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Do you think Credo would've made a better main antagonist than Sanctus?

Devils Never Cry

Devil Hunter
I'm playing DMC4 again and replaying the Credo boss fight because it's so much fun (my second favorite boss fight in the series). Though I came to the realization that Credo had a lot of potential that ended up being wasted. When I first played DMC4 I had hoped Nero and Credo's relationship would be more fleshed out, but he was just tossed aside after the first half of the game. This made way for the (in my opinion) less interesting antagonists Agnus and Sanctus. Their boss fights are more annoying than fun I think.

So, what if Credo had more of a rival role and ended up betraying everyone after the first half of the game? The first fight against Sanctus would be the only one (maybe Credo kills him after?) and a "Diabolica" version of Angelo Credo would be the final boss instead.

What do you guys think? I think DMC4 would've been a little better if it turned out this way to be honest.


Hot-blooded God of Guns
I dunno. Credo would have to have been developed much more in Sanctus' place, but it might have been more interesting that way.

If Sanctus' revival had been hidden from Credo, it would have made for a much more interesting dynamic of Credo steadfastly adhering to the Order's ideals while Nero slowly becomes more and more disenfranchised with it.

Agnus would push for more research and push Credo into accepting the d-d-d-d-demonic power they were using (what turns him into Angelo Credo), and make Credo's "fall" and battle with Nero more dramatic and entertaining. Credo would be doing all these things in Sanctus' memory, and in the end find the demon pope alive and well, only to end up being killed by him like he was. Agnus could still be a boss somewhere in there, and Sanctus could actually be built up into more of a scheming villain by seeing how he manipulates Credo via the man's devotion to a dead leader and his plans.

I sorta wonder if some of what jiggers DMC4's story up is that most things that Nero encounters get a chance to run away, simply because they need to have something for Dante to fight.
Here's a random idea. Have, after Credo was killed, his body be used as a new vessel for Sanctus. As Credo had already undergone the Ascension Ceremony, he would be quite a powerful body. Sanctus, being an old man, seems as though he would be a somewhat weaker container for Sparda's power. I would have had Credo's body disappear and have Sanctus transfer his mind and new power into the body of Credo, while still retaining Credo's memories. As Credo knows more about Nero than Sanctus, he could use these memories Credo has to further taunt Nero. Also, with the power of Sparda, he would have made for a very formidable final boss for Nero. Much harder than the Sanctus fight.
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