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Evolution of Games [Discussion]


Well-known Member
Do you feel that games should constantly evolve?
Or, should they stick to tried and true methods of success?

Should the same be applied to developers?
Should they keep re-using characters and series' because they are a success?
Or should there be more *new* series' introduced to the world of Gaming?

Discuss ;)


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Keaton;268369 said:
Do you feel that games should constantly evolve?
Or, should they stick to tried and true methods of success?

Should the same be applied to developers?
Should they keep re-using characters and series' because they are a success?
Or should there be more *new* series' introduced to the world of Gaming?

Discuss ;)

Oh definitely, there should be an evolution in gaming. I would absolutely hate to play a game that was just like every other game.

In the past, games weren't about how great they looked. It was about the characters, and the feel that it gave you to play as them. And the feel to experience different characters, and new moves. Nowadays, when you get a game that has that little bit of something different in it, you will instantly like it. Whether it is that great or not is irrelevant.

What I enjoy most from developers is those who experiment. Yeah, they may shove out a few games that are crap in the process. But then when they eventually get it right, everyone will think 'Seriously, they produced this? The same guys that made all that other rubbish?'

So to conclude, ultimately and above all else, finally. Yes they do need to keep on evolving. Don't just use the same people, the same type of stories or the same moves. We want new and old, together.

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Keaton;268369 said:
Do you feel that games should constantly evolve?
Or, should they stick to tried and true methods of success?

Should the same be applied to developers?
Should they keep re-using characters and series' because they are a success?
Or should there be more *new* series' introduced to the world of Gaming?

Discuss ;)

In my opinion, games should evolve in terms of gameplay, story, etc. Having same games but with no innovation to the gameplay make fans bored playing of it.

Developers should constantly make innovative games to keep a series fresh. One example is Hideo Kojima.

Although I love reusing old characters, new characters should be introduced as well.

Good thread. :D


Well-known Member
I like both. If a game is good then there should be a sequel. However, sequel happy series aren't fun. The thing is though, is that whenever a game comes along with fresh ideas like Okami it doesn't sell well. Which doesn't encourage the developers to make more games like that. I like games to try new concepts, but sometimes its safer to go with what you know.


Don't trust people
A game, such as DMC should keep the same formula, with adding elements of each sequel to make it a good sequel of the game. Some people still expect far too much of a sequel, for it to be mindblowing and completely new, but then it wouldn't be a sequel to begin with.

Some games, should stay on it's course but adding new elements to keep the gameplay about the same but still new and refreshing.

Sometimes you want that old gameplay feeling in games, so it's good to make remakes of the old so they still are accessible when they get out of date.

When new games are made, they should be try to stick out of each others, not being the same all the time. Such as so so many of the First Person Shooters stays pretty much the same. Like Battlefield and Call of Duty.

That's my opinion in short. ^_^

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
The industry needs innovation, otherwise gaming becomes stagnant and incredibly boring, much like it is now.
However, the problem with innovation is that no big company is willing to risk the financial loss to generate a AAA title that brings something new to the table, they have the capital, but not the willingness to do it.
On the other hand, Indie developers have the willingness, but not the cash.

Evolution and innovation needs to happen in the industry, thing is, when innovation comes about and it becomes successful, everyone copy/pastes the idea until it becomes boring and stale again, I've always thought that huge companies like EA and Activision should adopt Indie subsidiaries, give them the money to work, but let them do things their way, that way, we get a hell of a lot of new material, evolution and innovation comes about and the media as a whole becomes a hell of a lot less stagnant.

We'd get a few new IPs out of the whole thing too, I mean...You look at the industry as of late, pretty much all the big, hyped up, AAA releases are all sequels, even looking at my game catalogue on my laptop, it's 90% games with some number tacked on the end and it's a little boring.

Reusing characters solely because they're successful is just lazy, take Mario for instance, look at that little bastard's games, there is very little in the way of innovation or evolution in the Mario games, and yet people still buy them, it's a sad state of affairs because eventually they'll screw up the entire thing until it needs to be taken out back, Old Yeller style and have it's brains blown out.

Which brings me to my final example, Sonic the god damn Hedgehog, you look at what happened there, a well known, well loved series reduced to...What? Crap, in short, just because they were scraping the bottom of the barrel for ideas.
Innovation is great, but so are new IPs, you can only bring so many new game designs and mechanics to one series before it begins to get stale, we need evolution and innovation not only in existing, established series', but we also need it in the development office in general, we need more companies to come forward and go "No, no more carbon copies of Generic-FPS-A/B/C, let's make something ENTIRELY different!"

/my two cents.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I would think games need to keep evolving. But if a game evolves too much, it will deviate from the formula that it started with. Or it could be like the Mega Man Classic series, where it's changed very little. (something I enjoy immensely, being the megafan that I am)

@Meg: I loved Okami. Every little bit of it. It reminded me of .hack for some strange reason.

Satsui no Hado

Games should evolve,as long as they keep their magic touch.Unlike the Sonic series and Crash Bandicoot series...who have evolved in terrible ways...

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
Falling back on cheap nostalgia is a BIG no no in my eyes. (Sonic 4, DKC Returns, Mario bros wii)

It has become like a craze for the developers of these games to give up on being told how much thier new games suck because they are 3D and are trying to keep up with current times. That they should go back to their "roots" problem is their "roots" are technology from over 20 years ago.
Once is enough and fine for a nostalgic thrill but do you think they are going to stop now that they have exited all these old fans?
Sonic, Contra, DKC and Mario were the first games I ever played in my life but the idea of just giving up and going back to 20 year old technology until they can think of something that works better just doesn't sit right with me. I think it's cheap and imaginative.
There are developers who are actually trying to make games look and feel as good as possible using new ideas and technology and putting a lot of time and work into them they don't deserve to be outsold by some half-assed nostalgia trap.
If you can't keep up, accept that your flogging a dead franchise and try something else. If Mario dies, he dies.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
So... In other words, I have bad taste in games because I liked Mega Man 10?

EDIT: Sorry, I read that wrong. >_<

HQQR - Solid

Honestly, I think that gaming companies shouldn't try to please the fans. Keeping things fresh is what makes games interesting, IMO, and entertaining. Although drastic changes AREN'T always necessary, adding new ideas and having entertaining story-lines are key in great games. Though even if all of these things are present, if the voice acting is terrible it can ruin it all.


Well-known Member
I think the industry is pretty healthy right now. Sure there's a lot of AAA games that don't do anything different, but there are also games like Bioshock. Also, with downloadable games indie developers are able to create and share original games. Just look at Flower and Limbo.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
meg127;268422 said:
But there are also games like Bioshock.

What's your point there? While I do love Bioshock 1 and 2, 2 felt ultimately unnecessary, only existing to capitalise on the success of the first.

Also, with downloadable games indie developers are able to create and share original games. Just look at Flower and Limbo.

Flower and Limbo are a step in the right direction, but honestly, the industry can't be called healthy when every AAA title being released these days is a sequel, we need more indie games like Flower and Limbo to exist, and at the same time, we need more big developers willing to take bigger risks, rather than just churn out the same carbon copy crap year after year.


Well-known Member
^ My point is that Bioshock (only referring to the first one) wasn't your typical shooter. It introduced new ideas with a well thought out plot and setting.

And the reason I say its healthy is because before no one was willing to take risks, but now with downloadable games more are willing. Maybe healthy wasn't the right word. Its getting better is my point.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
meg127;268425 said:
^ My point is that Bioshock (only referring to the first one) wasn't your typical shooter. It introduced new ideas with a well thought out plot and setting.

Ah, right, well I'll agree with you there.
The first Bioshock was easily one of my favourite games of the current generation, it was actually willing to try something new as you said, and for that, I appreciate it.

The second one...I'm less forgiving towards, because as I said, I felt as if it was just trying to capitalise on the success of the first.

And the reason I say its healthy is because before no one was willing to take risks, but now with downloadable games more are willing. Maybe healthy wasn't the right word. Its getting better is my point.

Getting better...Yes, I suppose I'll agree with you there to a certain point, though we won't truly start to see these effects until the big companies also have the stones to try something new and take a few risks.
Maybe, as I suggested, if big companies like EA, Activision and the like took Indie companies under their wing, established new divisions, gave them the money and told them to make a decent game, we'd see some real improvement in the industry.

Until then, I'm convinced that it'll remain a very stagnant media.


Well-known Member
There have been some original games here and there. Crush for PSP was a really great puzzle game no one cared about. ;_;
Enslaved looks pretty interesting, but we won't know for sure until its released. Hmm...Bioshock Infinite looks to bring new elements into the series which is good. And LittleBigPlanet is pretty original. :lol: Hmmm....:unsure: I can't think of any others off the top of my head. What I'm saying is that original games are popping up here and there there just needs to be more!

@Mr. Credo- I agree that big developers need to give the indie developers a chance. Just not Activision. Anything an indie guy makes they'll just beat into the ground.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Good point, Activision are evil, Bobby needs to die in a fire. >_<

Part of my reasoning for signing indie devs to multi-billion dollar companies is quite simple. Marketing.
Companies like EA can afford to splash millions on marketing their game alone, and STILL profit from it, that ability to pour so much money into marketing would be such a huge boon to indie developers in getting both their game, and their company name out there.


Well-known Member
Angelo Credo;268433 said:
Good point, Activision are evil, Bobby needs to die in a fire. >_<

Part of my reasoning for signing indie devs to multi-billion dollar companies is quite simple. Marketing.
Companies like EA can afford to splash millions on marketing their game alone, and STILL profit from it, that ability to pour so much money into marketing would be such a huge boon to indie developers in getting both their game, and their company name out there.

Exactly! Especially since some indie developers, like thatgamecompany have already made a name for themselves. If they made a full game I would be very interested.
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