Ok enough of this crap
FACT #1: DmC sales are good, but not remarkable, the game will be profitable with 1.2M.
My opinion: DmC2 is supposedly in preproduction, after the great reviews, its unlikely they'll cancel it
FACT #2: DMC5 WILL NOT BE GUARANTEED IF DMC5 FAILS, shove it inside your skull haters...DMC as a franchise is sadly stale and their own internal creators are happy working with Dragon's Dogma, it may come out someday, but DmC failing will certainly not help.
My opnion: DMC5 will be made at some point, when both DmC and Dragon's Dogma are finished trilogies, expect the crappiest story and even more asspulls
FACT #3: Both series are awesome, and both should be respected, they both have strengths and flaws, but DMC and DmC are amazing, well done and fun 9/10 games
My Opinion: DmC is not a bad game and does not deserve to sell bad, Aliens Colonial Marines...NOW THAT is killing and raping a franchise. Kill it with fire.