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DMC4 Infinite Combo/Jcing Training


SSStylish Swordsman
: 529913, member: 25981"]lmao omg i hated sheva closer to the end of the game when your fighting those giant mutant insects she would run straight for them with just a shotgun lol omg i raged so hard

She is absoloutely useless you spend so much time picking er up its just stupid[/quote]

Esp when you fight wesker she is a waste of time as ai

That wesker fight irratated the **** out of me lol when i finally learned how to kill him i was sooo relieved but yah sheva is useless as a rock except for the boat swamp mission she is accurate as hell with that sniper while your driving the boat lol oh and when she gets the bow and arrow lol one of the resons i love res 6 so much is because of how well the movement has improved sooo much better if there is an enemy i just dive roll out of the way no more of this button command crap


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
A ya the qte with the button mash to knock the rock with Chris at the end of re5 near the lava is so stupid I still to this day think re2 and re4 are the best of em all
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