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I've seen one guy was playing this awesome game on his pc! He said it ROCKS, but :\ there is small lag in game... when you wanna play by joypad your left analog stick alows you to move only left and right and your the right analog stick alows you to move forward and back... He said it's impossible to change control of the movement! Thats the problem :( And playing on keyboard on level easy is the same as playing hard level first time on PS2! Who know maybe there is some way how to change movement of analogue sticks? :\
there must be a way ..... ill try everything EVEN HACKING
and one more thing, I think this is a bug... When you play as Vergil and save game on Dantes previous saved game you just erase Dantes saved game, you just have to start play again as Dante :\ But when you start playing as Dante you are able to choose Dantes second outfit! :dry: and in the game you dont have any previous gained orbs or stuff >_< Admins that is a bug or smth? And what about adding function to change the controls of movement in the PC game :\ On PCs keyboard its immposible to move fast as in PS2 DMC3SE.It would be rather good if you have made some patch for the game which will alow us (players) to change or do something with configurations of movment in the game.Thank you for your time.

P.S admins and IT guys - someone needs your help over here.
P.SS DM3SE 4ever! -- saying as a PC gamer.
people.. thoose who have PC DMC3SE saved games on their PC.. and you finished nearly all game.. please give me your saved game! =]

P/S because I will not able to finish game on very hard level of dificulty :( and whant to play as Sparda and see other outfits.
Remember bobs, the edit button is your friend ;)

Unless i missed something big, i don't think this is the official forums of DMC so i would advise trying to e-mail Capcom or Ubisoft the report the problems and see if they can help you. Good luck buddy.
hmm... O_o This topic I have open to talk about DMC3SE and here I'm talking about problems and etc. of the game... and I dont find it disturbing if write not by editing my writing... I'm not flooding! I'm talking about real things! :pirate:

P.S thank you for saying to me that this is not official forum! :|
I have opend the same topic on capcom forum...
Wish me luck there.
I need help defeating the twin brothers in stage 5. Please let me know any strategies for defeating them. Also is there a way that you can save the game in a stage so that when you get to the boss you don't have to start from the middle, just save it right before fighting the boss.
Well, i think you play on normal.Right?
There is no way to actualy save the place where you are exactly.But if you play the SE,you are lucky.The normal edition had far less checkpoints ;)
A strategy would be:Slap in Trickster,if you have enough red orbs,buy a "Double Jump" move!Its a must-have.In the fight you will most likely attack with Ebony and Ivory,the standard pistols.Just (Double)Jump away,shoot at one of them (target him) and once they run into your direction,you can use Trickster to rush through them.Sometimes the camera does not show the whole area.You should look out for the shadows of the enemys,because they use Jump attacks sometimes.If you are lucky,you can attack one of them with your sword and cause him to stop attacking,this is when you should Attack with all you have!Once the health bar of one of them goes down to around 1/4,target the other one and try to kill him.Once one of them is dead,the other one grabs the weapon of his dead buddy and gets stronger.But he keeps his health,so you can easily finish him.In hope that was helpfull,reputation+ me if you want :D (Yes,please)
The trick is that you must jump jump jump lol and stay away and shoot them is still good but its very boring at long.... so charge a them!! Knowing what they do before they attack is a good way to dodge every enemy's attacks
I'm gonna wait until SE comes to the PS2 in September (UK) because my PC probabaly wouldn't be able to run it
Hey dude, i tried what you told me to do. I am playing on Normal and I do have double Jump but still I get killed after I take one of the twins life bar to the middle. I keep trying but fu#$@$@.
Man, do you have some more strategies that i can try. Thanks.
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