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DMC4 Infinite Combo/Jcing Training


SSStylish Swordsman
So i have a friend on this forum who is a jcing, royal guard, ill screw you up in 3o seconds flat master of the dmc4 combat and i have decided to try to learn how to jc and prefom infinite combos while staying in the air in other words i am beginning my journey to learning how to glitch dmc4 and break through the limits of combat gameplay :) wish me luck ill post my first attempt asap


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
Best of luck dude I'll send u my email address to keep me posted on your progress when I reopen the garage as I will not be on here often if at all I have faith you will do very well


SSStylish Swordsman
Best of luck dude I'll send u my email address to keep me posted on your progress when I reopen the garage as I will not be on here often if at all I have faith you will do very well

You bet thanks for all the tips ive never attempted the advanced stuff till now


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
You're very welcome lad I'm sure you will do great just practice like hell and watch my buddy spawn shooters guard flying and inertia vids and chaserthewolfs tutorial there great videos for newbs to advanced jcing I'll help as much as I can too and don't get discouraged if you don't get it straight away it takes quite a while to get down and do it easily and without effort so stay vigilant and you will be fine


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
Apply what you learn to Dante in dmc3 too and the yamato jc to vergil the timing is not as forgiving on 3 though but use it ,it will help in DMD and when you move onto dmc1 I'll give you a tonne of tips for that too u went need help for dmc2 u will find dmc1 DMD harder by a good bit too as our limited In moves and its slower and you can't regain health in DT in dmc1 on dmd and can only carry one vital star plus without critical hits the bosses can be a pain but I've a nice sword loop and moves for you that will help against bosses and shadows and sin scythes etc so pm me and I'll help you and enemies damage to you is cheap and ridiculous so watch out


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
Your welcome next on the agenda is to help you beat ng3re trials then maybe there is a game you can help me with or coop up in there are one or two I need a good partner in crime for


SSStylish Swordsman
Your welcome next on the agenda is to help you beat ng3re trials then maybe there is a game you can help me with or coop up in there are one or two I need a good partner in crime for

im down what games do you need help with?


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
Splinter cell blacklist online coop missions when ive my live gold back and I'm free and maybe some GTA 5 online missions as I was level 59 before I got off and the missions were getting insane to do solo


SSStylish Swordsman
Splinter cell blacklist online coop missions when ive my live gold back and I'm free and maybe some GTA 5 online missions as I was level 59 before I got off and the missions were getting insane to do solo

I dont have either of those so id have to buy them but id be down to help you out :)


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
: 529913, member: 25981"]lmao omg i hated sheva closer to the end of the game when your fighting those giant mutant insects she would run straight for them with just a shotgun lol omg i raged so hard[/quote]

She is absoloutely useless you spend so much time picking er up its just stupid
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