I am playing DMC 4 for iPhone at the moment its a lot of fun
Ha I wish I had Dantes trenchxoat I'd use my full size DMC 3 awakened rebellion replica and chop wood ha ha ha
Well be prepared to pay big the rebellion cost me now nearly 1,000 euro but twas worth it this seriously heavy too ha I can't imagine a thief sticking around if they say a 6 fiit 8 man running at them with an almost 5 foot sword ha ha ha they would run like hell ha I would if I saw that
I can't get a trenchcoat long enough for me anyway which is so sickening
I'll gice you some of my height if you want ha ha
It is in Ireland but I ce from a tall family one of my brothers is 6 foot 5 another is 6 foot 4 and the oldest is 6 foot 2 my sis is 6 foot but in america we would be normal with all the NBA players ha
Ha my house isn't dude ha the doors are only 6 foot 5 so I've to duck all the time its an issue a lot but I am used to it clothes and shoes are annoying to get too but eh that's life
Gets annoying in the garage too at times as I've to use a pit under the lift for room but I am used to it by now so tel me how's DMC 3 goin for you ?
Very hard is pretty tough too DMD is gona cause SOE anger ha ha but its fun the second or third play through of it
He s powerful but Dantes move sets and freedom is better on DMD esp with royalguaed etc and trickster is better than dark slayer trick I think but its all down to who ya prefer