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ESSAY: Empowerment vs. Activism


Devil hunter in training
Where this thing with 'men are all predators and potential molesters' has come from?:ermm:
I don't know....I guess it's a case of a few men do some really horrible things, so other men are judged by the actions of a few sickos.

I was in a cafe two days ago, I heard two women talking about how a guy had tapped her on the shoulder and the women was worried he was going to rape her...it turned out he needed directions. The other woman responded that it was such a shame that all men have to be treated with mistrust.:/

I don't want to sound too full of me or something like this,but many people told me I'm quite beautiful and at first I didn't want to seem like I'm a just pretty face,because after all beauty fades and you remain with your soul and intellect.
I think there's a saying for that: beauty is not forever, but stupidity, bitterness and ignorace are.

Beauty is just something you receive,it's a gift and if someone has it doesn't mean they're stupid or mindless.Many women and men are attractive but they're also intellegent. Maybe they want to prove you can be good looking but also have a sharp mind.
However we have to agree such people are favorized a little bit more because looks help.
Exactly. If you're already intelligent, then being pretty as well is a bonus. People can't help being born attractive. It's no good bringing up stereotypes about how attractive people are vapid or blondes are dumb...sometimes I wonder if its either jelous people saying those things to feel better, or attractive people falling into the self fulfilling prophecy of hearing that attractive people are dumb, so they play up to it because it's a safe way to get along with others.
Let's face it, unintelligent people are not perceived as threatning in any way, neither are people labelled as unattractive; but a person who is both attractive and intelligent is a threat.....kinda sad really that people have to pretend to be stupid because of that.

I think if you look good and have intelligence, then use it to the full because that's what the world is like and it's not going to change anytime soon. Especially in university or job situations where you have almost identical applications with top grades, looking good for the interview really helps, along with having a sharp mind for the questions.

Besides, I don't think there are ugly people....just people with ugly minds. No matter how pretty you are, it's hard to cover up an ugly personality.

Dat Feminist....

[Kidding ofcourse.....]:p
Yep, it's all their fault. Grrrrr, darn feminists *shakes fist angrily*:p :lol:


Keyser Söze
Most of the feminists are just hilariously self-contradictory they oppose inequality by discriminating men its just so much fail.

Don't get the wrong idea though not every feminist is like that.


Devil hunter in training
Most of the feminists are just hilariously self-contradictory they oppose inequality by discriminating men its just so much fail.

Don't get the wrong idea though not every feminist is like that.
Yep, that's what some of them are like: promote women at the expense of men.

Sadly the weirdly militant ones give a bad name to other more well intentioned ones.


Maybe I'm too idealistic then...but I'd like to believe that people are hired based on capabilities and not how they look.

Not in South Africa, they're not.

Some people are just lucky to be attractive and intelligent.

Haaaahahahahahaahaha. Sorry that was epic funny. XD

You won't know until you give men a chance.

I've given them a chance, trust me this won't be the first time kindergarten has let a guy roam about. I'm not saying I'm not giving them a chance, but I don't like it or feel comfortable leaving my children in the care of a man I don't know from squat. My primary role as a parent is to protect my children. I'd be an idiot to ignore when my instincts go ballistic.

It's unfair to say a man working with children is a potential paedophile.
I don't see the difference between a man being a principal or being a carer of small children. A principal is still working with children, so by your reasoning, he would still have the opportunity to molest children...maybe even more opportunity considering how much influence a principal can have.

A principal is generally appointed over a school, primary or high. My point is that older children have a better understanding of what is right and what is wrong versus little ones who are just trying their wings outside the nest.

I know you're worried about children, but I've seen more cases of women molesting, beating and killing children in their care than men. There was a very bad case a few years back with a woman who worked at a nursery and started a porn business using the children, and got away with it for months. Then there are cases of mother killing their children, and cases where female teachers have raped underage boys. So don't tell me all women have this magical 'maternal instinct' when they are capable of doing something as sick as that.
The worst of it is, these women get away with it because they claim mental ilness, post natal depression, a divorce or drinking problem. If it was a man, he'd be locked up. It's not fair to have this double standard. A crime is a crime and should not be judged differently based on the gender of the perpetrator.
'kay, I ain't touchin' that ****.

To me, 'maternal instinct' is a myth. If that was real, all women would isntantly love their baby, there would be no cases of infanticide or toddlers being starved and beaten; there would be no women on internet forums or blogs saying they hate their baby, that they feel depressed and overwhelmed and that the baby was a mistake.
The idea of maternal instinct is just as damaging to women as it is to men.

Maternal instinct obviously takes time. Men who are single fathers have this 'maternal' instinct more so than others because they spend long hours and late nights seeing to the whim and need of their little ones. It's something that's created, not already existing. Mothers with newborns aren't maternal divas right off the bat. That's not how it works. You learn, and through your learning, you bond in a way with your baby that is and always will be different from any relationship they may have later in life. Generally women who are childhood educators who are mothers already have that instinct, they understand it, which is why they can do such a good job at caring for little kids. This versus childhood educators who don't have children of their own - you can tell the difference. It's a BIG difference. And this is just with women. If I feel ill at ease leaving my child with a woman who has no children of her own, it's ridiculous to expect that I'd be okay with some childless young dude hanging out with my kid.

Saying only women have maternal instinct pushes men away from being involved in their child's life. No wonder men don't want to interact with their children when there's this idea that only mothers truly know how to do it. Men need to be given a chance.
What appalls me is when a father goes to a baby group with his child, he's treated like a potential molestor. It's just wrong to treat a man like that, espeically if he wants to be involved with his childs life. I hear women complaining that men do nothing for their babies, then treat them like potential paedophiles when they do.
If it's going to be that attitude towards fathers who want to be involved, then mothers might as well throw the fathers out as soon as the baby is born just in case he turns out to be a molestor to other children or his own. Heck, you might as well just make a baby using a sperm bank if men are so useless and dangerous to babies and toddlers.

You're confusing my concerns about men teaching little children with fathers. There is a massive, MASSIVE fissure between these two. If it was a father who wanted to get into the early childhood field, I'd be more welcoming to it. There are constantly fathers dropping off and spending a couple of hours with their kids at the kindergarten and I LOVE watching them interact. If it were an actual father figure wanting to hang with the kids, I'm game. But they're picking this guy up from nowhere, who just happens to LOVE kids and who wants to get into the business. Do you see my side of things yet?

I don't know....you have one lot of people complaining men aren't men anymore because of the feminisation of education and call for more male teachers, while the other half brands all men as potential child molestors if they so much as express an interest in working with children.

That's because that is the world we live in. Some countries have less statistics of molestation than others. I know too many girls back home who have been molested and sexually abused by men. And these are guys that the parents trusted and knew. I highly doubt that you and I are going to find common ground on this subject. You're coming from a place where nothing in your life/family/country has given you much cause for concern. I'm coming from a place where my life and the lives of everyone around me has been stained from minor to full-out indecencies acted out by men.

You're right, children are manipulated, but women do that to them as well as men. The worst cases I have seen have been perpetrated by females because of the idea of 'maternal instinct'. People who hired them assume all women have this instinct, and as such, would never be molestors. Boy were they wrong....It's dangerous to assume all women know how to care for babies and toddlers. There are some sick women out there who get away with it because they are women and use this assumption that they have maternal instinct to their advantage. Because of that, you're left with devastated parents, feeling betrayed by the people they trusted their children to, and children who are going to be damaged, maybe for life.
So it's best not to assume that women know best, have maternal instinct, and will never molest children. You could be proven tragically wrong.

If you know how to read people and get a good grasp on their character, you wouldn't be proven wrong.

I can understand where you are coming from and you are not alone as many women I know balk at the idea of a man being involved with small kids' education. However I would respectfully disagree and put forward that children NEED male input from day one as the male role is an essential part of their development. If you go into any childcare facility where men are present you will see that the kids respond very well to male teachers/carers and for somr kids, it may be the only male role model they get to see. In society's growing trend for alternative lifestyles, kids are being expoaed to all sorts of parental models which may or may not be right. In a childcare or school settig, there is consistency and stability which may well otherwise be absent at home. Little boys need men at an early age to show them how to be men. Little girls need to learn how men should treat them and how to respond in turn. Both need to learn how to respect men.

For sure, I'm not against that ideal at all. What I am weary of is placing a male who has little experience with children in such a position. It's a demanding role, and a lot of fathers struggle to fill those shoes. How much more demanding would it be on someone who isn't a father himself? All I know about this guy is that he's studying early childhood education and he's going to be around kindy to learn 'on the job'. No experience is mentioned, nothing about him being a father or knowing what to expect.

As for maternal instinct, well I dont know. I had none as a single parent other than the understanding that this baby required her needs meeting. Maybe that was my maternal instinct, as underdeveloped as it was? I think it needs to be learnt to a degree as people just arent prepared for the enormity of reaponsibilty that comes with parenthood.

This is exactly what I mean. Maternal instinct is something learnt over time.

With regards to your own situation with the school wanting a guy hired, i think it may be worth voicing your concerns to the staff with the aim of having a conversation which would hopefully allay your fears and maybe even encourage you to give it a chamce. Im not saying you should drop your views at all - just maybe talk them over and see WHY they want a man employed there.

Yeah I recon that's on the to-do list for this week. :/

Long post is long.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Now don't get me wrong, feminists who work right are amazing. But every time I hear the word I think of that crazy-ass lady who wanted "national castration day" to be a real thing. I mean ****ing really? She wanted men to be castrated and if they do not comply with the event then they are to be killed or forcibly brought to the event's place of origin.

To the feminists who do things the RIGHT way, godspeed. But to those that think THIS kind of thing is the right path, well, there's a special circle of Hell just for you. And I don't even believe in that place!


Well-known Member
Now don't get me wrong, feminists who work right are amazing. But every time I hear the word I think of that crazy-ass lady who wanted "national castration day" to be a real thing. I mean ******* really? She wanted men to be castrated and if they do not comply with the event then they are to be killed or forcibly brought to the event's place of origin.

Holy F*ck, Is she for real????

I know some women are weird that way. I once saw a women who claimed she wanted to call it quits on her marriage cuz she jus found herself to be a lesbian. But was claiming she would not give custody of her child to husband and she would move in with her GF. Why does the father have to give up his child since mother wants to be a lesbian?????:/


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Holy F*ck, Is she for real????

I know some women are weird that way. I once saw a women who claimed she wanted to call it quits on her marriage cuz she jus found herself to be a lesbian. But was claiming she would not give custody of her child to husband and she would move in with her GF. Why does the father have to give up his child since mother wants to be a lesbian?????:/

Yes, she is for real. I really wish I was kidding. And I'm glad most people don't stoop that damn low, but really, she needs to GTFO the gene pool.

As for the lesbian lady... I heard about that, but I don't have an opinion on it. >_<


Devil hunter in training
But every time I hear the word I think of that crazy-ass lady who wanted "national castration day" to be a real thing. I mean ******* really? She wanted men to be castrated and if they do not comply with the event then they are to be killed or forcibly brought to the event's place of origin.
I think I found the entire page about that on the internet...that lady is one twisted screw. She seemed like she really got off on the idea of doing that to guys. That sort of thinking is just plain scary....why has this woman not been sectioned under the mental health act? Although, I am wondering why she only wants castration consiering how much she hates men....why not just round all guys up and shoot them instead....:/ Seems like the next logical step for a nutcase like her.
Worst of it is, there were comments agreeing with her.:blink:

Holy F*ck, Is she for real????

I know some women are weird that way. I once saw a women who claimed she wanted to call it quits on her marriage cuz she jus found herself to be a lesbian. But was claiming she would not give custody of her child to husband and she would move in with her GF. Why does the father have to give up his child since mother wants to be a lesbian?????:/

I've heard of things like that happening too. Apparently there are more lesbians...or more women feeling able to come out recently...and there are the women who tried to live hetero, but felt they lived a lie...I wish they'd figured out they were lesbian sooner because its got to really mess up the kid that their parents are not only separating, but that they're doing it because Mom has a girlfirend. It's as bad as when parents split because dad keeps having affairs...it really damages a child.

As for why the father has to give up his child even if the mother is responsible for the marriage breaking; it's because courts still think that women are the best ones to care for children, and use the maternal instinct and women are biologically wired to care for children excuse to get away with it. They really need to stop thinking like that and give custody to the father more.

Having said that, I know a boy who that happened to-- mother decided she was lesbian. I don't know the full details, but he's a well adjusted young man now. They split custody of him equally between the two parents, but he went to live with his mother and her partner because his dad was brining home girls young enough to be his daughter>_<


Devil hunter in training
Not to mention stupid. You'd literally be killing the human race if you did that.
Some people wouldn't think that was a bad idea:| Then there are the people clining to the idea of artifical sperm....because apparently that's all men are good for....sometimes I wonder what happened to these people to make them hate men so much.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Some people wouldn't think that was a bad idea:| Then there are the people clining to the idea of artifical sperm....because apparently that's all men are good for....sometimes I wonder what happened to these people to make them hate men so much.

Who knows? I wonder the same thing about misanthropes, even though I swear I'm turning into one...


Well-known Member
Hey guys, I don't mean to break up the discussion, but this is way off topic. :/
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