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Divine Comedy


Apprentice of Doom
we all know that the Devil May Cry series is based off of Dante Aligheri's Divine Comedy (a.k.a. Dante's Inferno), but has anyone ever read it? i've always wanted to, but never been able to find it:(


TimeLord Detective
Yes I also have heard of it:) I think that the girls of DMC series also come from there (Beatrice=Trish,Lucia, Lady Mary (mother of god), and also there is a Kyrie). It must be a very nice book, and I also want to read but it's a bit hard to find.


Apprentice of Doom
if i cant find it, i think i'll borrow inferno from my friend, which is basically the modern version of the divine comedy (dante's inferno)


Master of Muppets
It isn't a novel per se. I've read parts of Inferno.

The Divine Comedy consists of three parts: Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso.

Dante is lost in the woods and basically ends up in Hell. Beatrice, as mentioned, is in the story yes, based on a woman he loved when he was young. He is guided through Hell by Virgil through the nine circles of Hell. Among these circles are the Seven Sins explained (Pride, Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Sloth, Wrath, Envy). In the third circle, Dante encounters Cerberus (note that in Devil May Cry 3, Cerberus is encountered on Mission 3). After passing Inferno, Virgil must leave Dante in the hands of Beatrice to guide him through Purgatory since he can't continue on himself.

It's an epic. It means that basically, long series of poems (and cantos) written to tell the story. It's hard to read. It's very good, nicely written, but hard to read.


Devils Never Cry
hamshanks;17328 said:
we all know that the Devil May Cry series is based off of Dante Aligheri's Divine Comedy (a.k.a. Dante's Inferno), but has anyone ever read it? i've always wanted to, but never been able to find it:(

ur right about it........Divine Comedy of Dante
i want to read it :(


Bad a$$ Gunslinger
i never read it. but my parents have i think ill ask them and see if we have a copy in th house. we have sooooooooo many books in the house, i wouldn't be surprised if we do have it. I diffently want to read it.


Devils Never Cry
ya..........like, i hope that Divine Comedy has more Divine Intervention than other Epic books


Fearfully and wonderfully made
I've heard of the book too; however I haven't read it. It sounds really interesting though.


Well-known Member
I've read the divine comedy, well at least the inferno part, I also have a pretty good audiobook of it. PM me if you wanna know where i got it cuz its not strictly speaking legit (if you're ya know comfortable with that kind of stuff, if you're not well then maybe an epic poem about hell isn't your thing)


Enma Katana no Kami
It isn't a novel per se. I've read parts of Inferno.

The Divine Comedy consists of three parts: Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso.

Dante is lost in the woods and basically ends up in Hell. Beatrice, as mentioned, is in the story yes, based on a woman he loved when he was young. He is guided through Hell by Virgil through the nine circles of Hell. Among these circles are the Seven Sins explained (Pride, Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Sloth, Wrath, Envy). In the third circle, Dante encounters Cerberus (note that in Devil May Cry 3, Cerberus is encountered on Mission 3). After passing Inferno, Virgil must leave Dante in the hands of Beatrice to guide him through Purgatory since he can't continue on himself.

It's an epic. It means that basically, long series of poems (and cantos) written to tell the story. It's hard to read. It's very good, nicely written, but hard to read.

actually Virgil guides Dante through Purgatorio as well. it is not until Paradiso that Beatrice guides him.


The Fallen Angel;)
Well here in Greece is a popular book and we study a part of it at school too :)
I have the book but it's difficult to understand in greek ;p


Welcome to my world....
It's really popular and not hard to find, it would probably listed under 'Classics' or 'Poetry' in major book stores or pretty much anywhere if you buy online. There are many different translations and they can also be bought separately. I have the Oxford classics version of The Divine Comedy with notes in the back. By gawds I needed those notes. I would also recommend you look for notes too especially since it mentions a lot of political figures which would go over your head if you don't know a lot of history.


I Saw the Devil
The devine comedy is a fictional epic poem where Dante writes about his travels trough Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. Dante meets with another poet and hero to Dante, the greek Vergil (Publius Vergilius Maro), who wrote the famouse epic poem of Aeneid whose protagonist journeyes to hell and returns. Vergil is traped in hell till the time of Judgement been born before the times of Christ and unbaptised, but been a virtious chap he only waits. Vergil takes Dante trough the Circles of Hell where he is made to witness the torments of the inhavetents of each. All of the people in hell that Dante speaks of are historical, and an ocationally fictional(?), figures which reflects Dante's polical views.

At the end of his stay in hell, the very bottom of the circles, they reach a frozen land that is reserved for the greatest traitors in perdition, the 9th Circle, Treachery. There they find Lucifer, the great traitor whose head has three faces and in each he is forever made to chew, on each face, the three great traitors, Judas, Brutes, and Cassius.


After they leave the realm of Hell Vergil takes Dante to Purgatory where they must part ways near the top. Dante will, from that point on, be guided by Beatrice (di Folco Portinari), who in real life was Dante's muse and seems to have been in love with. Beatrice sent angels to aid Vergil when confronted with demons that wanted Dante in Hell. Beatris takes Dante and guides him trough both the end of Purgatory and Paradice where he sees more figures from history and devine hosts. This time Dante sees the great beauties of divinity and learns of the divisions of Purgatory, the Terreces where sinners in penence wait, and Heaven, the Spheres where the devine host reside.

At the end Dante is told of the end of times and what will be when the time comes.

Dante became one of the three most famouse men to jurney to hell and return anlive, the others been biblical figure Paul and Aeneas, the protagonist of Vergil's Aeneid.

You knowit might be a hard read but the internet is a vast place, there are provably thousands of places where you can find sumaries and descriptions of the books. Wiki that ****e, yo!
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