Another wep! I'm the wep master... I know it. D:<
Rune Raving:
A blade blessed by the northern gods. It has an faint white color, with glowing bright blue runes along it. The hilt has an Northern Dragon design (If any of you watched Sucker Punch, is the " Mom's " head who appears.) .
It is said that it was stolen by the Olympium gods, and that even Zeus couldn't use it. The prophecy is that once the true warrior comes, He shall be circled by infinite crystals, that have the job of protecting the user.
Passive ability:
Crystals: Defense up.
Combo 1 : Triangle,Triangle,Triangle,Triangle,Triangle.Quick left-right-left-down-up combo.Fills the Ultimo gauge.
Combo 2 : Triangle-Triangle-Triangle. One quick left slash, then two low to high slashes.Fills the Ultimo gauge.
Combo 3 : Triangle-Triangle,Triangle. One quick left slash, followed by an low to high slash, finished by an powerful kick.Fills the Ultimo gauge.
Low Burst : Lock on_Triangle_Foward . A quick rush. In this rush, Dante slashes multiple times in front of him.Fills the Ultimo gauge.
High Burst : Lock on_Triangle_Back . A powerful " burst " which launches the enemy upwards, caused by the blade's impact on the ground. Hold Triangle for follow-up.Fills the Ultimo gauge.
Distortion Burst : Hold Triangle, then release. A moment of concentration, who causes an area of distortion around Dante, crushing everything on its path. Fills the Ultimo gauge.
Ultimate Burst : Lock - on_Triangle_Circle_Foward. This blade's most powerful attack.It can only be activated when Dante is with the Ultimo gauge full. Dante lifts in the air, then he enters an pseudo-DT state, generating two white wings behind him, and making the sword be engulfed in blue flames. This state lasts only for this attack, which is an fast and deadly Stinger-like move from above, with a drill-like white effect . After this move is completed, Dante can't attack, neither DT until 20 seconds after it.