequel seems a logical next step.
Best bet for DMC6 would Dante and Vergil versus Mundus in Hell itself. Bringing back Mundus is a way to go full circle for the franchise.

I'm also cool with Hungry Alien's suggestion of a new cast popping up.