As many of you probably know by now, DMC5 has coop. It's restricted as hell but it's there.
A while ago some fans started a mod to make coop in other missions available. As of now we have most missions and as per the new patch, Bloody Palace Floors 1 to 100 available to us!
You can download the mod here:
It's only for PC, but it being possible at all makes you wonder why Capcom didn't go all in with it or why it wasn't an unlockable postgame feature.
A while ago some fans started a mod to make coop in other missions available. As of now we have most missions and as per the new patch, Bloody Palace Floors 1 to 100 available to us!
You can download the mod here:

COOP Trainer for Devil May Cry 5
Divergence Mode (play as Nero, Dante or V in any mission); More playable Coop missions and Bloody Palace Coop with up to 4 players (Nero, Dante, V and Vergil); Various graphics options and a Boss Swap

It's only for PC, but it being possible at all makes you wonder why Capcom didn't go all in with it or why it wasn't an unlockable postgame feature.