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Do people ever really grow up?


Well-known Member
I had to write a short story about a time when I was little. I picked when I met Buzz Lightyear in Disney World when I was (about) six. Its a cute story if I do say so myself.

Anyway, I was super excited and giddy about meeting my hero. I mean come on its Buzz Lightyear! Well then that got me thinking. The fact that I was acting like a kid on Christmas is because I was in fact a kid was not surprising. I liked to think as I got older I grew up some and actually act like an adult and for the most part I did except for a few times where I almost peed my pants. Let me explain.

When I was fifteen I went to my first concert. I saw Paramore who was my favorite band at the time. Like a lot of fifteen year old girls I worshipped the lead singer Hayley, so needless to say I was like this the whole time

Fortunately I don't care about Paramore any....well more and Hayley sucks, but that's a discussion for another day. Anyway,

So I get older some more and now I'm 19. I went and saw one of my favorite singer/songwriters Christina Perri (who thankfully I don't worship like I did Hayley
) ,live last summer and I was like this the whole time

As much as I try to think I'm older and more mature I can't deny that I still act like the six year old meeting Buzz Lightyear. So, do we ever truly grow up, or are well all still the kids we were when we were little?

Discuss! :D


Well-known Member
Its not so much that we never grow up its just that your never to old to have an obsession/ cult liking for something.
I am not obsessed with Christina Perri though! XD I just love her lovely music.

Now Lightning on the other hand....


This partys getting crazy
I think our values grow with age but our passions however are always the same and some people will always have a playful childlike manner.

The term "grown up" I feel is regarded in the wrong way by a lot of people. Someone can act immature and eccentric but when the pressure is on they can buckle down to defend the things they love in the most necessary way for the situation (like Goku ;)) then you can get the stereotypical "grown up" who is calm and for all intensive purposes boring, but when adult actions are truly needed these people can sometimes buckle under pressure and revert to a child like state. Just because someone acts mature does not mean they have grown up.

It might sound like I'm going on a bit of a tangent but what I mean by this is we may feel like we never really grow up but it's our experiences in life that mature us and make us stronger. Life experience is what makes you grow up, not our tastes or passions.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Yes and no. We grow up in terms of coming to accept harsh realities in life. Taking on responsibilities. Maturing, that sort of thing. But we don't grow up in the sense that there'll always be that inner-child within us that just wants to express itself. So yes and no, in my opinion.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
LOL, isn't the world funny? The people who try their best to act mature are often the ones who still have a lot of growing to do.
Which makes it really easy to spot the adults (and that's all I can really say because some adults keep their inner child gagged and chained somewhere beyond the reach of their subconscious, whereas others....)
Anyway. In answer to the thread title, no, people don't ever grow up. Everyone acts childish every once in a while or has a childish trait of some sort that they carry to their graves.
Being an adult is like being a big kid. We stop saying 'act your age!' because in the adult world, nobody really wants to be an adult.


Nein, not ze puppies!
Everyone has said pretty much everything I was thinking. Our passions for things will never die unless we let them die. I love dinosaurs, I always have since I was a kid. :D That stemmed my fondess for reptiles in general, I wish I could have a pet dragon or T-Rex to ride on. XD (And to munch on some not-so-cool-people...)


Well-known Member
Everyone has said pretty much everything I was thinking. Our passions for things will never die unless we let them die. I love dinosaurs, I always have since I was a kid. :D That stemmed my fondess for reptiles in general, I wish I could have a pet dragon or T-Rex to ride on. XD (And to munch on some not-so-cool-people...)
That sounds like an awesome idea! XD

What are some things you guys liked as kids and do you still like them now? :)


This partys getting crazy
Pretty much all the things I used to like when I was younger I still enjoy now, things like Pokemon, gaming and all round nerdy/geeky stuff although I used to be quite into Warhammer and I haven't done it for a long time. But I would prob take it up again should the right situation arise and the price dropped from £550 a model. ;)

But the funny thing is I used to hate DragonBall and DMC! XD


Enma Katana no Kami
i am 19 and still interested in 90% of the things i liked when i was around 7-8. and i have been a fan of anime my entire life. i have found new interests but i almost never lose interest in something i really like.

some people do grow-up, but some people just reject things that are "childish" and turn into immature jerks who are incapable of having fun or expressing deep emotions and claim to be grown-up and then there are the people who think fun means drugs, sex and extreme stupidity.


Entertain me.
You feel the way you do, Meg, but then you meet a 15 year old who worships things and realize that you really do express yourself in a less fanatical way than you used to. I used to baby-sit kids when I was 16 years old and about 6 months ago I realized that I really would need to learn how to all over again. In a sense everyone ends up feeling like a kid trapped in a grown-ups body, but then you have to realize that that's what being grown-up comes down to for everybody.

We'll stick with the concert example.
My first concert was the first rock band I ever came to love, Blink 182 (don't be judgin'). If I were to see them today sure I'd have fun and remember most of the songs I used to know word-for-word, but I wouldn't be sitting there thinking "HOLY **** THESE ARE THE GUYS I HEAR ON THE CDS THAT'S THEM ON STAGE RIGHT THERE"

Instead I'd be thinking "I hope I don't hurl on anybody. WHOOOOOO" or something along those lines.
If I were to go see a band I currently worship, it'd be closer to the reaction I had when I was younger but the trying-not-to-hurl would also take high priority. That would be a nasty thing to do to another human being, yo.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Honestly? People say I'm one of the more mature people out there, yet I find myself immature because I still watch cartoons, I laugh at the bad jokes, I don't ever want to "grow up". I live to entertain myself and others, and it makes me feel immature. But does it dishearten me? Nah. I'll never "grow up" in the true sense of the word. I can buckle down and act mature when the situation calls for it, but I'll always have my little-kid obsessions and I'll always have a little piece of my old self within me.


Follow me to Apex
Well this depends there is the rare growing sideways case and going in skyscrapers helps
bd jokes aside people always keep some kind of childish obsestion with them ex i freak out when i see games that i played when i was like 4 or 5
Crash games dino crisis Dmc till i totally conquered it

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I loved the Animaniacs as a kid. I still do, only now it's even more funny because I actually get the pun! XDDDD
And Beast Wars (ala Transformers-style), annnnnd.... TFG trilogy. That's about it. Not much else has stuck with me through these years. And Dante doesn't count since I'm pretty new in comparison to the long-life-fanbase he has.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Pssh, growing up is for suckers. You're only as old as you feel and I don't even pretend to be mature.

Hell, I don't act my age, I still have my idols and my passions, I still worship the ground Avenged Sevenfold walks on after about 5 or 6 years, I still freak out like a small girl when I see things that defined my childhood too.

Speaking of freaking like a small girl, I'm still scared of spiders, gosh, what a manly, grown up man I am, huh?

Also, just to top it off, I have a stuffed cuddly toy Makka Pakka from In The Night Garden.
(This thing, for reference: http://www.fexx.co.uk/zakblack/dungeon_files/makka_pakka.jpg)

Oh yeah, and my first gig was Lostprophets at Bournemouth back in late 06, I've been to see them again every single time they've played there since. So every year since then, and I've still been overcome with the same absolute glee that I felt all those years back.

So yeah, I have no intention of growing up, at all.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Just thinking... VeeBee sees something Vergil or Reaver... 5 year old child starts to scream inside... nope, I'm not growing up.

In fact, I admit, I still wish I was a kid. Being an adult sucks... responibility, debt... there's nothing great to being an adult.
I'm only a grown-up when i need to be.

Ember To Inferno

Eternal Rest
My father, whom is 41, still watches old Bugs Bunny cartoons. I turned 18 back in March and I refuse to quit watching reruns of Ed, Edd, n' Eddy and other classic cartoons. I shall forever stay in the mind set of a child. For whatever reason shall I begin to act like an automaton with no personality by "Growing up" is the day I lose my humanity. I am whatever age I wish myself to be!


Dante enthusiast!
I haven't really grown up, I like the same things I did a long time ago. Actually I'm really immature for my age. I recently bought a She Ra DVD - Princess of Power! And now I really want to meet Buzz Lightyear! :( I do, however have a picture of me with Stitch from Lilo and Stitch. :D
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