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SSStylish Swordsman
Soooo a new memeber brought to a light a poem listed with the dmc4 game that really needs to be investigated and determined as to its inner meaning


SSStylish Swordsman
A shadow knight rose up,
holding an enchanted sword named after me.
That blade will challenge the devil's reign.
Destroying the minions of darkness
that stand in his path,
the knight finally faced the strongest demon.
But his strength was no match
for the devil's dark wrath.
He was defeated and fell into oblivion.
The people offered up their prayers,
believing in the day when the darkness would pass,
and sang songs of remembrance to the fallen knight.
These prayers became our strength, our miracle,
and by this miracle the shadow knight was reborn,
and once again fought the devil's power.
As the shadow knight said,
the darkness has cleared.

This is the poem any theories would be welcome try and be polite and open minded


When the going gets tough, the tough get going
Strange...Some of that poem seems to speak about Vergil, other part about Sparda.Sparda is the most probable character described in the poem, but it seems Sparda was killed by someone of greater power and not of old age, as we thought. So people prayed and" received" Sparda in the form of Nero?
Maybe this poem is really a bad translation from Japanese.


SSStylish Swordsman
Strange...Some of that poem seems to speak about Vergil, other part about Sparda.Sparda is the most probable character described in the poem, but it seems Sparda was killed by someone of greater power and not of old age, as we thought. So people prayed and" received" Sparda in the form of Nero?
Maybe this poem is really a bad translation from Japanese.

Any theories are welcome im just as confused..it sounds like vergil and sparda and dante and nero...i wonder what it all means


When the going gets tough, the tough get going
It seems the poem doesn't talk about Dante, so we still have Vergil and Sparda.Vergil was a knight as his father and his brother, he destroyed demons until he found Mundus, who was the strongest demon and that demon put him off.Vergil never became a legend( only for us) and really felt in oblivion.
Sparda's "soul" as reborn in Nero between Sparda's devouts and Nero stood against Darkness one more time, just like Sparda did.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
This topic has to have occurred before; there's no way after five years no one else noticed the poem. O_O I bet it's just been long forgotten.

As to my theories...well, you kind of know mine. I don't have anything solid, yet. It seems, depending on which paragraph you read, it speaks of each of them, and from the perspective of the people of Fortuna, as well.

Badly translated is certainly one theory. What Lionheart said before in the other thread makes sense too; that perhaps Capcom intentionally made it vague in order to make a point.


SSStylish Swordsman
It seems the poem doesn't talk about Dante, so we still have Vergil and Sparda.Vergil was a knight as his father and his brother, he destroyed demons until he found Mundus, who was the strongest demon and that demon put him off.Vergil never became a legend( only for us) and really felt in oblivion.
Sparda's "soul" as reborn in Nero between Sparda's devouts and Nero stood against Darkness one more time, just like Sparda did.

still...theres parts that still dont match up


SSStylish Swordsman
A shadow knight rose up,-(Sparda/Vergil)
holding an enchanted sword named after me-(the force edge or "sparda" was weilded by vergil and sparda)
That blade will challenge the devil's reign-(def sounds like the sparda sword)
Destroying the minions of darkness
that stand in his path,
the knight finally faced the strongest demon(Mundus)
But his strength was no match
for the devil's dark wrath.
He was defeated and fell into oblivion(sparda never fell anywhere but vergil did...with the DMC series it doesnt say how sparda died)
The people offered up their prayers,
believing in the day when the darkness would pass,
and sang songs of remembrance to the fallen knight(the people of fortuna)
These prayers became our strength, our miracle,
and by this miracle the shadow knight was reborn(NERO)
and once again fought the devil's power(SANCTUS USING THE POWER OF SPARDA)
As the shadow knight said,
the darkness has cleared.
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Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Your guess is as good as mine, lol. Looking at it, those parts certainly seem to match up. I wonder if that's how it's intended?


SSStylish Swordsman
Your guess is as good as mine, lol. Looking at it, those parts certainly seem to match up. I wonder if that's how it's intended?

maybe i just feel like the whole poem should mesh not just parts ill need to really look at it and break it down and then put it back together again


Solid Ocelot
A shadow knight rose up,
holding an enchanted sword named after me.
That blade will challenge the devil's reign.

The enchanted sword must be the Sparda. Either that, or it's the Alastor, since Alastor is also the name of a demon in existing religion. So somebody who is NOT Sparda rose up holding his sword. That might be Vergil - he did use it in DMC3 for just a few minutes... I think.

The weird thing is that it says ''that blade will challenge the devil's reign''. So either it hasn't happened yet, or this part of the poem was written before DMC4 - in which the Sparda sword refused to give Sanctus power.

Destroying the minions of darkness
that stand in his path,
the knight finally faced the strongest demon.
But his strength was no match
for the devil's dark wrath.
He was defeated and fell into oblivion.

The first three lines sound like Sparda. The rest sounds like Vergil, since Sparda wasn't defeated by Mundus (I think, though I have my doubts - after all, Sparda was sealed away and returned in the 20th century to marry Eva).

The people offered up their prayers,
believing in the day when the darkness would pass,
and sang songs of remembrance to the fallen knight.

The people are probably the Order's subjects, or all the people in Fortuna. I'm not sure this part even has anything to do with the last - why would people pray for Vergil, who they hardly know, and has never tried to 'end the darkness'? This is probably about Sparda somehow.

These prayers became our strength, our miracle,
and by this miracle the shadow knight was reborn,
and once again fought the devil's power.

This could be about Nero. In that sense, he's Sparda reborn. But it could also mean the Savior (the giant statue), whom the Order thought was good, and was literally meant to look like Sparda.

As the shadow knight said,
the darkness has cleared.

If this pertains to the last part, then it implies the Savior has saved the world by defeating the demons/sealing the hell gates. This could mean that Nero and Dante never got praised for what they did. That people still thought they were the bad guys.
If not, then Nero got the praise for clearing the darkness.


Well, the novel is not canon for any purposes, but in some ways it could hints about Fortuna citizen's relations with Vergil. And if the whole time Vergil's intention was to face Mundus with Sparda's power? Makes sense in the point that he would want revenge for his fallen mother, but it's never said in any place in the game so it's really just speculation too.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
There is that one line from Vergil in DMC3 that suggests he wanted justice for what happened to Eva. "Might controls everything, and without strength you can't protect anything-let alone yourself." It's been purely conjecture on a lot of fans' parts, but most believe (myself included) that his speech had a lot to do with remorse for his inability to protect Eva.

Even the non-canon bits of media still contain consistencies with the games' plotlines. And of course, there are other forms of media that are considered canon, as well. The anime is among them, along with select mangas. Others still contain canon material without being canon in their entirety.

Again, thanks a lot, Capcom! Thanks for making everything as confusing as humanly possible. XD

I don't think the poem deals with only one of them; I have a funny feeling it's supposed to be from the perspectives of many. Whether by design or by accident, I couldn't tell you.


SSStylish Swordsman
There are so many points where it speaks of vergil and nero but i dont see vergil as a "people person"
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