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The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I went to see this film yesterday at the Cinema with my girlfriend, and instead of finding it scary (And due to our minds being so alike) We both actually found the film to be quite funny. Even though it's suppose to be a horror.

Well for those who have seen it. We found the bit where the guy who gets possessed starts dancing in the air, and then coughs up the dead kitten that she had killed to be funny :lol: And other parts of the film, with the old lady attacking her.


In Pasadena, California in 1969, a young Mexican couple rushes to the home of medium Shaun San Dena (Flor de Maria Chahua). Their son had stolen jewelry from a group of gypsies three days prior, and since then, has been complaining of seeing and hearing things not of this earth. San Dena tries to help the boy in a seance, but she and the boy's parents can only watch in horror as the boy is thrown from the balcony by an unseen force before being pulled into Hell by demonic hands.

Forty years later, Christine Brown (Alison Lohman), a loan officer at a local bank, hopes to be promoted to assistant manager over her conniving co-worker, Stu Rubin (Reggie Lee). Christine's boss, Mr. Jacks (David Paymer), advises her that she needs to demonstrate that she can make tough decisions when she needs to. That day, Mrs. Ganush (Lorna Raver), an elderly gypsy woman, asks for a third extension on her mortgage because she is struggling with economic problems due to an illness. To prove herself to Mr. Jacks, Christine, against her better judgment, denies Mrs. Ganush the extension. In desperation, Mrs. Ganush prostrates herself before Christine, begging and kissing the hem of her skirt. Christine panics and shoves the woman away, shaming her in public. As security guards escort Mrs. Ganush out, Mr. Jacks compliments Christine on how she handled the situation and implies that if she can close another big loan, the assistant manager position will be hers.

That night Christine is attacked in her car by Mrs. Ganush. After a violent struggle, Mrs. Ganush removes a button from Christine's jacket and uses it to place a curse on her. Mrs. Ganush disappears, leaving the cursed button with Christine. Later, Christine's boyfriend, college professor Clay Dalton (Justin Long), takes her to a coffee shop to comfort her. On the way home, they pass a fortune teller's store, and Christine insists they go in. There, they meet the fortune teller Rham Jas (Dileep Rao), who tells Christine that she has a dark spirit upon her.

Alone at home, Christine is attacked by the dark spirit, which appears as the silhouette of a goat's head. The spirit breaks some windows, cuts the power, and throws Christine across the room, causing minor injuries. Clay assumes that Mrs. Ganush followed them and attacked Christine again. However, when she insists that no one attacked her, they contact a psychologist. The psychologist says that victims of assault often relive past trauma, which seems to settle Christine. That night, Christine dreams that Mrs. Ganush attacks her in bed, and at work the next day, she has a violent nosebleed. Fleeing work, she tries to track down Mrs. Ganush at her granddaughter's home. There Christine learns that Mrs. Ganush died the previous night, and her granddaughter is in the process of holding a wake for her. Christine makes a scene by accidentally knocking over Mrs. Ganush's body, and her granddaughter tells her that she deserves what is coming for her.

Christine consults Rham Jas again, who tells her that the spirit haunting her is actually a demon called the Lamia, and that she is to be tormented by it for three days before being dragged to Hell to burn for eternity. Horrified by this revelation, Christine sacrifices her pet kitten in hopes that it will satisfy the Lamia. When the Lamia torments her during dinner with Clay's parents, Christine and Clay decide to pay $10,000 to enlist the help of the now elderly Shaun San Dena (Adriana Barraza). San Dena prepares a seance, the goal of which is to trap the Lamia in a live goat and kill it, which will destroy the Lamia. This plan backfires, however, when the Lamia assaults everyone in the room. San Dena manages to banish the Lamia from the seance, but dies in the process.

Rham Jas tells Christine that the Lamia will still return for her in just one more day unless she can find a way to stop it for good. He then tells her the only way to get rid of the curse is to give the cursed item to someone else as a gift, thereby cursing him or her. Christine seals the button from her jacket in an envelope and considers giving it to Stu, since his actions cheated them both out of the promotion, but she cannot bring herself to condemn someone else to Hell. She then decides to give the button to Mrs. Ganush. Rham Jas confirms the plan will work, damning the Gypsy woman's soul to Hell. Christine drives to the graveyard and digs up Mrs. Ganush's grave. In a torrential rainstorm, Christine jams the envelope in the old woman's mouth and leaves believing she has beaten the curse.

Christine meets Clay at Los Angeles Union Station, who is preparing to propose to her in marriage; they have plans to spend a relaxing weekend in Santa Barbara. Clay gives her the envelope with the button in it. She had dropped it in his car the night before and accidentally picked up a similar one, which contained a rare coin she had given to Clay earlier in the film. Horrified, Christine falls onto the tracks as a train barrels into the station. Just before she is struck, the ground beneath her opens and demonic arms pull her down into Hell. As the train roars through, Clay can only watch, frozen in terror as his girlfriend disappears under the stoned track. Tearful for the horrific sight that he has just witnessed, he has a brief glance at the button he is still holding in his hand before returning his attention back to the spot where Christine was dragged to her death, glancing down in horror.

So discuss what you thought of the film, if you have seen it. But don't come here and look if you haven't seen the film.

I would recommend anyone who likes a good little story to go and see this film.

8/10 for the film altogether :)


Devilicious Devi
Considering that the director of this movie, was the maker of Evil Dead series(which imo is one of the most, funniest horror movie series ever), i thought it should be quite amusing.


Well-known Member
The story sounds quite intresting tbh - thanks for posting it Ryan ^^
I'm not sure about Sacrificing the Kitten...I love Cats (and Dogs), and don't know if I could watch that lol But otherwise the whole "Gypsy Curse" thing does sound pretty fun - also love the whole ending irony. ^^


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Keaton;177078 said:
The story sounds quite intresting tbh - thanks for posting it Ryan ^^
I'm not sure about Sacrificing the Kitten...I love Cats (and Dogs), and don't know if I could watch that lol But otherwise the whole "Gypsy Curse" thing does sound pretty fun - also love the whole ending irony. ^^

You're very welcome Sir ^_^

Well we don't see her actually kill the kitten, and I know it's really harsh and everything. But they do try their best to make it less "awww, poor kitty"... Because when Christine goes to her BF's house (Clay) The black cat there hisses at Christine, and Clay says how odd it is because that cat hardly ever hisses at people. And because Christine is a cat person, because she has a kitten herself. And Christine says "I had a cat"... And Clay replies "You 'have' a cat... You mean you have a cat, right?"... As to which Christine just replies "I don't know. You know what cats are like, they come and go" :lol: The ending is good, but I have a question. You could argue at the end that Clay is watching Christine get hit by a train, or you could argue that he was actually seeing her be dragged into Hell. Personally me and my GF believe that he was looking at it from her point of view, yet you could still argue that he wasn't. So what are your views on that?

Me and my GF also came up with a few alternate endings for the film. For instance, and ending in which it switches points of view. We see it from her point, as she is screaming for Clay's help whilst being dragged down to Hell. And we also see at the same time from Clay's view, of Christine getting hit by the train and being splattered into tiny pieces.

Also we had one in which she goes to see Clay, and instead of showing her the envelope with the button in, he pulls out the case with the ring inside. Christine looks down to see the ring, in shock and excitement that Clay is about to propose. And then we just see the dirty fingernails of Mrs.Ganush tapping against the case, and when Christine looks up the old lady is there. And Christine backs away, beginning to beg for her life like the old lady said she would one day be begging her. But whilst moving back, she falls onto the tracks and gets pulled down to Hell, with Mrs.Ganush laughing or smiling.

I loved the film for its funny moments, it did mix very well also I thought (In agreement with Enigmatic Soldier and Kyoto) ^_^

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
In all honesty, it bored me to tears, I don't even know why.

These days I seem to have become numb to the sense of horror.


Well-known Member

She WAS hit by the train...but because Clay was now cursed he was seeing what was to come...kinda coincidental that there were two souls pulled into hell for the price of one.


New Member
Angelo Credo;177105 said:
In all honesty, it bored me to tears, I don't even know why.

These days I seem to have become numb to the sense of horror.

Too much Silent Hill anyone?;)


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Keaton;177106 said:

She WAS hit by the train...but because Clay was now cursed he was seeing what was to come...kinda coincidental that there were two souls pulled into hell for the price of one.

Oh Yes!, I like that very much so ;)

Me and my girlfriend did also discuss the possibility that Clay had also become cursed, but to be fair he did no wrong. And because she had been hit by the train, she had ended the curse for herself. So I could argue that the button, which lies in Clay's possession is no longer cursed. But even so, I believe he did definitely see her be dragged into Hell. Me and my girlfriend were thinking of them making a second based on Clay's experience with the Lamia through Christine, where he attempts to seek a way in opening a gateway to Hell in order to bring her soul back. Cue the horror, and the scare moments of possessed souls and demonic things and suspension; and you could have a sequel. Considering the story is pretty good, and the scare factor stuck to the same similar thing we were use to seeing in the first. But yes, maybe so Keaton ^_^
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