For the first; I would hope so, because I wanna see where the story for this actually goes. We've had four games, an anime, two mangas, and a few light novels to know where DMC goes. Let's at least see where DmC is heading.
For the second; I'm curious as to how Capcom handles a DMC5 with all this tension going around. But I'm sure the fanbase will quickly forget about it and just take their DMC5 with open arms. Not saying I probably won't, but if it fails my expectations, then I'll be skipping this one.
And third; Way to go, Capcom. You just lost a good chunk of your loyal buyers. Though not a very big chunk, a chunk through and through.
This is the Devil May Cry fanbase filled with a lot of otaku. (including myself)
and you know how passionate otakus are about their favorite stuff.