Yea, but it's still an effective strategy for the fight. It depends how good you are at dealing with his Spiral Swords really as to whether you want to use it or not, once you learn how to deal with them properly it's not really needed. It is also good for knocking him out of DT however. I usually use my DT on DTE though myself.Ya true quicksilver does make it boring though
Since I don't play Dante often enough I never got around to mastering Royal Guard, plus I often screw it up under pressure. I do use it sometimes however in the Agni and Rudra boss fight, as they are very easy to block, I usually use either Trickster or Swordmaster, rarely use Royal Guard or Gunslinger, never touch Doppleganger lol and use Quicksilver for some specific parts, like to knock Lady of of her "I have 10 billion grenades" phase faster.I just use his own attack power against him myself with rg release knocks him out of dt