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Do you believe that Angels are exsisting ??


I think im sort of dimensional traveller lol
rst my ration. I have to be neutral in religion matters but I have to belive that servants of God are existing beetween us. In my life i have experienced of exist of my angel guardian. I began with sentence that i returned to remember when i sended to life. Higher will called that sended me powerful guardian with me. An everything happened quickly. When i fell sad I have to fell someone at my side who given me force to life and not to commit suicide. Then i have randomly seen real signs. First i founded in home sometimes silver hair fragments what have not belong to my mother and father. I thinked about stupid jokes but no one other my parents have acces to home behind me. I thinked about myself as freak. When have been time where he made solid contact with me. That happened In my mirror in one of hall in my flat. I have to cry as loner when i saw an person next to me smiling warmly. For me He have come in person abot 23 age but having ethereal look. With that silver hair he reesembled my fav. game character from DMC Dante. I have normally suprise for seeing that powerful angel at my side. From that I think I have help from God at my side. And about Yours.
Do you believe in Angels ??


Don't trust people
No, I don't. The images I've seen are just hallucinations made up to comfort me.

Yes, I bolded that part not to make anyone else jumping up and say "IT WASN'T A HALLUCINATION! IT WAS FUR REALZ!!!" towards me when clearly I have no idea of their experiences and I can't talk about it.

I should repeat it a third time to be secure, that is ME I'm talking about. What I've experienced, no one else. Okay? Everyone understands?


I think im sort of dimensional traveller lol
Maybe i have seeing unnatural things is my lonelines since i been freak in gymnasium and highschool period. Also I have really neutral religion beliefs beacuse God ended exist in my life after Im bullied by classmates in gymnasium. That changed my belief that everyone is now not good but sometimes evil.

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
No, I don't. I have had hallucinations, but that's all they were - hallucinations. Sure, they were the reason why I stuck out with everything I had been dealing with at the time (sexual, physical, emotional, mental abuse; parent problems; bullying; trying to come to terms with my sexuality; etc., etc.), but I don't think it was an angel, just a part of my self conscience that didn't want me to kill myself when I attempted suicide and that wanted me to stop cutting. Or it could have been the fact that a little part inside of me realized that I would put everyone through hell if I had gone through with suicide and kept cutting myself. But thinking it was an angel? Yeah, no. I may be crazy, but I'm not that crazy - I'm also Atheist, so I don't really believe in angels. But that's just me. Everyone's opinions differ.

TL;DR: Basically the first two sentences of Aka's post.

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
Yes and no I guess its kind of an agnostic view of angels. Unlike my mum who believes the real deal.

A story my mum loves telling people is when her mum was diagnosed with breast cancer and when she went with her for a follow up she pleaded with her angel to be with her mum and after the exam the doctor found that the cancer had somehow mysteriously dissapeared and he had no idea why and she is still going strong to this day.
I have experienced and been told about enough wierd situations where the person should have been done for but wasn't due to some freak occurrence to believe that they weren't all just simple chance that there was something more to it, what that is however I refuse to give a general label to.
I believe that there is some kind of mysterious presence that watches over us from time to time and we can communicate with but i don't believe that a big bearded God is sitting on a cloud sending down magic tiny flying women who have the power to protect us. I feel it is something a bit more otherworldly, something that the we will never be able to fully comprehend or understand.


Well-known Member
Yes I do. I'm a Christian, so of course I believe in angels. And to be honest you all should. Remember that admin named Angel? I rest my case. :lol:


Don't trust people
Meg;288368 said:
Yes I do. I'm a Christian, so of course I believe in angels. And to be honest you all should. Remember that admin named Angel? I rest my case. :lol:




I will never believe in them still. I'm Kristian, pleased to meet you Christian. *bows*


Oldschool DMC fan
I really don't know.

But I think their opposites definitely exist. Or else it was the most realistic nightmare I have ever had that left me frozen in a fear position till I woke up, and petrified of sleeping in my room for months after.


Well-known Member
aka958;288373 said:



I will never believe in them still. I'm Kristian, pleased to meet you Christian. *bows*

What about Angelo Credo? Corny joke of the day! XD


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I've had a guardian angel since I was five, so that firmly roots my belief that angels, and by extension demons, exist.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
It depends what we're viewing as Angels.

If we're talking floating up in Heaven with halos, I'm not so sure.

But if we're talking about people who act like Angels (Saints. Very good, honest people) Or people who defend and protect the ones they love (Like a Guardian Angel) then yeah, that makes sense to me. And I would say I do believe in Angels, if we're going with the second thing I mentioned.


Entertain me.
well... considering angel is more demonic than angelic, i'd say the idea of angels is more of a cruel joke.
sharon seems to have a nasty habit of ruining innocence...
she molested me...


Aya Brea
I believe in angels and higher beings, but my thoughts on them through religion is something I'll keep to myself. I'll just answer with a simple yes.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I second everything Darth Angelo, Meg and LoD said. I believe in the angels from the Bible (Gabriel & Michael) as beings that have been sent by God from the Heavens (you can call them aliens too, if you want, depending on whether you're religious or not)to deliver His message. I believe that God uses ordinary people like you and me to perform His will too, whether it is to help another person through a tough time or to save someone from potential death/harm, and so we too can be seen as angels at certain times of our lives (and if we are unaware of it, then it's all the better, seeing as your right hand must not be aware of what your left does eg. don't do something good and then expect praise for it). As for guardian angels, I'm not so sure. I don't necessarily agree with that belief that we are allocated one personal 'slave' of sorts. That's what 'familiars' are for, to offer their services and talents to the person who summons them. What I believe is that God is omnipresent - He sees all, hears all, feels all, knows all. He is everywhere, He never sleeps, and the Bible says that God will not abandon His people. So I've got God watching over me 24/7, I don't really see the need to believe I have a guardian angel. He is my guardian angel. Or, you know, the Entity that sits there facepalming at all the mistakes I make when it's oh so clear I should do the opposite of what I'm doing.

I believe in God, I believe there are angels, and I also believe there are negative entities. Where there is good, there is evil, and so everyone has the potential to be one or the other, it's a choice. You know like whether you really want to run that jerk over with your car and drive off or whether you really want to help that old lady pick up her packets. The side that is strongest in you will compell you to do what you feel you should.

Er...there was something else I wanted to add but I forgot what it was. >.< Yeah...eh...meh.

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
I believe in Angels and demons.

But i dont believe in the bearded god, i believe in a god that protects us so he has no needs of showing himself if he protects us aready.


Nein, not ze puppies!
Where there is light, there must be dark and vice versa. I'm Atheist, but that doesn't mean I don't believe in otherworldly beings. I just don't believe in 'one' mighty figure, I believe there are others. (Good and bad)
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