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Devil May Cry Alliance for People Who Write Things


Well-known Member
Are you a writer of some sort? Do you have writer's block and are using this thread as a weird sort of inspiration? Do you like Devil May Cry in some way and on some level? Then this thread is for you! So, come on down and join the Devil May Cry Alliance for People Who Write Things! Membership is free with a monthly deposit of $50.

Once you're in you can use this thread to talk about any writer-y news you might have. Just wrote a sentence? Tell us! Need help with a character? Ask! Just finished a poem? Share!

Basically, this thread is for writers to come and chat about whatever it is they are working on. :)

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
"Basically, this thread is for writers to come and chat about whatever it is they are working on"

I suppose I'll try. Although I'm shy to talk about my works because I fear folks will laugh at me.. *Takes a deep breath* I'm trying to write a series of super hero tales. But I'm having trouble starting them. Perhaps I should stop trying to make realistic stories and dive into the crazy world of "insane hero origin stories."

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I wrote a poem about buttons the other morning. I woke up at like 4am with one line in my head, and then another one came, and then it just kinda swirled around my head until I typed it out at 5am. Which is weird because I suck at poetry and I don't really read poetry either.
And incredibly frustrating because I wrote something other than the thing I've been plotting and dying to get to work on for the past week. :|

You can put the $50 on my royalties tab ;)
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Well-known Member
As far as for what I'm working on.....errrr....I'd like to say the reason I haven't been writing for pleasure much is because off school, but that would be lying.


I think im sort of dimensional traveller lol
I write some fanfics, some of them are finished as Im focusing on multicrossover Cyberpunk Fantasy Fanfic called chronicles of Arcea, from beggining I tell that I will need some guidance on ideas as writing in mixed genre is hard sometimes.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Finally gave my story a working title, which hopefully means I can start writing it now.
After I do some other stuff.
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Can I pay my monthly deposit in muffins?

As for me, I'm doing a big rewrite. Changing things that didn't work, fixing things that work so they'll work better, etc. When I have the time that is. I seem to be too busy to give my characters any form of attention lately.


Well-known Member
Me? I haven't been writing much at all. -_-' I have been reading a lot though ^^! I am working on a li'l something something that's gonna make most of my friends hate me. Hehe...


Well-known Member
I have this idea of mine where a little girl takes a homeless guy into her house after he protects her from some aggressors and her father makes him rich by making him a boxing star. Just a small, cute story.


Well-known Member
I'm working on the outline for a story I've been slowly working on. I'm almost done with it and then I'm gonna start working hard on writing the rough draft. :D


Oldschool DMC fan
Current writing side projects include a piece of self-indulgent cathartic autobiographical fluff heavily disguised as a medieval gothic horror, and features all the family members/people who've screwed me up over the years in some form or other. Mother is an alcoholic closet vampire for example, and father goes mad and throws himself off the castle roof to open the tale. The only 'normal' and likeable person in it appears to be a character based on my step-dad. Everyone else is a dingleberry. My character is certainly a bit of an ass, and it gets worse. Fun so far.

Also some DxV crack for my friend. I intended it to be short, but it's already at 14,000 words and I haven't got to the smut yet. Lol.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I'm writing short stories/spin offs from an old novel, basing each one off a 50 word prompt list that Shadow sent me aaaaaages ago. Gotta keep it flowin', flowin'.


Well-known Member
I'm writing a screenplay about my life because I feel like there should be a movie about me. :cool:

And what questions would I ask my characters? :D

1. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
2. Do you have any unusual habits? If so, what are they?
3. What songs do you just hate?
4. What kind of learner are you?
5. When was the last time you woke up in the middle of the night, and what did you think about?

DS, we should drag our characters in here and have them answer some of these questions.


Philosopher and fangirl. Worst. Combination. Ever.
Going down a looooooong list of prompts in less than 60 words each. Trying to vary genres.
It started as a DMC project, with Vergil as the main focus, but while I was halfway to the end, DmC was released, I found myself lacking good ideas for DMC (inventing 400 different situations without being too repetitive was too much of a challenge for me), and so I settled with continuing with DmC prompts instead of DMC ones.

And I really am a terrible writer, I haven't completed a writing project in my life. It really bugs the crap out of me, lacking the ability to stick to a project until the end.
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