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Edit button broken?


Is not rat, is hamster
Hey guys

Is the edit button broken for any of you? Reason I'm asking is there has been a huge influx in the number of multiple posts going on (gaming reviews/copypasta articles excluded) and it is getting very tiresome having to trawl through threads merging posts which have been made within seconds of each other.

If there is a problem, can someone please post a screenshot of it here so I can show Steve and get it fixed? I recall Ieyasu mentioning that there was a problem when they tried to edit a post before so I need someone to replicate it as my edit function is just fine.

If there is no problem, please please please can we make use of it? I am so fed up of people being too lazy to edit their posts and then posting 3, 4, 5 times in a row. I understand that in the heat of conversation there may be things you miss out that you want to comment on instantly, but it won't kill you to quote and post either after someone else has posted or go back and edit your original message.

I don't want to start naming people or specific threads in question so please can you make the effort to NOT double or multiple post so that the staff don't have to waste their time editing your posts for you. If there is no issue with the function and people continue to not edit their posts, warnings and possibly even infractions will be given. It's not complicated - edit or wait a post before replying again.

Thank you.


Devil hunter in training
I noticed a few days ago that you can't edit doing it the regular way. You have to do it using Edit and then the advanced edit options. Regular edit just creates a blank screen.



Oldschool DMC fan
^ The edit box looks like this for me, empty, when you bring it up

But if you go to "more options" underneath, you can edit from there instead, it works normally. Found that out the other day, but for a while thought this was broken as it suddenly began to happen

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Yeah its been doing it for a while but as I use the old skin I thought it was just an issue with that as no-one had said anything to me. If you Edit it brings up a blank box and you have to go into more options to get message to show properly (as said above).


Oldschool DMC fan
I thought it was a skin problem too; I use XenGamer, started using the DmC one to see if it worked but it's been the same on both for at least a month (I'm not on enough to remember when it started, but I thought it was loading issues)


Is not rat, is hamster
Loopy and Ieyasu - are you both using the old skin? If so, are those using the newer one having the same issues?


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Just posting to see if I can edit...

EDIT: Yeah, it's working for me (I'm using the DmC Dante & Vergil theme)..


Is not rat, is hamster
So...spoke to Steve (albeit briefly as he is busy doing secret stuff behind the scenes) and he informs me that if you are using the old skin, certain functions will not operate correctly as it is not supported by the software.

Therefore, either switch skins or follow Ieyasu and Loopy's method of editing to avoid multiple posts:

1). Open edit box as normal.
2). Select "more options".
3). Edit your post from there.

As for issues with the new skin, I shall try and grab His Majesty's attention for a few minutes and see if there is something there that needs fixing. Thanks for the replies so far, guys :)


Is not rat, is hamster
The reason i double triple or quadruple post is because i'm very limited on text space as i'm using a PS3 browser & SDTV so it's very limited on text space.
Anything i post i used all of the text space available to me, or i'll post replying to something different.
When my posts are merged then i can't go back & edit because the limit will cut off anything over it's max.
I am not doing this on purpose.

You have mentioned your specific posting constraints before, so I am not actually including you in this :) I appreciate that when people are posting from something other than a PC/Laptop, space is tricky. I merge your posts only when someone has posted afterwards already - when you do the posts which talk about reviews or are quoting another source, again I will only merge once someone has responded.

But for those who do have the option of editing then obviously please do make the effort. If nothing else, you will look less like you are talking to yourself like a nutter ;)


Oldschool DMC fan
Loopy and Ieyasu - are you both using the old skin? If so, are those using the newer one having the same issues?
I was using Xen until 1 week ago, because of the issue... I've been using DmC since and it has the same problem. But you can use the "more options" on both successfully.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Man, it's been like this for me for a couple weeks and I thought it was just me... Should've said something about it sooner, I guess. >_<

I'm using the old forum design, but I don't think it works on the new one either.

EDIT: I'm using Firefox if that helps at all. Maybe we should all say which browser we're using to check if it's specific to a browser?


It's the exact same, it shows up empty...I thought I was the only one.
Let me test with this to see if it works!
EDIT: Still empty for me. Advanced edit works though!


Supporter 2014
It's the exact same, it shows up empty...I thought I was the only one.
I thought I was the only one, as well. I've been using the "more options" button to remedy that.


There's another problem, as well. Text occasionally disappears on my screen. I have to click the internet icon on my main desktop toolbar twice to make it reappear again.

That, or I just wait for a couple of seconds.

Also, I've been guilty of double-posting as well, sorry. I would respond to someone else's post and forget that I needed to copy or cut & paste to my original post that I wanted to edit in the first place.
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