But everybody already has those games, and Blops and Skyrim are still at full price. DmC as a triple A game should be doing close to them. It was only in the top 10 for the first few days of its release, it's dropped down to 21 since then. I'm not claiming that the game is doomed as a whole, I'm just pointing out that these Steam sales are indicative of the game's PC success.Magicka is currently on sale for the weekend, which accounts for the sales. Like I said, it's been out for pre-order for a month now and it's been jumping around. It spent some time in the top 10 for awhile, but as a whole, it's been doing fine. Just because you see it at the #21 now doesn't mean it's doomed. Which again brings me back to my point, staring at the top sellers list is a very limited and narrow way to gauge sales. It's also not really accurate to compare the game to other established games like GMOD, Blops, Skyrim, Arma 2, etc; since those games have massive PC audiences, and are much cheaper than DmC.
But really, you shouldn't fixate on these sales figures after only 5 days on the market. It doesn't work like that. Unless you want to feel about about which ever game you're rooting for.
Dark Souls Prepare to Die is similar to DmC in that it doesn't cater much to the PC audience ( and the port was awful ), but even then when it was released for pre-order it was a huge success on the top sellers.
Again, GameStop's sales will seal the deal on if the game sells well or not.