DMD Mode: need some tips

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Onkel Cannabia

Well-known Member
Sep 3, 2008
I just started playing on DMD Mode and need some help with it. I'm not looking for a challenge (that was SoS Mode), I just want to unlock Super Nero & Dante. Basically I'm looking for some tricks to make the game ea little easier. So my questions are the following:

1) Are there any moves that can be abused to do massive damage or to avoid combats all together (like Dantes DRI or using Neros charged shot 3 to avoid close combats (I used that to get past Berial easily ;))

2) What about the items? They keep getting more expensive, but is there a limit? Can I use them without having a bad conscious or will they get ridiculously expensive? (like small health costing 50.000 or sth).

Also what exactly does Holy Water do? How much damage does it do to bosses? Can you get Blitz with them easily?

3) Are there any other moves you can abuse to get past the bosses (like the shooting + buster tactic where they just keep grabbing Dante)

Right now I'm stuck at Mission 9. I keep getting killed by Blitz. I stay alive forever and keep shoting but sooner or later he just gets me.
ok well i can't help u with q:1,3
but i can help u with 2---you just play Human or Devil Hunter modes to get items a lot cheaper then in DMD mode and it helps too if u play the whole thing again so u can get more orbs but that's totally up to u
But Again u can use the Human mode to get the items cheaper...
1) Dante - get far away and use drive+overdrive (DT and charge it to lv 2 will add extra damage), pandora laser cannon can do the trick too. I just learned jump cancel can quickly dispose of certain minor demons as well. Nero - DT and use that lockon+melee+DB+back to use yamato to slash an X to send enemies flying miles away :D

2) there's a limit, just have to wait ^^ small vital star is 5000, M vital star is 10000, L vital star is 20000 (recommend stocking M); S devil star 15000, L devil star 20000 (recommend stocking L); holy water is 20000 I think... HW can damage anything, from bosses to scarecrows - about 1 bar in DMD mode for bosses. don't waste them on blitz though - you just need some skills to get blitz in a blitz ;)

3) kinda just like 1)

Blitz - be sure you are good at sideroll / table hopper. and charge your bluerose all the time. when that electric shell finally out, get close and DT - that deals some damage; then slash it up, then DB it; do some ground slashing, slash it up, DB again - you can probably do 3 of these in a roll. then it'll turn red. get away and prepare to sideroll / table hopper (charge blue rose as well). that's about it. ;)

good luck, oh, and welcome to the forum btw ^_^
Thanks for the tips. I beat Blitz and Agnus now. I tested HW on Agnus but it only did like 0.4 bars damage to him. Does it matter how close you are or if you DT when you use it?

But now I'm facing a much bigger problem. How the **** do you defeat Dante? Any tactical suggestions? I try to grab him in the air. But every now an then he uses the shotgun on me and if I get to close he uses that split move. Actually I have quite a few tactics against him, but none of the deal a lot of damage and it takes forever. That's actually my main problem. I can't do any real damage to him and can't evade his attacks forever. Sooner or later I just make a mistake.

Sometimes I can DT an use sword, sword, snatch, sword, sword, snatch, buster on him. But often enough he gets me first when I try that.

Also, how do you do that shoot, buster, shoot, buster, etc loop on him? I mean what's the exact timing. I can only do it a few times before he gets me.
Dante is not hard. You just have to be careful when he corners you, or you get in his line of fire. The Stinger is easily evaded with side-rolls. Once you roll, snatch him. The Ex-Gauge needs to be timed as well, in order to deal big damage to him.

If you find yourself in difficult situations, use the DT with Ex-Gauge, and Devil Snatch him while you can. You'll get some big chunks of health out of him.;)
BringerOfChaos;122024 said:
I hate people like you.

Always looking for the easy way out.


People here want some help, Bringer.

If you don't wanna help him out, don't say nothing at all.

Onkel! I hope you find our tips useful.^_^
Got him now. Thanks for the help. That should be it now. Besides Mission 19 (I can't for the live of me get Dagon stunned) everything else shouldn't be that hard. Dante was always the hardest for me.
Sanctus was a piece of cake.

As I stated in my first post "I'm not looking for a challenge (that was SoS Mode), I just want to unlock Super Nero & Dante."
Also, looking for the easy way out makes perfectly sense. Most ppl actually play games to have fun and not to prove to themselves how great they are at video games. Maybe you weren't that serious anyway. The internet is horrible at conveying emotions ;)
Onkel Cannabia;122060 said:
Got him now. Thanks for the help. That should be it now. Besides Mission 19 (I can't for the live of me get Dagon stunned) everything else shouldn't be that hard. Dante was always the hardest for me.
Sanctus was a piece of cake.

As I stated in my first post "I'm not looking for a challenge (that was SoS Mode), I just want to unlock Super Nero & Dante."
Also, looking for the easy way out makes perfectly sense. Most ppl actually play games to have fun and not to prove to themselves how great they are at video games. Maybe you weren't that serious anyway. The internet is horrible at conveying emotions ;)
Eh, I'm sorry.:$
hi im new here. i have already finished DMC3 in all modes. but now im a beginner at DMC4. i want to play as dante in the game, but i cant switch at mission 11 of devil hunter mode?? what shall i do so that i can use dante and not nero?? plsss help...asap.. thanks!!
synergyst;124509 said:
hi im new here. i have already finished DMC3 in all modes. but now im a beginner at DMC4. i want to play as dante in the game, but i cant switch at mission 11 of devil hunter mode?? what shall i do so that i can use dante and not nero?? plsss help...asap.. thanks!!

Nero has his own missions and Dante his own:P Continue to defeat the missions and if I remember correctly at Mission 13 or 14 you get to play as Dante.
Tony_Redgrave;124516 said:
Nero has his own missions and Dante his own:P Continue to defeat the missions and if I remember correctly at Mission 13 or 14 you get to play as Dante.

ohh...ok thanks :P but wait... can i use dante in other low level missions after passing mission 13 or 14??
synergyst;124521 said:
ohh...ok thanks :P but wait... can i use dante in other low level missions after passing mission 13 or 14??

Unfortunately no. We all did not like that, but that's how it is. The switch thing that you see before every mission is to switch between normal characters and characters with unlimited devil trigger. Those get unlocked when you defeat the game in Dante Must Die difficulty.
BringerOfChaos;122024 said:
I hate people like you.

Always looking for the easy way out.

Man the****up!

It's a game he's playing for goodness sake :rolleyes:

Use the charge shot 3 button as the left bumper and use devil trigger on X. That way you can charge your gun while fighting (makes things alot easier). Also practice on bloody palace and see how well you are on that (if you're pretty good you'll get plenty of red orbs/proud souls).
Basically, learn the best combos for the right enemies - also learn when to back out from a combo for whne you're against a group of demons or a boss.
Tony_Redgrave;124525 said:
Unfortunately no. We all did not like that, but that's how it is. The switch thing that you see before every mission is to switch between normal characters and characters with unlimited devil trigger. Those get unlocked when you defeat the game in Dante Must Die difficulty.

hey tonny, so you're saying that i cant use dante in low level missions... so how come i see videos of DMC4, dante can be played at low level missions... see you tube" owning each monsters weapons really cool!! lol... thanks for your reply...:wacko::wacko:
^ what you are seeing are probably dante playing his missions later on - his missions are basically the same as nero's... just a reverse in sequence :dry: ^_^

Nero's path: fortuna --> headquarter
Dante's path: headquarter --> fortuna
Koemi;124686 said:
^ what you are seeing are probably dante playing his missions later on - his missions are basically the same as nero's... just a reverse in sequence :dry: ^_^

Nero's path: fortuna --> headquarter
Dante's path: headquarter --> fortuna

ohhh... so what mission will i start using dante?? and how many missions are there for dante??? and will i battle with the other bosses that i defeated as nero?? thanks..
You'll get Dante at mission 12 and you'll be playing against all bosses besides Sanctus and Credo. You can fight Credo in Bloody Palace though. That is, if you make it to level 80 ^^

you'll fight with Dante from mission 12 to 18. 19 and 20 are Nero again.