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Devil May Cry Zero

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Enma Katana no Kami
(Note: this is a devil may cry game idea that is not devil may cry five. i was told this would be the best place for it so this is were it is. enjoy and feel free provide suggestions and ideas.)

Basic Plot: This game takes place right after Mundus was born. the main character is Sparda and this game tells how Mundus took over the underworld.

( this is a game so i will be providing a lot of gameplay details. but first i want to explain the basics of the plot)

Introduction: ( the voice of and old man is heard telling a story ( note: the introduction is accompanied by a cutscenes of the events described use your imagination for this one )

All have heard the Legend of the Dark Knight Sparda who betrayed his own kind for the sake of humanity. but who was he truly. what did he leave behind.... and was that the first time Sparda was a traitor. allow me to tell you a story. well actually two stories.... the first is short but it is essential that you hear it otherwise the second wont make sense.

"Few know of the way demons live. few care to learn. demons live in tribes. but the demon world once had a group that ignored the bonds between tribes they accepted all and were only loyal to each other. they became the strongest warriors among all the demons. the had a name for themselves " the Knights in Darkness" but the Tribes had a different name for them.. Traitors. but they didn't dare to act except for one. the strongest of the Tribes. "the Son's of the Fallen" proud demon royalty. the descendants of the traitor Lucifer and his followers. of course the "Fallen" respected the "Knights" after all they are fallen angels treachery is in their blood . but they still couldn't allow and independent group to exist. So the acted. but the "knights" were far from afraid. among them was a warrior above all others a knight who could be called nothing less then godlike. but the confidence of the "knights" was a mistake. the greatest among them was born of the "Fallen". the greatest knight was offered many rewards and all he had to do was rejoin his tribe. the knight chose to accept the offer. treachery was in his blood. soon the greatest of the "knights in darkness" became the last knight. what reward could be worth betraying all you care about. the king's daughter the only child the king would ever have. she was reward enough for the knight.

but the bloodline seemed to be cursed. not only did the king have only one child but also only one grandchild. the Queen was filled with despair and then one day the demon world was shocked to discover than the Queen was going to have another child. but that was nothing compared to the shock felt by all when that child was born. the king and queen of the Fallen possessed beauty great as any angel. but the child was nothing like them. he was not of the Fallen from one look it was clear that child's father was something so horrid that even demons fear to speak of it. the proud mother ignored the disgust of the rest of the demon world. she named that abomination. the name she chose was one that encompassed her pride completely. "Mundus" a name that means world. for she considered her son to be a world of his own. unfortunitly for her Mundus loved nothing. the only one to care for him became his first meal.

once again the knight had a choice. avenge his queen and protect his king. that was the choice his wife demanded of him. but do you think that was the choice he made.... don't forget treachery is in the blood of the fallen....

Now you may ask why that little tale matters. Well... you will have to just listen and soon you will find out. but of course i hope you can figure it out before i tell you...

( next i will explain the basic gameplay)


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Nice start to what I hope will be a fantastic game about Sparda. And the sequel, DMC02, will be even better.

I hope to work on this as diligently and willingly as I did DMC03.


Enma Katana no Kami
Basic gameplay:

Controls(for ps3):
jump /\
devil arm attack X
Yamato attack []
swordmaster/devil bringer(note: the DB is not available at first) O ( use R2 to switch between the two)
royal guard L2(hold)+D-Pad
weapon special ability L1
Flight L1(in air)
lock on R1
trickster - right analog stick and R3
switch active weapons- D-Pad
you can carry up to six weapons of each type( devil arm and gun) with you

3 eqipped weapons ( each type) -
1 active
2 inactive

3 reserve weapons ( each type)

the equipped weapons can be changed at any time in the pause menu.

weapon 1- equipped whenever you change the equipped weapons. after you select another weapon hit that button again to switch to weapon 1

weapon 2- select DA 2 with right select gun 2 with up
weapon 3- select DA 3 with left select gun 3 with down.

Main Character: Sparda- Mundus' strongest general. the last of the legendary "Knights in Darkness" not known for kindness or loyalty. all demons fear him except Mundus. at that may be Mundus' worst mistake

Default Weapons-

Dominance- a powerful sword capable of crushing all enemies.
( note A= Devil Arm Attack button)
combo1- AAAA- four powerful strikes ( left, down, up left)
combo2- AA then AAAAA- two powerful strikes a kick, than three quick slashes a flurry of stabs then a final stab.
combo3- A then A then A then A then A- one horizontal strikes than four powerful vertical strikes
combo4- AAA then A- three powrful strikes a spin kick than a powerful vertical strike.
flash uppercut- down+A- an extremely fast uppercut
aerial rave S- AAAAAA (in air) six horizontal strikes
heaven cutter- A then A then A(in air) - a horizontal strike than two powerful vertical strikes
shock- down +A- a powerful punch while falling
warp slash- up+A- moves behind the enemy cutting any thing in the way
angel killer- up+A(in air)- warp slash in mid air.
round trip- A( hold)

swordmaster moves-(note S= style move button)

lvl 1-absolute supremacy- SSSSS- two slashes. a spin kick a flurry of stabs a kick than a final stab.
ascendance- S(air) crate a vacuum that draws smaller opponents into the air and smashes them together overhead.

lvl 2-divinity - down+SSS- three powerful slashes that hit enemys from a distance. (basicly drive+ overdrive)
conquest-up+S- a 1080 degree spinning attack ( horizontal; while moving forward) a 360 vertiacal strike that knocks the opponent into the air than a 720 degree vertical strike ( from below; while moveing up) in air

lvl 3- coronation- S(during acendance) fires a massive burst of energy above Sparda.
imperial-S(hold)- create an wall of air around Sparda that none can cut through.

weapon special ability- absolute ownership- pull all enemies towards Sparda.

Yamato- a katana filled with the power of darkness-

Moves (note: Y= Yamato attack button (yes Yamato is so cool it gets its own button)

combo 1-Y- a single powerful iai ( draw strike)
combo 2- YYYY- spins his sword cutting the opponent mutiple times
combo 3- Y then YYYY- an iai followed by a quick powerful six hit combo ( the timing for any Yamato combo that has a pause after the first strike is difficult if you hit Y before the iai is finished you will start combo 2 if you hit Y while he is sheathing the sword it won't do anything ( and you will have preformed combo 1) the last strike in the combo knocks the opponent in the air ( if upper slash is used after it the opponent is launced twice as high and hevily damaged.)
combo4- Y then YY then Y- a iai then two vertical strikes(down then up) then another iai combo 2 can be preformed during the second iai
combo5- Y then Y then Y then Y then Y then Y then Y- a iai followed by three slow poweful strikes two three hit combos and a two hit combo followed by another iai
upper slash- down+ Y knock the opponent into the air add an extra hit with Y when the opponent is in the air to knock them back down
Air Combo- YYY- three quick strikes
Red sky- YY then YYY(in air)- a two quick strikes followed by a quick 5 hit combo
Rain blade- back+ Y ( in air)- a series of quick slashes while falling
Impailment- up+ Y-dashes forward then stabs the opponent smaller opponents are impailed and are temporarily unable to move
Air Impailment- up+Y-(in air) - impailment in mid air ( sparda and the opponent will fall while the enemy is impailed)
judgement cut -Y(hold)- same move vergil uses


Trickster- quickly move around the battlefield.
(note for Styles on the right analog stick S= R3, S+ a direction= that direction on the right analog stick.)
lvl 1 Dash -S- quickly dash forward. ( use S+ left or S+ right to Dash left or right.)
Sky Star S- (in air) - quickly dash forward while in the air
Warp Up up+S- teleport to a spot directly above where you are standing.

lvl 2- Dash lvl 2- can dash twice in a row
Warp Over -up+S appears above the target

lvl 3 Dash lvl 3- can dash three times in a row.
Warp Down- down + S- instantly move down ( if on ground move away)
Mutiply- S(hold)- make it appear as if there are five Spardas

Royal Guard- a block attacks and use the opponents own power against him.

lvl 1 block-S
air block-S( in air)

lvl 2 air release-up+S ( in air)
royal block-S( in time with enemy attack)

lvl 3 royal release-up+S ( in time with enemy attack)


Enma Katana no Kami
character bios: (just a little basic information about some of the major characters.)

Mundus: the newborn prince of the fallen tribe. he is arrogant, merciless and unforgiving. from his first breath his sole wish is to rule all that exists. he already holds enough power to crush any demon that opposes him. or so he believes. and if he is wrong then he can create an army of demons to help.

Hecate: Sparda's Daughter. and a descendant of Lucifer himself. she holds little interest in her heritage and feels no respect for any of her relatives except for Sparda and even then only a little. she is young for a demon but is already on of the most well known and respected. she is and expert in the development of unusual demonic weapons and has been working on a special project that could change everything.

Phantom: leader of the earth demon tribe. a massive spider-like demon. he controls both fire and earth and has armor none can penetrate. he has chosen to aid Mundus

Griffon: leader of the bird demon tribe. he uses the power of lighting. he has chosen to aid Mundus.

Beowulf: a beast like member of the fallen tribe. he is one of the strongest. once considered the kings most loyal servant. he chooses to side with Mundus quickly.

Berial- the conquerer of the fire hell. a massive sword welding demon. swarms of powerful fire element demons serve him.

Echidna- leader of the plant demon tribe. she considers all plant demons her children. the larval form of her species is a small parasitic demon.

Alastor- a cruel hearted lighting demon. he feels no loyalty to any tribe and desires only the suffering of all things.

Ifrit- a demon with a soul of pure hellfire. none control or direct him. not even Berial's flames compare to his.

Nevan- a succubus who has a talent for inspiring disloyalty. many have chosen to follow her wishes at the cost of their life.

akkiude- a mysterious spirit with great strength. it will absorb the abilities of any it defeats.

Legion- a massive army of demons with one mind and one soul. ( the opposite of most demons named legion that show up in various things)


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Wow, cool.

So I'm going to guess that after fighting Alastor and Ifrit, they'll be turned into their respective Devil Arms?


Enma Katana no Kami
Devil May Cry ZERO
Chapter1: New King
Mission 1: Coup d'etat
Crush the weak king

( sparda is casually walking through the hallway. (note:all demons in this game are in their true form unless it is stated that they are not) he notices Hecate standing nearby.)
Sparda: so you heard what happend.
Heacte: you know mother will hate you for this.
S: probably, what about you
H: i'm staying out of this one
S: so how is your reserch going.
H: whoever wins this will have access to the ultimate weapon soon.
S: do you think that there is any chance of the king winning against me.
H: you have a point. well have fun.
S: this will be to easy to be fun.

Number of Areas: 2

Area 1: Fallen Outer Limits
Number of rooms: 2

Room 1: Cliffside
Enemies: 3 Msira
Kill the Msira and move onward. Nothing hard.

Room 2: Staircase to False Heaven

( sparda is walking up the stairs, suddenly something smashes through the wall)
Beowulf: so you choose to betray your king
S: yeah, i never was good at sticking with one side.
B: you will die for your insolence
S: right, you keep thinking that.


Beowulf fights exactly as he did in DMC3, but his attacks do far less damage. Go nuts fighting him.

( beowulf is on the ground unable to stand)
B: it appears that you are going to win this
S: you just figured that out. ( sparda walks past beowulf) here's a hint. always join whatever side i'm on that is the side that will win.

Area 2: False Heaven
Number of rooms: 2

Room 1: False Courtyard
enemies: 2 Fallen
The Fallen enemies shouldn't be anything new. Their ability to phase through walls may prove to be troublesome, but they shouldn't be able to hurt you that much.

Room 2: False Throne

( Regius Angelo, king of the Fallen is sitting on his throne. suddenly the door shatters as a Fallen is thrown into it. Sparda casually walks through. )

Regius Angelo: you dare enter my throne room without permission.
S: you weren't so confident when you were running from a newborn baby.
R: FOOL! You will die for your insolence
S: thats the 2nd time i've heard that today. and i am still not impressed. you really need to learn to relax after all you are no longer king and soon you won't even be breathing.

Regius Angelo

Regius Angelo is fairly challenging. He can create swords of light that hover for a moment before flying forward, and his ability to fly is slightly annoying. His sword combos, while slow and predictable, are highly damaging.

( Regius swings his sword towards Sparda. he casually blocks the attack with Dominance. )

S: you haven't been keeping up your practice have you.
R: SILENCE!! ( Regius continues to attack swinging wildly, Sparda blocks every attack but is unable to go on the offensive) you are not as great as you beleve yourself to be.
S: not true. ( Sparda continues to block Regius' attacks useing Dominance with one hand.) i have two swords you know ( Sparda draws Yamato with his left hand and slices Regis in half) i am the best and don't you forget it... maybe i should have finished what i was saying before killing him.



Enma Katana no Kami
Devil May Cry ZERO
Chapter 1: New King.
Mission 2: Proof Of Power
Prove your strength to the guardian of earth!

(Sparda walks into Mundus' "throne room" a large cave. Heacte is in the room. )
Sparda: so, you decided not to use the real throne room.
Mundus; insolent demons tend to have short lives Sparda.
S: thats the third time i have been called that today. of course your the new king so i have to but up with it. but you have to put up with me because you can't fit through most hallways. so you need my power to maintain control of most areas,
Heacte: do you have to annoy everyone
S: probably not but still... hey! you shouldn't talk to me like that.
H: some one has to otherwise your whould think you were the greatest of all demons.
S: you mean i'm not.
H: you...
M: both of you, Shut Up!
H: Yes, Your Highness
S: fine.
M: Sparda i have something i want you to do.
S: see i told you that you needed me.
M: for now... the demons of the Earth tribe are considering joining us. Visit them and let them know of our power
S: you mean my power
M: SHUT UP!!! i mean my power. you will not be going alone, heacte show your father his new subordinates.
H: ( gestures towards a group of demons standing nearby)
S: i've never seen anyone like these guys before.
H: thats because they are new. our king made them. and i refined them into what you see in front of you.
S: well then they should last two minutes. but i don't really need the help. hey wait a minute two of them are the generic Fallen.
H: it's rude to call a member of your own tribe generic.
S: but they are. they all look the same. they all act the same. they even f-
H: just go deal with the stupid earth demons.
ALLIES- Sparda won't have to fight alone. the solders of Mundus' army will aid him.
another player can control the demons with a second controller. if three or four controllers are used mutuple allies can be player controlled. making this a four player game. if an ally currently being controlled is killed the player useing it can switch to another one if one is availble.
2 Fallen
5 Marionette
3 Aqua
Aqua: low level water element reptilian demons. their attacks weaken earth and metal demons.

Number of areas: 1

Area 1: Elemental Plane of Earth
Number of rooms: 5

Room 1: Peak
Enemies: 2 Grewons

New Enemy: Grewon
Wolf demons with power over earth. They can summon stone pillars along with hurling stones and vicious pounces. If they catch you in a pounce, they'll gnaw on you until you break free.

Kill the Grewons to continue.

Room 2: Mountain Path
Enemies: 2 Golems

New Enemy: Golem
Humanoid creatures made of stone. Their huge punches are slow and easy to dodge, but cause an enormous amount of damage. Their only weak point is their head, as the stone there is weaker.

Kill the Golems, but be careful of the surrounding area, as avalanches of stone can occur any time. Once they Golems are dead, continue.

Room 3: Mountain Base
Enemies: 2 Kyklops

Ahhh, Kyklops. A returning favorite. Kill them to continue onwards, but be careful. These Kyklops, if you don't remember, can spit rock, pounce on you, and claw at you. They can only be hurt in their head, but their armor can be pierced if they attack each other.

Room 4: Mountain Core Access
Enemies: 2 Greater Kyklops

New Enemy: Greater Kyklops
Kyklops that resemble Phantom far more, and are his personal bodyguards. They possess his scorpion tail and they have lava for blood, but still rely on stone and earth based attacks. They can create pillars of stone to attack along with stabbing with their tail. Attacking the open spot when the tail is unfurled deals much more damage.

Kill the Greater Kyclops to continue.

Room 5: Mountain Core
Boss: Phantom
(Sparda calmly walks into the room)
S: so i heard you were interested in helping out a little. so i figured i'd show up and help you decide.
Phantom: i would tell your king of my decision but unfortunitly his messenger wont make it back.
S: really. thats odd. i don't recall any messengers being sent. unless killing half your subordinates and beating the crap out of you counts as a message.
P: insolent
S: four times in one day. why can't someone come up with something else to call me.
BOSS: Phantom

Phantom fights just like he did in DMC1, Sparda's skill is enough to defeat him. he has the same weaknesses as before so aim for his weak spots and crush him.
( Sparda is casually sitting on Phantoms head)
S: you done yet
P: ( tries to shake sparda off) get off me you little
S: maybe later this is fun.
P: ( exausted, phantom stops moving) okay you win.
S:so you going to join
P: yes, i'll help mundus


One King One Legend
too much to read but I see you put much effort to make such very good plot
keep it up I wish your idea comes true


Enma Katana no Kami
Devil May Cry ZERO
Chapter 1. New King
Mission 3; Unknown Spirit
face the spirt of pure power.

( sparda walks into the throne room.)

Sparda: what is it this time
Hecate: the truth is we don't know and that's the problem
S: if you don't know what it is how do you know it's a problem.
H: because its in our territory and isn't supposed to be.
S: how do you know it's not supposed to be here if you don't know what it is.
H: because we know everything that is supposed to be here.
Mundus: stop asking questions and just get rid of it.
S: how will i know what it is i'm supposed to get rid of.
H: i'm sure you can figure it out.

Allies: 3 marionettes
3 Fallen
3 Hunters
Hunter: a reptilan demon skilled in stealth.
Number of Areas: 1

Area 1:the Living Cave ( same as dmc1 even the same music)
Number of rooms: 7

Room 1: Heart Chamber
enemies: none
Go through the door in front of you to continue.

Room 2: Divinity Statue Chamber
enemies: 3 Sin Scissors, 1 Sin Scythe
Kill the enemies to continue onwards.

Room 3: Entrance Chamber
enemies: 3 Soul Eaters, 2 Sin Scythes
Kill the enemies, then break the seal on the vein to open the door in the previous room.

Room 4: Chamber of Sacrifice
Mini-Boss: Death Scissors

Death Scissors

Death Scissors attacks just like he did in DMC1. He will go berserk every time you break a piece of his skull off, and his corkscrew attack is just as hard to dodge as before.

Once he's dead, continue.

Room 5: Lava Room
enemies: 3 Sin Scythes, 2 Soul Eaters
Kill them or ignore them. It doesn't matter.

Room 6: Pulsing Hallway
enemies: 6 Sin Scissors, 4 Sin Scythes and 4 Soul Eaters
Remember this room? Standing around for too long will get you hurt, and the tentacles on the wall will hurt you too. And don't get intimidated by those enemy numbers. They're spread out among the hallway.

Room 1: Heart Chamber
enemies: none

(Sparda walks into the room and notices a strange bule spirit floating nearby. the spirit tears open the heart of the living cave and goes inside. )

Follow the spirt to go to the final room.

Room 7: Inside the Heart

(the spirit is floating inside the heart energy is flowing from the heart to the spirit.)
S: so you're the trouble maker. what exactly are you doing. ( the spirit dosen't respond) so not very talkative. well then maybie i have a better way to communicate.

a blue spirit that holds great power. it attacks with great force and brutality.

Special moves: Snatch, Buster: Summoned Swords, Spiral Swords, Sword Storm, Blistering Swords ( all moves you've seen before)
(sparda slashes at the spirit, it easily catches his sword and tosses him aside)
S: what, i'm not supposed to lose. some one forgot to tell this stupid thing that i don't lose. ( sparda draws Yamato) try to block this. ( sparda slashes at the spirit using Yamato, it moves to block and sparda ducks and pulls the sword back. he moves behind the spirit and stabs it.) okay, now what this thing dosn't seem to be dying. oh wait i've got an idea.( runes appear on yamato.) i don't know if this trick will work or what will happen to my sword but this guy is really annoying so i think i will risk it. ( the spirit is pulled into the sword) hey it worked and with a sword that already had its own power. (suddenly the spirit's arm appears around Yamato.) crap this dosn't look good. ( one of the marrionettes walks into the room) hey this arm dosen't appear to be doing anything. i wonder ( the arm grabs the marrionette and pulls it towards sparda, sparda sheaths Yamato and the spirits arm appears around his own. sparda tosses the marrionette into the air. a sommoned sword appears next to him. sparda graps the sword jumps into the air and stabs the marrionette. he then catches it and slams it into the ground) i think i will enjoy this.

the Devil Bringer Style can now be used.

lvl 1 buster

lvl 2. summoned swords
snatch lvl 2

lvl 3 spiral swords
sword storm
blistering swords


DMC Zero sounds like --- Devil May Cry Devil's Betrayal --- Devil May Cry Darkness Fall's --- Devil May Cry ''Dark Knight'' or Devil May Cry ''Dark Hero'' Who knows.....


Enma Katana no Kami
Devil May Cry ZERO
Chapter 1: New King
Mission 4: Birth of the Nightmare
Test the ultimate demonic weapon!
Alternate Player Charicters: Sparda isn't the only one working for mundus that can fight. sometimes you will play as on of mundus' other allies.
Player Charicter: Hecate
jump /\
devil arm attack X
gun attack []
swordmaster/Darkgunner O ( use R2 to switch between the two)
fallen grace L2(hold)+D-Pad
weapon special ability L1
lock on R1
demonic splendor. - right analog stick and R3
switch active weapons- D-Pad

Demonic Splendor- a powerful style based on the use of Hecate's creations.

lvl 1- Nightmare Zeta- any direction- quickly teleports the user.

lvl2- Nightmare Zeta lvl 2- increased range
Nightmare Xi- R3- an attack based on a random element.

lvl 3- Nightmare Zeta lvl3
Nightmare Xi- lvl 2- increased power
Nightmare Tau- ( passive) regenerates the users health.

Fallen Grace- use the power of fallen angels to increase the effeciveness of your weapons. ( basicly a demonic version of exceed)

Default weapons:
Nightmare Epsilon- a weapon that creates a blade of energy. an extremly light fast weapon.

combo 1 AAA - a simple three hit combo

combo 2 AA then AA- two quick strikes then a vertical strike and a stab.

combo 3 A then AAA- a quick four hit combo

combo 4 - A then A then AA - two slow slashes then two quick strikes.
upper slash- down+ A knock the opponent into the air

add an extra hit with A when the opponent is in the air to knock them back down

Aerial rave- AAAA( in air)- 4 quick slashes in mid air

Skycutter- A then A ( in air)- a horizontal slash followed by a devestating vertical strike

Rain blade- back+ A ( in air)- a series of quick slashes while falling

Rapid slash-up+A -dash towards the opponent and hit them with a horizontal slash

Rapid slash ( air)- up+A( in air) - rapid slash in mid air

Swordmaster moves.
l1 flash strike- S a strike so fast it fits in between strikes in a combo. ( example AAS then AA is the same as AA then AA but with an extra strike.)
flash fall-S ( in air) a lightning quick falling strike
lvl2 slash 13 up+S- a series of quick strikes ending in an uppercut
drive- down+ S
lvl 3 overdrive SS ( during drive)
dance macabre-S ( repeatedly) a extremly long combo. that goes through every normal combo in order automaticly.

Nightmare Epsilon Special Ability-
Charge up- temporality deactivate the blade- the first few attacks after it is reactivated are stronger.

Nightmare Beta- a weapon that can fire mutiple shots that pass through enemys and reflect off walls.

( note G= gun attack button)

G- single shot
multi shot- G( hold)- fires mutiple simultanious shots. the longer you charge the more shots are fired.

Darkgunner moves ( note Darkgunner is a demonic version of Gunslinger)

lvl 1 charge shot S- a single shot from nightmare beta charge it to increase the power
lvl 2- acid rain down+S fires shots in the air that rain down on the enemy
gun stinger- up+S- dash forward and fire a shot at close range
lvl 3- Rapid fire- S+ left ( hold)- use nightmare beta like a machene gun.
Reflect shot- right+S- a shot that reflects off of enemys as well as walls.

Nightmare- the same as in dmc1. be careful because some of it's attacks can damage you as easily as the enemys.

Number of areas: 1

( hecate walks into mundus' throne room)

M: what is is
H: i am almost finished with something i am working on
M: and why do you think i care.
H: because it is something very useful to you.
M: what is is.
H: a weapon of unimaginable power.
M: how close are you to compleating it.
H: i can't be sure until i do a little more testing. it might be done now.
M: why did you feel the need to tell me when its almost done when you didn't bother to tell me when you started.
H: i started before you were born so i couldn't tell you then. but i told you now because i need to use a few resources to test it and i need permission to use those resources.
M: use whatever you need to. just make sure your weapon is more valuble than what you use.
H: it will be.
Area 1: Plain of Nothingness
Rooms: 2

(a portal opens in a compleatly flat area. the only thing in the area appears to be a pile of sludge. hecate steps out of the portal. four glowing circles on the floor light up and the pile of sludge forms into a massive creature, ( nightmare)

Room 1: Plain of Nothingness

Here, several waves of enemies will attack you. However, your ally, Nightmare, can make quick work of them. Especially if you have a second player controlling him.

Wave 1
Marionette x10
Bloody Mari x3
Easy pickings. Nightmare can kill them for you.

Wave 2
Death Scissors x2
Death Scythe x1
Attack the Scythe while Nightmare focuses on the Scissors. Should go down easily.

Wave 3 (mini-boss)
A Blaze is basically a large, quadrupedal Blade that can attack with (you guessed it) fire. He's big and powerful, but slow and easy to avoid if you know what you're doing.

Wave 4
Mephisto x6
Faust x2
Be careful. The Faust will kill you easily if you're careless, even with Nightmare around. Wail on them with ranged attacks until they lose their cloak, then go in for the kill.

( a portal opens into another room, hecate steps through the portal. )

Room 2 : Prototype Storage Area.

Wave 5 (boss)
Nightmare Prototype
The prototype isn't as strong as Nightmare, but it's almost equal. Make sure to stay away from his attacks. The flaw of the prototype, however, is that it cannot transform out of it's machine form. It also cannot utilize Nightmare's ice based attacks, which is another flaw. It's homing missiles also have a tendency to malfunction and attack the prototype instead.

(Nightmare ( in its liquid form) flows over and absourbs the prototype)


Darkstar Darin

The Badass In Black
darkslayer13;250674 said:
of course.

question on alastor...is it the dt form from dmc1 or the one from viewtiful joe (dat one is my fave, PURPLE SKIN)...i did not mean 2 quote dis but, its an awesome plot


Enma Katana no Kami
Devil May Cry ZERO
Chapter 1: New King
Mission 5: Imperial Army
Equality has no place in Hell.
( Phantom is waiting in Mundus' throne room which has now been hevily decorated to the point where it can no longer be recongnized as the cave it once was. ( it now looks like the room from dmc1)
Mundus: what is it Phantom
Phantom: i have met with the leaders of some of the other tribes and we have decided to work with you only if we have an equal say in all decisions.
M: really, i was plaining on making you one of my generals but this idea... i think i will have to kill anyone who even thinks it. Sparda teach this fool a lesson.
S: i just beat up this guy yesterday.
P: i am not alone the others are with me and they will not allow things to happen like this
M: they will be punished the same as you
S: well i might try to be a little more varied to keep myself from getting bored.
Allies: Beowulf, Nightmare
5 Fallen Knights
Number of areas: 3

Area 1: Imperial Palace
Number of rooms: 1
Room 1: Imperial Throne
Boss: Phantom
Phantom fights like he did in the last battle against him in dmc1.

(Sparda is standing next to a nearly dead Phantom)
M: why is he not dead yet
S: he isn't very smart but he is durable. it's going to take me a minute to make him stop moving
M: someone this hard to kill might be useful. go deal with the others while i have a talk with Phantom
S: finaly i was beginning to think you were going to have me pummel this idiot all day.
M: GO!!
S: okay okay, just relax.

Area 2: the Living Cave
Number of rooms: 4

Room 1: Heart Chamber
Enemies: 6 Kyklops , 2 Greater Kyklops.
Kill them all and walk through the hole in the wall that was opened by the Kyklops

Room 2: Stomach Chamber
Enemies: 4 Nobody and 2 Savage Golems, 6 Angofinis
the floor is covered in acid that will damage you but there are large platforms you can walk on try not to fall.

Room 3: Cave's Esophagus
Mini-Boss: Freki & Geri
When you see these two, you know who's coming up next. Thankfully they aren't much of a threat, so kill them off with everything at your disposal.

Room 4: Cave's Mouth
( Sparda walks into the mouth of the cave)
Bolverk: so you're the one i've heard about. the one who constanly betrays everyone and cannot be punished for it
S: that sounds like me. since you know who i am you know there is no point in fighting me right.
B: you may have beaten many foes but that dosen't mean you can be overconfident. let down your guard and you will die.
S: don't be so sure i bet you i could drop both my swords and turn around and by the time you got to me i would already have picked them up and gotten ready to block. ( sparda unsheaths both of his swords and tosses both of them away. then he turns around and faces the way he came) come on you can handle this can't you
B: your arrogance will be punished ( bolverk runs forward and attacks sparda, akkiude's arm appears around yamato and reaches past sparda. it grabs Dominance and uses it to block Bolverk's attack)
S: ( Sparda grabs Dominance) oh, did i forget to tell you about that. it's someting new so you woulden't be aware of it. ( sparda walks over and picks up Yamato) now do you understand the situation. i can't lose even if i try. every fight i'm in i win
Boss: Bolverk
Bolverk attacks like he did in DMC2, but much faster. Be careful during his spear combos and especially his version of Million Stab.
(Sparda grabs Bolverk's spear with the Devil Bringer and tosses it away he then uses the DB to grab Bolverk and slam him into the ground)
S: since you are the first person in the past week to come up with an insult to call me other than insolent i'll let you live.

Area 3: Fallen Outer Limits
Number of rooms: 6

Room 1: Pathway to the Forgotten
Enemies: 4 Puia
The Puia are a distraction so that you fall into the endless pit below. Just be careful and stay on target.

Room X: Forgotten Land
First Time falling: 2 Kyklops and 4 Terrofinis
Second time and onwards: 4 Agonofinis and 4 Nobody
If you fall, you go here. Kill all the enemies to get out.

Room 2: Forgotten Fortress
Enemies: 4 Puia, 2 Gravial
Defeat the enemies and continue. one of the doors is locked, however, so head in the other one.
New Enemy: Gravial- a stronger relative of the puia
Room 3: Armory
Enemies: 4 Terrofinis, 2 Plasma
You don't have to fight them, so just run past if you prefer. In here is the key to the door ahead, the Great Seal.

Key Item: Great Seal
A carved crest the size of a fist. It goes into certain locks.

Head back to the Interior and use the Great Seal on the locked door.

Room 4: Surge of Forgotten Gods
Enemies: 8 Puia
Yes, more of these. However, for the time being, all you have to do is survive. Getting to the top will mean the next room, and no more enemies.

Room 5: Coutyard of the Forgotten
( Sparda walks into the courtyard , Griffon flys ovehead and lands on a wall nearby to high for sparda to reach)
S: okay half the guys i fought getting to you were from the tribe of the last guy i fought. you're hideing in some old fortress and you're sitting somewere i can't reach. you have got to be the most cowardly demon i've ever met. ( Griffon dosn't bother to say anything and just attacks sparda)
Boss: Griffon
Griffon fights the same way he did in DMC1 as well. He's strong, but his attacks can be telegraphed and dodged easily. you will have to rely on the devil bringers moves due to sparda not using guns. but you should be able to deal alot of damage with the DB's summoned swords and by using snatch to pull yourself to Griffon to hit him with devistating air combos.

(Griffon falls to the ground )
S: if i have to fight to many more guys like this i may have to invest in some ranged weapons.
( in mundus' throne room, a crowd of demons from the Fallen tribe as well as the three allied tribes are gathered. Griffon and Phantom are lying on the ground unable to stand, Bolverk, Sparda, Beowulf and Hecate are all standing nearby, Mundus is getting ready to make a speach)

S: ( looking at Beowulf) i am so glad you were the one that had to drag those two here.
Hecate: be quiet you have gotten in enough trouble.

M: all of you demons gathered here from four tribes. constant enemies sqabbling over minor concerns fighting over insignifigant amounts of territory. now all together. the chaos we can cause seperalty is nothing. together under my rule we can control all. these four tribes are just the start. we will forge someting beyond anything that has ever been an Empire of Darkness. I the Demon Emperor Shall lead us and we shall rule all of this world. you shall be the Imperial Army crushing all that even consider opposing us. None can stop us. All will fear us.

( the demons begin to cheer and chant Mundus' name)


Enma Katana no Kami
Devil May Cry ZERO
Chapter 2: Conquest
Mission 6: Beginning
take the first step to conquering all

( Sparda is standing in Mundus' throne room)
Sparda: so what is it
Mundus: i have decided who we will destroy first
S: oh good i was beginning to think i would have to decide. so who is it i'm going to have to beat.
M: that fool Berial, he is far to confident of himself. he has only been in control of his tribe for a short time and yet he feels safe.
S: well he dose have a massive army of demons protecting him.
M: it shouldn't be difficult to get rid of them. you will be sent to deal with the most troublesome group amoung those serving Berial.
S; of course, so where are these troublemakers.
allies: 2 Kyklops
6 Frost
2 Fallen Knight
Number of areas: 1

Area 1: Fire Hell Temple
Number of rooms: 5

Room 1: Plain of Heat
Enemies: 3 Will O' Wisp
They shouldn't be a threat. Kill them off easily and move on.
New Enemy- Will O'Wisp weak fire demons
Room 2: Temple Outskirts
Enemies: 20 Flambats
Since you don't have any ranged weapons, Flambats are a more significant threat. The smart thing to do would be to book it to the exit, but it's your call. Your allies, especially the Frosts, can get rid of them no problem.

Room 3: Temple Lobby
Enemies: 3 Fury Knights, 2 Will O' Wisps
New Enemy Fury Knights- Powerful knight-like fire demons they have many area of effect attacks and explode when defeated.
This time, the exit will seal off. defeat the enemies and continue on.

Room 4: Temple Worship Chamber
Enemies: 5 Fury Knights
( Sparda casually walks into the room,)
S: hey, it's a large ugly fire demon. now what whould something like that be doing here. i suppose i should move it. it's a major eyesore. at least it dosen't smell bad.


Room 5: Temple Throne
( Sparda casually walks into the room,)
S: hey, it's a large ugly fire demon. now what whould something like that be doing here. i suppose i should move it. it's a major eyesore. at least it dosen't smell bad.
Furiataurus: who is foolish enough to challenge me
S: actually i think I'm pretty smart you're the stupid one
F: i will make you regret your decision.
S: not exactly the most imaginative response but I'll give you credit for trying.
Boss: Furiataurus
Furiataurus is a high ranking member of the fire tribe. His basic moves are the same as in dmc2, but he is far more aggressive and has a few new attacks as well. His fire stomp has been omitted for a three swing combo with his hammer, and his fire breath attack has longer range.
(Sparda uses the Devil Bringer to pin Furiataurus to the wall )
S: boring, come on a big guy like you should be able to fight. stop playing around. ( sparda stabs Furiataurus with Dominance.) well i guess i'll go deal with the next bunch of enemies now. i hope they will be a bit more interesting.
F: this can't be how can i be defeated so easily
S: maybe it's because of you're inability to come up with anything interesting to say. that or you're just weak.

Darkstar Darin

The Badass In Black
Sone;253576 said:
DMC Zero sounds like --- Devil May Cry Devil's Betrayal --- Devil May Cry Darkness Fall's --- Devil May Cry ''Dark Knight'' or Devil May Cry ''Dark Hero'' Who knows.....

hey, the dark hero 1 sounds good, THANKS SONE!!^_^
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