DUDE, DON'T USE THAT PIC AGAIN! >_< Bloody thing scared the life out of me; it being the first thing this thread shows me. :lol: Click on topic, FACED WITH FLAMING ANGRY GUY!I hope they keep with their established tone when it comes to treating their paying customers like enemies and end the DLC with Vergil angrily flipping us off while he falls into darkness. It could be like this:
Only nowhere near as badass.
Aw, you're using my gif...I love you bro.I found the Gif here, and liked the quotes.
oh look, your sig has bayonetta in it, a game made by hideki kamiya, who has cursed out his fanbase on way more occasions than NT has, but i'll let you bask in your narcissistic pseudo intellectual little, (and i mean very little) world -_-
DUDE, DON'T USE THAT PIC AGAIN! >_< Bloody thing scared the life out of me; it being the first thing this thread shows me. :lol: Click on topic, FACED WITH FLAMING ANGRY GUY!
It would be great to have some more nuanced character development, and the premise of the DLC definitely offers a chance for some creative story telling. I swear to God though, if I have to put up with Vergil having a constant internal monologue narrating everything in deadpan, I will kill again.Anf, back to topic. I hope the ending will just conclude everything in the DLC. Also I hope we gind out more about Vergil in this. He really needed some more character building, even if we can read between the lines of what he said, what went unsaid (subtle actions and gestures) as well as his big defining actions.
I hope they'll give him another character to bounce dialogue off or have some kind of interaction with, but that doesn't seem likely.>_< I don't think I'll mind Vergil doing narrating, but I hope it won't be really long chunks of dialogue and exposition that go on forever. That would be my only problem with that.It would be great to have some more nuanced character development, and the premise of the DLC definitely offers a chance for some creative story telling. I swear to God though, if I have to put up with Vergil having a constant internal monologue narrating everything in deadpan, I will kill again.
I hope they'll give him another character to bounce dialogue off or have some kind of interaction with, but that doesn't seem likely.>_< I don't think I'll mind Vergil doing narrating, but I hope it won't be really long chunks of dialogue and exposition that go on forever. That would be my only problem with that.
Oh, yeah, and the unseen things. But, I mean, if they have to go that route, I don't want a load of exposition.The thing is, you don't necessarily need narration to convey a characters intentions, motives and thoughts; a characters actions and body language can convey so much just through a little bit of good artistic design.
Consider Shadow of the Colossus, a game with barely a handful of spoken dialogue and a simple storyline which conveys a devastatingly powerful story without need for lengthy exposition.
The solitary adventures of a man on the brink can be hugely evocative.
At least he never loads the games he makes with insults as well. Of course if he did that he'd be a massive financial success, like Mr Antonaides.
I don't know, I can find plenty of things in Bayonetta that were pretty insulting to the players...
plus the fact that Kamiya goes out of his way to be degradingly insulting to his fans, and yet they act like he's shat on them with gold and diamonds. At least Tameem was a reactionary, Kamiya just throws insults at people on a sheer whim, proving he's a condencending douche.
Also, the f**king wig was not meant as an insult, it was a little poking fun at the fact that Dante WAS GOING TO BE WHITE HAIRED BY THE END. IRONIC FORESHADOWING.
Macabre youre one to be respected....
Yeah,You can't judge a game with no ending. can you?I really don't deserve it. Mr Antonaides has somehow managed to convince shareholders to give him millions of pounds repeatedly despite his behaviour and quality of work. Compared to that feat I'm nothing.
I do plan on renting the game again for Vergil's Downfall so I can give it a fair hearing, and I hope that others who agree with me will do the same.
and its no surprise that its DLC tooYeah,You can't judge a game with no ending. can you?
Yeah,You can't judge a game with no ending. can you?
Well,seeing as capcom DID say the events of vurgle's downfall take place AFTER the events of DmC.That's really not a fair complaint. The game effectively ends when Mundas is defeated. The fact that the denouement is a bit flat doesn't change that. It's not nearly as bad as Halo 2, where the plot just stops.
If I should be interested in the ending (Which I probably wont be),then it does make me.It's not really making you I mean it was kinda obvious the game was focused on Dante the game ended with Mundus dead though I heard he is still alive and Dante getting his white hair and everything. Vergil's downfall is just a DLC for Vergil fans and people who would like to know what happened to him and get to know him better and possibly give you hints for a sequel
Well,seeing as capcom DID say the events of vurgle's downfall take place AFTER the events of DmC.
I'd say they're making you BUY the real ending. is that a fair complaint then?