Maybe Dante fighting an actual god or really powerful demon?Such as???
Are you certain on the cgi part? I do love cgi and anything (I would've killed to have seen a cgi Enslaved film) but I think part of me would like to see DmC as a live-action.
And sorry if I'm diving in amongst a convo, but here's a question I want to put out there. Who would you want to star as Dante?
I think Ian somerhalder might make a good classic Dante and Reuben Langdon actually looks like DMC3 Dante.
Vergil is trickier.
DMC does have dark elements that could make for gritty storytelling such as Dante being a mercenary back in the light novel which you don't get to be by going to colege.Someone shuld've told Tameem that. Too late ..