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The dark knight

Well-known Member
This a fanfic made by me and Lord of darkness. We will make the first chapter.....soon.....today.LOL! cause we are trying to think what will happen in that first chapter. LOL!


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
And this will be an awesome fic guys :) And yes, first chapter will be coming soon... Once we have sorted it out :)

The dark knight

Well-known Member
Some things may be a bit innapropriate. This chapter is written by me The dark knight.
Chapter 1: Hot chicks always have a secret.

Dante sat in a local strip club in Las vegas getting a lap dance. " What's your name babe?" No reply? Then she lifted a hand to a tiny back pocket. An ID card? Dante thought watching her reach to the pocket. he saw something silver and long....no.....she swung around with unhuman strength at Dante. Dante simply devil triggered and sent the girl flying. Her head landed with a loud THUD on the oak wood floor." What the ****!?" Dante shouted staring at her body. Wait....she was to fast to be human. Wait a minute. he stared at the other girls with shock and confusion. They followed me. Dante thought.

He sprinted at the exit only to take a hard blow to the face. he responded with a grunt and hit the floor....he quickly recovered and went out the door.

Oh my GOD! The city was destroyed. Those damn VAMPIRES! Signs lay down with sparks popping out. And blood all splattered on the streets....

To be continued....


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Thank you omenminator... There will be more soon, once my awesome co-author returns :)


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
^ No problem man... enjoy msg4 :)

Okay peeps... Here's my offerings .lol. Enjoy

Las Vegas was now plagued with the vampire creatures… That crawled along the walls, walked in crowds and hunted the remaining survivors.

“Someone must be leading these creatures… They must have a purpose, and I have to find out what that is” Dante said to himself, as he sat himself down.

Dante then encountered another strange man…this man bared no resemblance to him, yet he maintained a strong badass attitude.

From the look of him, he seemed unarmed. On closer inspection, it looked as if he had just been involved in a fight. He approached Dante, and stood before him.

“Who are you?” the man asked Dante.

“I’m the legendary Dante bab.” Dante tried to reply, but was interrupted.

“I haven’t got time to waste… Dante was all I needed to know. So… Do you know how this all happened? Do you want to know?” the man replied.

“Not yet. First, I want to know who you are. Second, I want to know why you are here. Last of all, you can tell me what is going on” Dante said.

“Okay… I assume you are one of the survivors?" the man said. Dante's immediate reaction was a look of confusion.

“Survivors of what? A moment ago I had a chick shaking her *** in my face… Now I’m being told I’m not getting my beauty sleep until this **** is cleared up. So tell me… Who are you?”

“I’m a vampire hunter… I’ve worked beside many legends myself, Blade being one of them. Him and me have a very strong bond with one another… We share the same purpose… The same goal, to rid the world of us… No more vampire virus… No more victims… No more, suffering. I spend my time either training, or killing. I came here because of very recent events… Seems we have ourselves a pandemic here. I know the vampire's weaknesses, and I will use that against them.

Ingelo then reached out, and started to touch Dante’s neck.

“What are you?”

“Don’t worry… I’m just checking something,” Ingelo said, as he continued to look at Dante’s neck.

“Good… You are not a risk”.

“What?” Dante replied.

“You do not have what it takes to be overcome my a vampire bite. A vampire bite passes on the virus… But you are different, not like the others. A human is the food for a vampire… The humans have the specific DNA required to continue the viruses spread. Your blood is different… So I am assuming you are not a human, are you Dante?”


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Thank you guys +rep I'm really glad you like the story.

Here is more for you peeps... :)

“I am not” Dante replied.

“I sense you do not trust me… Either that, or you like to be quiet” Ingelo said.

“You told me that a human is required to pass on the virus… I am half human myself, so why am I safe from a bite?” Dante asked.

“A vampire holds the virus inside their body… Inside their teeth to be precise… A bite releases the virus into the blood of the victim… The virus then mutates their body, giving them greater abilities. The virus never leaves any vampire… Which means they can spread it from their bite as many times as they like. You are not the same though… You already possess inhuman abilities… This means that the virus will die once it meets your blood… It’ll realise that it cannot corrupt you… And you will not mutate. For this reason, we can use your blood to stop the virus… We can cure certain parts of the world… Once your blood is inside of the vampires… It will destroy the virus, and the humans will become free again” Ingelo explained.

“You wish to use me? No way. I’m not sacrificing myself, I have a commitments” Dante said.

“We don’t need great quantities of your blood… we just need some of it. You’ll be helping thousands of people Dante… A small amount of you blood could do wonders… I can smell how strong it is” Ingelo replied. He pulled out a syringe, and injected himself with some serum.

“Why can’t we use your blood?” Dante asked.

“It isn’t strong enough to attack the virus… Trust me, I’ve tried before. I thought I had cured someone from the virus, yet they attacked me unexpectedly later on. I almost died from the attack, because I was foolish to believe that I could beat the virus” Ingelo replied.

“I can’t be the only one to beat the virus,” Dante stated, as if it were fact.

“You aren’t… But not many have blood like yours. I had to take some serum just now, because the smell of your blood was quenching my thirst” Ingelo replied.

“No offence… But that’s gross” Dante replied, he almost felt sick at the idea.

“Non taken… But that just proves how strong your blood is… I wish to know who your parents were,” Ingelo said.

“As do most beings I meet… I get my blood from my father, a legendary demon called Sparda. I don’t know if you know that name… As you specialize in vampire slaying,” Dante replied.

“Vampire slaying, demon slaying, it’s all the same. At the end of the day, we both kill evil. And as a matter of fact, I do know the name Sparda… And now I know exactly what I’m working with” Ingelo said.

The dark knight

Well-known Member
I think it was my turn.....I guess that means I get two in a row also. AND I thought you were using Nero. I was gonna have Dante. And that we would switch from time to time.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
You had Dante at your first post .lol. And, oh yeah... MY BAD... I guess I got carried away with the posting .lol. But peeps seemed to like it, so I wanted to give them more straight away. You get two posts of course... And I'll have Nero when I post next dude... That okay bud?


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Sweet... I'm glad that's sorted man. This fic is going well :)


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I'm sure you are :) Thanks Josh +rep to you...

More will come soon... From DK :)


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Ah, I will do The Phantarch :)

And once again, thanks man :)
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