Sadly all the boss fight save for one are just giant mooks and it's pretty much why it borders on being great.
The last levels aren't that great, either. I find it odd that it still got a 9, though?
Well boss fights are the only thing I've heard aren't good about the game. I assume the last few levels will be fantastic though. I guess we shall see in one week.
Sadly all the boss fight save for one are just giant mooks and it's pretty much why it borders on being great.
The last levels aren't that great, either. I find it odd that it still got a 9, though?
They did Vergil right... *massive exhale*
Sadly all the boss fight save for one are just giant mooks and it's pretty much why it borders on being great.
The last levels aren't that great, either. I find it odd that it still got a 9, though?
i love how GI has a "replay value" category, thats always a huge selling point for me, especially in a DMC game.
Why would you write 89%/100%? i mean % = (x/y)*100 where x is the score scaled off y. Just telling ..
They forgot some, thought I should say xD
Official round up of all the reviews
the heck are you talking about, this game has more atmosphere than any sequel to the dmc games yet, limbo is a fantastic backdrop''DmC's gameplay speaks for itself. It's challenging, accessible, and experimental in all the right ways''.
I see combos are great then. In change for zero plot history, we get max gameplay and sick combos.
Am I really buying it only for rebellion sick slash combos and such? I am not sure yet. Looks like a mix of Silent Hill 2 and Devil May Cry 2. I am not flaming or anything just pointing that out. People really game for gameplay experience these days I see.
Well I guess that time when atmospherical games were, is dead now. Ambience....Rest in peace.