Veebs... I think you need some new Vergil fanart to inspire you.
And I really am a terrible writer, I haven't completed a writing project in my life. It really bugs the crap out of me, lacking the ability to stick to a project until the end.
I feel you on that. I suffer from what is called sequelitis >_< And if it's not that, then it's 'writers' block', which is really just a different way of saying that I have no idea where to take the plot. I think pantsers suffer from this more than the planners.
And what questions would I ask my characters?
1. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
2. Do you have any unusual habits? If so, what are they?
3. What songs do you just hate?
4. What kind of learner are you?
5. When was the last time you woke up in the middle of the night, and what did you think about?
DS, we should drag our characters in here and have them answer some of these questions.
LOL my questions are just as random as yours XD
I'll get Mix to answer yours first.
1. What's your favourite flavour of ice cream? (British English ftw, lulz)
Cookies and cream. ^_^
2. Do you have any unusual habits? If so, what are they?
.. I chuck a cup of salt at every new girlfriend I get. I call it my initiation into the relationship, or good luck, or something of that sort. I'm really paranoid about them being slugs in disguise - long story. So far I've been lucky.
Oh, look, my red ink ran out there for a second.
3. What songs do you just hate?
If it's not rock and roll, I hate it.
4. What kind of learner are you?
The type that learn by trial and error.
5. When was the last time you woke up in the middle of the night, and what did you think about?
:troll: Last night, I wanted Claire to go write some more Kat. :shifty:
My turn!!!!
1. What is your weirdest food combo?
2. What is the best advice your mother/guardian ever gave you?
3. If you could be paired up with an existing character, who would it be?
4. What is your best feature?
5. If there was a zombie apocalypse, who would you side with (humans vs zombies) and why?