Fans have no problem with trying something new, but when you change the reason they became a fan in the first place then you have a big problem.
Me being a massive long time fan of the Duke Nukem franchise is Duke himself, I've enjoyed all the Duke games, whether they are FPS games, third person shooters, platformers or even sidescrollers, I love em all because the reason I'm a huge fan is still there and unchanged.
For me, DMC was the cool and fun characters, awesome fast paced gameplay, great challenges, and addicting music. All that is either gone or just ruined in this new DmC, if they kept all that stuff in this new DmC then I'd be more forgiving, but it all just disgusts me. I'm happy it's selling badly so either I'll get the DMC I became a fan of or it can just die. I'm fine with either way.