DmC: Devil May Cry - Default & New HUD (HD)

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Well-known Member
Jan 31, 2013
Hi guys.
- HUD bug fix​
- Two new and redesigned interface (HP, DT, Weapon change, Style Font);​
* HD version of the standard interface;
* New interface with the changed position of objects;
- Replacing textures in the menu on the improved (Keys, Secret Mission, Lost Souls, Background result);​
- Replaced the three dynamic background;​
* Light blue and Dark red;
Start Screen & Menu​
Start Screen​
Dark Red​
Light Blue​
Default HUD​
New Design HUD​
Download Links:​
Do not forget to make a Backup DefaultUI.ini
Please, if you use my textures do not forget to notify me. :friends:
Would you be able to attach this DMC 4 start up music to your new title screen? I feel it would fit
Hi guys.
- HUD bug fix​
- Two new and redesigned interface (HP, DT, Weapon change, Style Font);​
* HD version of the standard interface;
* New interface with the changed position of objects;
- Replacing textures in the menu on the improved (Keys, Secret Mission, Lost Souls, Background result);​
- Replaced the three dynamic background;​
* Light blue and Dark red;
Start Screen & Menu​
Start Screen​
Dark Red​
Light Blue​
Default HUD​
New Design HUD​
Download Links:​
Do not forget to make a Backup DefaultUI.ini
Please, if you use my textures do not forget to notify me. :friends:
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Two fantastic Mods! (this is referring to both this and the badass one)
Awesome. I love the start screen and the red/blue shades. I'm using the blue.
I just wanted to say that I hardly ever use mods but......You've made me a believer ha, no really this is outstanding! I second the motion that you should be doing this professionally.
Sorry guys, but how do you install these mods? If it's to much to ask, just ignore me :)
These mod(s) looks epic though!

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\DmC Devil May Cry\DevilGame\Movies - is the folder on my computer where the Background, Start Screen is located. The Hud Is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\DmC Devil May Cry\DevilGame\Config - Your install should be similar, the only difference is maybe D:\Steam or something like that if you don't have Steam installed in the default location.

So download which files you want, move the downloaded .bik file'(s) and or .ini file (Hud) to the appropriate folder (see above). If you want to use the new HUD design, it looks like in addition to copying the DefaultUI.ini file you have to install Texmod. Looks like this is included in the "Full Pack" download. After installing Texmod, inside Texmod click the folder next to "Target Application" and go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\DmC Devil May Cry\Binaries\Win32" then select "DMC-DevilMayCry.exe". (Note: I have two files with that name, so for me I have to make sure the one I select is the one with "Application" listed under the type)

After that you select the folder button above the red x and find the .tpf file which should be located where you downloaded the stuff. Then click Run on Texmod, and you should be good to go!

I hope this helps.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\DmC Devil May Cry\DevilGame\Movies - is the folder on my computer where the Background, Start Screen is located. The Hud Is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\DmC Devil May Cry\DevilGame\Config - Your install should be similar, the only difference is maybe D:\Steam or something like that if you don't have Steam installed in the default location.

So download which files you want, move the downloaded .bik file'(s) and or .ini file (Hud) to the appropriate folder (see above). If you want to use the new HUD design, it looks like in addition to copying the DefaultUI.ini file you have to install Texmod. Looks like this is included in the "Full Pack" download. After installing Texmod, inside Texmod click the folder next to "Target Application" and go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\DmC Devil May Cry\Binaries\Win32" then select "DMC-DevilMayCry.exe". (Note: I have two files with that name, so for me I have to make sure the one I select is the one with "Application" listed under the type)

After that you select the folder button above the Red X and find the .tpf file which should be located where you downloaded the stuff. (Note: After you open the file you have to click on the package itself under "Package Name". Then click Run on Texmod, and you should be good to go!

I hope this helps.

Thank you so much for this, really appreciate your time to help me out. Thanks
I love the new start-up screen so much. Thanks for all your work Zeromancer.
Hi guys , i love this mod and everything is fine except that i don't know how to use the HD Default hud. Can somebody please explain me how to do it? I read Jrimmer's guide but i don't understand :(
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\DmC Devil May Cry\DevilGame\Movies - is the folder on my computer where the Background, Start Screen is located. The Hud Is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\DmC Devil May Cry\DevilGame\Config - Your install should be similar, the only difference is maybe D:\Steam or something like that if you don't have Steam installed in the default location.

So download which files you want, move the downloaded .bik file'(s) and or .ini file (Hud) to the appropriate folder (see above). If you want to use the new HUD design, it looks like in addition to copying the DefaultUI.ini file you have to install Texmod. Looks like this is included in the "Full Pack" download. After installing Texmod, inside Texmod click the folder next to "Target Application" and go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\DmC Devil May Cry\Binaries\Win32" then select "DMC-DevilMayCry.exe". (Note: I have two files with that name, so for me I have to make sure the one I select is the one with "Application" listed under the type)

After that you select the folder button above the red x and find the .tpf file which should be located where you downloaded the stuff. Then click Run on Texmod, and you should be good to go!

I hope this helps.
Hello , could you please help me installing the Default HD Hud please? I don't understand how ;-;
Perhaps this will be a bit more clear.

After downloading Default HUD extract it to wherever you want. I used my desktop for the sake of simplicity. So if you want to follow my instructions to the letter, you should probably download it there as well. Inside the downloaded folder, at the top, is a folder named "Steam" then " HUD - (New Design) ", a text document, and "Texmod"

Step 1: Inside the downloaded folder click on the folder "Steam" and all the other folders below until you get to a file named, "DefaultUI.ini."

Step 2: Putting the folder aside (not closing it) click on "Start (Windows Symbol on Desktop)", "Computer", "Local Disc (C)", "Program Files (x86)", "Steam", "SteamApps", "common", "DmC Devil May Cry", "DevilGame", "Config."

Step 3: Keeping both windows open go back to the downloaded folder and copy "DefaultUI.ini." and paste it into the "Config" folder. Windows will ask you what you want to do with the file because there is already a file in the folder with the same name, select "Copy and Replace."

Step 4: Go back to the folder you downloaded and navigate back to where you see the original four files listed.

Step 5: Double click "Texmod." Once Texmod is open click on the manila folder at the top and select "Browse." I'm not 100% sure where it is going to take you after first opening it, but inside the new window on the left side you should see "Computer" click on that. Then "Local Disc (C)", "Program Files (x86)", "Steam", "SteamApps", "common", "DmC Devil May Cry", "Binaries", "Win32", then select "DMC-DevilMayCry."

Step 5: Next in Texmod click on the little manila folder above the red x, and Select "Browse." Navigate to your "Desktop" then "HUD - New Design" folder and select "HUD - (New Design)" You should see an item added under "Package Name" in Texmod.

Step 6: Click Run in Texmod.
If everything was successful DmC Devil May Cry should come up and in game you should see the changes. I hope this is a bit more clear. Good luck!
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