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Devil May Cry - Chronicles of a Young Knight

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Super Penguin Number 2
The Prologue

It's been a long damn time since I've done this...or anything really. I haven't held this sword...carried this gun...smelled a demon...anything since Fortuna went half way to hell and back. I've just been with Kyrie. That's been enough for me. Until about a month ago anyway.

This damn arm...I'm never going to be able to tell if it's a curse or a blessing. I just know that it's annoying, especially now that more of my body seems to be...morphing into whatever my arm has become. It's reached my shoulder blade and the tip of my neck. Let me tell ya...that's not fun. Especially when it comes to some of the stuck up snobs back at Fortuna. They look at me like I'm the plague or something.

But that's why I'm here now. I'm going to find out why this has happened to me. I mean...it's a permanent feature. Dante doesn't have to go through this crap, and I know damn well he's probably been beat and cut to hell way more than me.

Yup. This...weird ass demon-puberty or whatever...it's exclusive to me. At least it doesn't make my voice crack...

The clouds were dense and gray. The ground was covered in a thick blanket of snow, and more of the tiny, white puffs were falling from the sky. Every breath of Nero's left a small cloud in the air that soon faded away, vanishing in thin air. Nero's throat was chilled, and even his body could barely resist the cool of the night. He kept his hood pulled over his head, trying to at least make sure his ears wouldn't freeze off.

"Damn it's cold." Nero muttered to himself.

The surrounding trees all lightly danced as wind picked up and sifted through all of the iced branches. Nero wondered why anyone...or anything would want to be in as remote of a place as this. It was so isolated. Nero hadn't even heard of the Forest's name before. The Woods of Temptation. What a name, Nero thought.

However, he had struck the jackpot, as the eerie red glow illuminating the darkness a ways off could only be one thing. Nero had been tracking a cult down in these woods for the past day and a half, and from the looks of things, he'd finally found them. Why, exactly, he was tracking them down, he had no clue. They had something to do with the answer to his arm, or so he was told by some crazy ass kook back in one of Fortuna's neighbouring, island towns.

Nero normally wouldn't have trusted some filthy, old guy to tell him something important after only talking for five minutes, but it was simply a risk he had to take...just in case. If this was all just a crock of crap, Nero could always go back and give the old guy a good throttling around the neck.

After staring at the glow for a long minute, Nero slowly lifted his foot, taking a soft step into the snow. The ground crunched under his foot, as it did with every step after that, until Nero could finally see a small camp of sorts from behind a few of the thin trees. He hid down low behind a fallen tree trunk and watched the camp site. The glow was coming from inside one of the wooden buildings.

There were about four buildings total. One of them was a pretty large stone structure with two windows. Outside, placed in the centre of the tiny community, was a crackling fire, surrounded by piles of rotting meat and bone. No sooner did Nero lay eyes on the massive heaps of flesh, the smell hit his nostrils with such force, it was an epic battle to simply not even fall back on his ass.

Nero won though, his spine shivering from the aftermath of the smell drifting over to him. He continued looking around, and finally, someone...someone?...yeah, someone came out of one of the buildings. They were nude. Completely. And it was a large male. Nero raised a brow, "Uhm...okaaay."

Soon after the man emerged, dozens more people started trickling out of the buildings, and then, from the stone structure came a small group of three people carrying a young woman who was tied to a pole. Most everyone was nude, just like the first guy. Looking closer, Nero saw that some of the people, both men and women, had began to grow other appendages on their bodies. Some even had two faces, or an odd amount of facial features. One guy even had a maw in his chest. Finally, the biggest mutant of them all stepped up, at least eight feet in height. And that was one big ass knife he had too.

Shouting something incomprehensible, at least to Nero, that big guy motioned for the other three to bring the girl over next to the fire. She was squirming against the pole, a muffled scream escaping from behind the cloth gag shoved in her mouth. The three men lifted the pole up and stabbed the tip of it into the ground, and then joined the rest of the crows as the bigger one waltzed over to the damsel. He began muttering some kind of nonsense, staring back and forth between the crowd of heathens and the young girl, gently sliding the tip of the knife down her exposed belly.

Nero stared back at the crowd. They all seemed to be dancing. Then some of them started falling over as a light, blue haze began to drift through the air. Many of the freaks started moaning, some babbled. Others flailed about in fairly angry manners. Others cackled maniacally while some squirmed and slithered against each other like snakes on the ground.

Nero even saw several of the women commence to murdering one of the men in an extremely violent way, literally tearing him limb from limb like savage beasts. He seemed to be enjoying it though, a sick look of pleasure swallowing his face as he was plunged into the ever growing fire.

Nero had no idea what was going on, but he definitely didn't want to watch any more of it. Besides, the thought of saving a young girl was appealing to him. He'd done it before. Why not again? After all, he really didn't want to see some innocent, defenceless person get turned into a pile of meat on the ground.


Super Penguin Number 2
Slowly edging his way down the snow covered hill side leading down to the cult, Nero made sure to stay hidden behind trees and shrubs as he went. The blue haze in the air above all of the freaks was starting to thin out and spread through the forest, slowly gliding through surrounding trees and fading into the dark. Nero caught a whiff of it. His entire body began to tingle, but the stuff didn't have any real effect on him.

Back around the camp fire, the crowd continued to engage in their perverse ritual as the bigger one kept shouting barbaric phrases. And then the dancing, laughing and other insane happenings stopped. Even the big guy had finally shut up. "Thank God for that." Nero quietly muttered, perhaps something that would've been best kept to himself.

Most of the people started to stand up now, and that's all they did too. Stood, staring in whatever direction their bodies happened to be turned. Nero took one more step, getting a little closer. The ground crunched beneath his boot. A twig snapped. "Sh*t."

The crack echoed all of the way to the camp, and all at once, every single one of the men and women below turned to slowly to face Nero. The large one stepped in front of the crowd, "A devil-hunter...here?" The man's nostrils flared, "You are young too. How...delicious." His voice rasped, and his tongue edged around his lips.

"Me, delicious? Are you kidding? C'mon now, I'm just made out of a bunch of tough meat. Not too good if you ask me." Nero said, smirking.

"We'll soften you up." The man chuckled.

Nero sighed, scratching the back of his head with Devil Bringer, "Alright, listen up. I didn't come here to fight, but don't think I won't hesitate to kick your ass. I've just got two things to ask before I leave."

Nero paused, looking over at the now paralysed looking girl tied to the pole, "Okay, here's number one. Free the chick. I'm pretty sure she's got a pleasant life to live somewhere far off with Mr. Just-Right-Prep-Guy. And then number two...if you know anything about this arm of mine, I'd appreciate some insight...like...why the hell is it on me?"

The man stood, growling and still licking his lips, "I'm afraid we can't let the girl go. She's our sacrifice to our Lord, a key to his summoning...and as for your arm, it just so happens that this same Lord may hold knowledge pertaining to such a thing. Looks like you'll have to choose between saving the girl and learning about your arm. Hehehe..."

Nero kicked a pile of snow away, "Dammit. Well, I guess this isn't your lucky day." Nero chuckled, reaching behind his jacket to grab Blue Rose. Instantly levelling the gun's twin barrels with the cultist's head, Nero pulled the trigger. Both bullets twirled through the air, implanting themselves in the man's head, which seemingly exploded the second the bullets made contact. His body slumped over.

Nero's arms dropped to his sides, his shoulders slumping, "You're kidding me right? That was it? I killed your big boss?"

The crowd of people turned to face their fallen leader's body, and a low hum began vibrating from all of them, a chant forming from the hum. Nero stared at them all, stepping closer, "This can't be good."


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I think it's time to kick their asses before something major happens, although knowing Nero, he'll wait to see what the challenge is. :p

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
OHMIGOSH he pulled a Dante move!!!! >_< ...hehehehe... Sorry, I had to say that, there's a lot of Danteness lacking....you know me I'm just kidding. Still, blowing the leader's head off was FRIGGIN SICK! Superb visuals :) And I recon you've got Nero's character down right.
Look forward to seeing what happens next :D


Super Penguin Number 2
Not even a minute after the man's body had fallen and the chanting had started, all fell silent. The cultists were now just staring at the body, seeming to patiently wait on something. Nero walked closer to the crowd, only to be knocked back by an immense force originating from the dead body. The dead man's skin began to crack open, tiny tentacles slithering their way out. His hands began to turn into claws, and from the hole where his head was once connected to his neck spewed forth some form of parasitic demon.

"Oh, well that's just great." Nero grumbled as the demon stood upright, turned in Nero's direction. A loud, screeching howl burst from the demon's head as it charged forward, followed by all of it's cultist sheep.

Taking aim with Blue Rose, Nero fired relentlessly into the oncoming crowd, dropping the freaks just as fast as they were running. There were simply too many for Nero to take all of them on at range though, and as they began to swarm around trees and fallen branches, closing in on him, Nero quickly revved Red Queen, spinning the sword around him just in time to cut through a wave of the cultists with the heated blade. Body halves fell to the ground in droves as Nero hacked and hacked through the possessed men and women, all of the way up until he was face to face with the demon.

Nero hopped back, waving the big creature off with his Devil Bringer, "You see what happens when I don't get what I want? It's not pretty. Now, whaddya say we give that big, ugly, new face of yours a makeover? Make you more...socially acceptable. Bring you up to modern standards. What would your mom say if you came back to her like that."

The demon growled, "I killed my mother you piece of-"

"Tch, not sure if that was a good thing or not. She was an innocent person, I bet...but then again, living to see that ugly mug of yours would've probably been way more punishing." Nero scoffed, tapping the blade of his sword against his shoulder.

"I'm gonna kill you!" The monster screamed before dashing straight for Nero.

Nero revved his sword up to it's maximum power and simply stuck the blade's point out, allowing the demon to impale itself on Red Queen. The demon looked up at Nero with what could now be seen as at least a dozen tiny, red eyes, and laughed, "You think this puny little stab wound is gonna stop me?!"

"No..." Nero replied, "But this will." Slowly moving his thumb up to the back of the sword's hilt, Nero clicked a tiny button. A new addition to the sword. By doing this, all of the pressure and heated liquid in the sword exploded out in one furious blast. The demon literally separated into hundreds of body parts as the flesh nearly liquefied, hitting the ground like disgusting, gelatinous chunks after the sword's new attack was released.

Nero whistled, "Damn...that was nasty."

A few quick glances around would reveal that the entire cult had been killed off. Body parts were strewn all about. The only thing of interest to Nero now was the young girl who was still tied to the pole. He slowly walked over to her and reached to untie her, but paused, "Hey...you're not going to turn into some mutant freak if I set you free, right?"

The woman frantically shook her head up and down, letting Nero know that the effects of the drug or whatever it was that was used earlier in the air had worn off. Nero shrugged and untied her from the pole. As soon as she could, she tore the cloth gag from her mouth and hugged Nero, "Oh thank you so much! I don't know who you are, but if there's anyway I could ever repay you-"

"You could start by...erg...letting go, lady." Nero pushed away from her, dusting his jacket off.

"Oh...is there anything else? Tell me anything!"

Nero sighed, "Yeah, you could start by telling me what the hell was going on here, and then tell me where the nearest town is."

"This...these people..." She looked at the ground, "They're all from my town. I know all of them, but just two nights ago, they all changed. Only a few of us weren't caught by whatever strange power managed to take the rest. I don't know what happened, honest! I just know that me, the town elder and my brothers survived. But then they started hunting us. Taking anything that was living, really. Animals, people from smaller neighbouring villages, and then they got me."

Nero frowned, "Well that sounds like Hell." He paused, taking a moment to stare at her. She was crying. Nero guessed that almost anyone would cry in this situation, "Hey..." He scratched the back of his head, "I'll help you and your friends fix this. But! I want some answers first."

"Answers?" She looked up at him.

Nero stuck out his demonic arm for her to see, "Yeah, answers. That's why I came here in the first place. You're just lucky I got here soon enough. Ten more minutes and you would've probably been shredded up like the rest of this crap." Nero pointed to all of the meat surrounding the camp fire.

She stared at his arm, "I...don't know anything about that...but the town elder might. Come with me, and I'll take you to where they are hiding."

"I thought you were found."

"I had left, searching for something to eat, unsupervised. Then what used to be my people found me and brought me here."

"I'm not going to lie...that was a pretty dumb move, but regardless, let's get going. If you know where they are, then I'm itching to get there as fast as possible."


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Utterly disgusting, this bit was... :sick: Too detailed for my own good. >_<

Which is a good thing, if you were going for detail.


Super Penguin Number 2
Oh, the whole part where he exploded XD? How about it though, did you think the new sword trick was nice?


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Ah, it was awesome.

You drew your inspiration for this demon from the Las Plagas parasites in RE4 and 5, correct? ;)


Super Penguin Number 2
Sort of. I knew I wanted something to pop out of it's neck, and when I finally got to that part, the first thing I actually thought of was the Uroboros virus, so I was like "Hey! I'll just use that basic idea xD!"

BUT...that whole thing was only specific to that one guy. Don't think I'm using an RE virus for these guys. He was just a demon-host.


Super Penguin Number 2
Nero had been following the young girl through the forest for some time now, wondering how much longer it would take them to reach their destination, "Hey, I thought you said you knew where we were going."

"I do. Our hiding spot is a short distance from that mountain." She pointed, Nero's eyes following, past and above the trees, gazing upon a mountain that looked to be at least another hour away on foot.

Nero grumbled, "Really? Way out there?"

"If you have a better suggestion as to where we should go for shelter and knowledge, then by all means, do go there." She frowned as they walked, sifting through some of the snow covered shrubs and tree branches.

Sighing, Nero looked over to the girl, "Well, can we at least step up the pace. I really don't want to be walking forever out here."

"Oh, no. No, we have to keep calm in this forest. Relax in this forest."

Nero raised a brow, "Eh...what are you talking about."

"The spirits in this forest are easily stirred, and they will pick out targets in small enough groups. It's best that we just move at a slow pace so we do not disturb the masters of this place. Some of them are rather mischievous." She said, walking forward as she looked back at him.

Nero scoffed, "Yeah, and? I think I can handle a few spirits." With that, Nero darted off ahead of her, eager to see what would happen. Little did he know, consequences for his immaturity were already in motion.

The young girl stopped, "Hey! Quit! You're going to get us both in trouble you fool!"

Nero stopped, flipping around, and shrugged at her, "What's going to happen? Nothings changing. Looks like your stupid, mythical spirits don't exist!" And with that, out of the shadows darted a cloudy black figure who, no sooner than Nero spoke, seeped into his body.

Nero tilted his head, his body shivering and jerking for several moments, and then he fell down. It became hard for him to breathe, and he suddenly felt as if the entire world was trying to drag him straight to the ground, "What...the...hell?"

A voice echoed in his head, "Mythical eh? Maybe we're not so mythical after all, don't you think? Perhaps you should listen to the girl next time. Hehehe, looks like you've got a new crew member for a while."

Nero's eyes widened, "Get outta me!"

"Aw, what's the matter? You don't wanna be friends? Too bad. I plan on getting real acquainted with you.


Well-known Member
As far as errors go I only saw this:

BlueDevil;267065 said:
Nero tilted his head, his body shivering and jerking for several moments, and then he fell down. It became hard for him to breath,

breathe, not breath.

Also, I would really love some more details. There's some girl taking Nero to her people. What's she look like? What's she wearing? Also, what's this forest like? Does it give off a weird vibe at all, does there seem to be things moving? Just some more details can really help the atmosphere. Other than that I think this is pretty good. You got Nero's personality down. :)


Super Penguin Number 2
Alrighty. Thanks ^.^! Error is fixed, and I'll be sure and try to get things a bit more vivid from now on x3


Well-known Member
^ I'm sure you can come up with something awesome. I have faith in you. ^_^

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I don't have much to add in the concrit department, so all I'll say is I can't wait for you to post the next chappie. ^_^


Super Penguin Number 2
Nero, enraged at this new presence within him, crushed his fist into the ground, sending out a shock wave, magnificent waves of snow vanishing into the air as the blast from his fist rippled through the ground, "Get the hell out of me!"

"Why should I? After all, you're the one who was careless. I think you'll be a good home for a while. The trees here...eh, they bore me. No intelligent two-sided conversations can be had with a hunk of wood, after all." The spirit's voice echoed in Nero's throbbing head.

"Ugh! What do I gotta do to shut you up?!" Nero screamed as his vision began to blur.

"Feed me!"

Nero paused, "Feed you? Feed you what?"

"Your wants and needs through devious deeds and then I will give you a few of my heeds." The spirit cackled evilly.

"What...are you saying?" Nero asked, quite annoyed by the simple, yet impossibly bad sounding riddle. "I've gotta commit some kinda crime to get you to pipe down?" Nero snarled.

"Crimes? Dear...no, young boy. I just want a few souls is all." A purr followed the reply, almost as if the spirit was already picturing a big, roasted plate of souls in front of him.

"Then...why didn't you just say that in the first place?! Your riddle was just plain stupid!" Nero barked. He felt a small tingle in his body, followed by an immense shock of raw power. His body felt like it had been struck by a bolt of lightning.

Nero laid on the ground for a few moments before the spirit spoke up again, "Don't make fun of me any more or else I'll make sure that all of your days alive will be lived in regret!"

Nero gave a half-hearted laugh before gently pounding his fist into the ground one more time and getting up. As soon as he stood, he was face to face with the yound girl, her bright, brown eyes penetrating him to the core, almost creeping Nero out, "What the hell are you staring at?"

"I tried to tell y-" She started to say before Nero shoved his hand up in her face.

"Shut up and get going. I don't need to hear any more voices right now."

"You know, she would be a good place to start. Then I may be quiet for a little while. Or I may be able to answer a question or two."

"Forget it. I'm not going to cater to any of your requests if I have to hurt someone innocent." Nero frowned, wishing he could strangle the annoying spirit, "So what are you anyway? Some kinda tree fairy?"

"Tree fairy?! How dare you insult me!"

Nero chuckled, "Calm down, sheesh. It was just a question."

"I'm offended that you would coin such a low title in relation to me. I'm a Trickster. And I'm the best of them all, to the point that my family named me after the son of the Norse God, Odin. I am Loki."

"Oh great. Next thing I know, I'm going to be walking through the snow without pants." Nero scoffed, shaking his head.

"Proposterous. But...hmm...better be careful, you may give me ideas." The spirit said sarcastically.

"I certainly hope not."

There was actually a short time of silence where not even Loki spoke, allowing Nero to casually stroll through the dark forest behind the girl, staring at the skinny, black trees, and their white caps. Everything in the distance was a foggy grey, but as Nero's eyes trailed up, the fog thinned, and a dark blue sky could be seen, the full moon brightly peeking over all of the trees, shining it's way down onto the ground in rays of lights. Nero thought they all looked like spotlights, and he was just waiting for Jack the Skeleton to burst from the ground and start singing his not-so-merry tunes to them all. The thought made Nero giggle, a dopey look washing over his face.

At that moment, the young woman spun around and stopped Nero, "We're here. Our shelter was in that small cave over there." She pointed her nimble finger towards a stack of boulders which seemed to form an arch around the edgy base of the gigantic mountain which seemed so far away when they began their trek. As Nero followed the girl to the cave entrance, he ran his normal hand across the boulders, a thin layer of ice building up in front of his hand as it moved.

Inside of the cave, it was dark. Pitch-black, almost. Nero quietly made a bet with himself that the woman couldn't see in this cave, and that's when the spirit spoke up, "If I were stupid, I would take you up on that bet."

"Shut the hell up!"


Well-known Member
Ha! Loki cracks me up, although I'd hate to be Nero right now. I love the stupid riddles. I can't help but wonder what Dante would do if it was him instead? :p

Nero should just DT. That will get Loki out of him real fast. ;)

OH! And I spotted an error:
"No intelligent, two-sided conversations can be had with a hunk of wood, after all."

It should either be can't or have a 'no' in front of two-sided


Super Penguin Number 2
Eh? How is that? He's saying he can't have an intelligent two-sded conversation with a tree because the tree doesn't talk back...

If I were to change it to 'can't'

"No intelligent, two-sided conversations can't be had with a hunk of wood, after all."

the sentence no longer makes sense, as the break down of can't is can not

and "No intelligent, two-sided conversations can not be had with a hunk of wood, after all." is messed up because 'No' and 'not' referring to the same thing in this case is contradictory.

If I took the 'No' out, it would be fine.

As for putting a 'No' in front of two-sided...how does that work? What do you mean? Like this? "No intelligent, no two-sided conversations can be had..."

So confused >.<! I don't see the error. Perhaps I'm having a mega grammar fail. Help meh out here woman! D:

Thanks for teh criticism though xD
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