Well looks like someone's happy to see Vergil in HD.From Capcom Europe: (hope you don't mind me posting this too.)
but this collection i dont think so porting has alot of issues the majority of problems will be on the 360 cuz the original games were on ps2 remastered to ps3 and than ported to xbox 360.its bound to have some problems but probably minor ones seeing that they are deciding to release it on xbox.all multiplatform games today are first made on xbox and then ported to ps3 because xbox has dvd drive less space on cd thats why when comparing games xbox has just a little better graphics and fast but with exclusives ps3 wins.so i hope this answers it.im also glad its on 360, i know devil may cry is originally a playstation game, but im definitely getting them all on 360, because games tend to run smoother on 360 in my opinion
I'm soooooo happy it's on 360
I've already come across people moaning that it's on Xbox too as if it effects them being on Xbox. It makes me a bit sad. Everyone should be able to enjoy DMC!!! I just feel a it bad for PC users, hopefully it will be announced for that too.
This quote sums everything up nicely.He*l to the yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![]()
HMV (uk site) have got a release date for the game as 1/3/2012
on pre-order (£29.99) Just to let you all know
Two days before my birthday!!! XD
Will have to talk about it loudly in front of friends and family!
I thought it would haven been more expensive than that though, not that I'm complaining. I know they are old games but you are getting 3 of them! Awesome games to boot!