DMC REVIEW! Adam Sessler Reviews

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It's a good review and I can agree on some points that he makes especially about the weapon specific enemies being a pain. As far as story goes I would have to disagree with him on it, I think he has been spoiled with all his time with Bioshock Infinite and is expecting more games to have that caliber of writing lol. I respect his opinion but would have to disagree with it for the most part.
I actually gave this game a 7.5/10. The game play was fun at the start of the game as he said but it did water down in the later stages. The story was very predictable and Dante's cursing seemed very forced at times. Too much of a "try hard" for me I guess. The worst part about this game is def the bosses. No great variety at all. Mundus is a joke and Vergil is pretty fun but not nearly as good as Vergil 3 from DMC3. Vergil's character was far off from the previous versions as well. I know this is a alternate universe but...
I agree with everything in this review. It's the best review I've seen so far. The rest just seem to kiss this games ass and give it 9/10. Something I can't understand.
I've noticed the people who are against the game only want to agree with people who are going to be critical because evidently every other review is paid off or stupid if it gets a good one. I have no problem with critical reviews because Yahtzee of Zero Punctuation is the only one I really like and he rips alot of games apart.To them DmC is the worst game ever made. As much as I love Adam Sessler (I really miss the old X-Play that was funny and about nothing but reviews with Adam and Morgan, G4 was also called TechTV) it is just his personal opinion and actually having the raunchy side which M rated games allow as if it's a complete down side is just speaking to his personal taste. He even says it. It's kind of like having the dubstep soundtrack as a negative because it still just speaks to personal preference. They gave DMC 2 and good review and that's kind of a joke in the series itself and I'm pretty sure everyone can agree that was just awful.

What I get from this review is that maybe where it tried to improve speaking in character development and story it's pretty much no different then because the previous titles sucked in that department as well and is no better. I think you people need to admit how stupid Dante actually was as a character and how weak the stories were. Gameplay is what holds this series afloat more than anything else because you cannot defend DMC in that department if you want anyone to take you seriously. I'll find out tomorrow when I get my hands on the game.

Complaining about something like mature themes though is completely retarded because you really go into a mature game thinking it will be kid friendly? I don't care about mature themes because I'm 20 years old. I swear and have sex myself so why would I get all uptight for a video game I know contains that kind of content. Especially if it;s suppose to be context to the tale being told. The previous DMC games also held sexual tones when you look at the girls and behavioral quirks they have. Also swearing has been evident in the series before. You can't seriously bash DmC for being mature and not level with the previous series or games like Bayonetta which was borderline pornography if they evidently must be compared constantly. Apply that kind of logic people go against DmC with just about every other video game they play. You start sounding like a fussy mom who's ready to bitch about video games to the mainstream media instead of just a fan of a series.

From adventures around the internet the people who have been against the game in a more vocal and ridiculous manner have made the initial perception of the DMC fanbase look like it's full of a bunch of bigots. Sure the opposite side of the coin can consist of the same people but that's just people in general. And quite frankly it's the people who are against the reboot I see more often making themselves look like total a$$holes than the pro side. It's just getting a little too fanatical when they have been complaining for about 2 years now and it has been done to death. Honestly you can't really defend this fanbase at all. The only opinion that matters to me is mine so I'll see what DmC has in store after I pick it up tomorrow.
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