GamblingGambitCloud;275783 said:
that makes uneven numbers the first game they had it even....if they're gonna have 6...then 3 cosmos and 3 chaos....and they usually match up to where the characters know of the rivalry..that's all im ssaying
Tifa is a perfect rival for Sephiroth. You see that really well in Final Fantasy VII and she is also an excellent support for Cloud, that is also seen in Final Fantasy VII. She hasn't a rival of her own, there is none.
Yes there are uneven numbers, because they add, they don't change the core characters but add more characters. A UMD disc has 1.8gb space, and the first Dissidia took up 1.6gb. They can't add an even number. You got to count in the new stages and soundtracks aswell as they too take up storage.
Yeah 3 cosmos and 3 chaos. But give those three to three single games? No way! I bet Nomura wants it as even as possible and will add 1 character for each most popular FF.
FFVII already confirmed with Tifa.
FFIV already confirmed with Kain. (Nomura wanted to have Kain in the first one so he took his chance now)
FFXIII already confirmed with Lightning. (Since it's new and all.

Vaan is a maybe and that is FFXII.
Then there are two left. I would guess they will be either from Final Fantasy VI, VIII, IX or X since they are very known and got a pretty big fanbase.
Kadaj has nothing to do with the original FFVII, thus making him not available, that counts for Zack and Genesis aswell.

Sure Zack had his role in FFVII but not any major role at all, he is the star of Crisis Core.