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Sir Fretalot
In religion and ethics, evil refers to the morally or ethically objectionable behaviour or thought; behavior or thought which is hateful, cruel, excessively sexual, or violent, devoid of conscience. Evil is sometimes defined as the absence of a good which could and should be present.

In most cultures, evil is used to describe acts or thoughts which are contrary to an established religion, or which could bring about suffering and death — the opposite of good. wikipedia

usually evil is performed through the seven sins: sloth, gluttony, greed, jealousy, lust, wrath and pride. it is a negative act or thought. me


Lost Soul
Well evil although described in the bible as the act of a demon and of a sinner thought true in some aspects they really don't know anything about it. Sorry anyone who's a chritian not meant to offend. I describe pure evil as a spart of a person that has little emotion for humanity, souless in someways though not in others. Saying that can anyone here say thay aren't evil in someway? Everyone has the tendency to be evil it's what you choose to do with this knowledge that difines you for who you are. I did say it was going to be quite cold what I said. Maybe I shouldn't have posted this.

Itachi Uchiha

forget myself..
no no you should have and you did and you hit it right on the nose
do any of you know some one like that?

i do and i know him all to well

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
You only know your own opinion of evil and everyones differs, true evil is the darkest part of an individuals personality when it is brought out. You cant tell anyone what evil is as its merely a point of view and way of seeing things.
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