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Devil May Cry: A Teenage Devil


First of the Dead
alrighty guys, so im sticking my spoon into the pot known as devil may cry fan fiction! :D alright so basically, this is my take on dante's teenage years, and i have thrown together a part of a chapter, and if you guys like it i will write more. :3 hope you guys enjoy!

Chapter 1

The night was quiet, a gentle breeze covered the streets, and the night sky was filled to the brim with moonlight. “Arghhh!....when will these things stop chasing me! Hell you monsters should run track!” a rugged, black-haired boy shouted at the creatures that persistently chased him through the night. The boy stopped from time to time slashing away at the creatures to stop their intentions of chasing him; however, when the boy killed one, more would appear in its place. So the boy continued roaming the streets, frantically trying to find a way to escape. Unusually enough, the boy and the creatures were the only ones to occupy the streets of the city. “Ugh! Where can I go? There’s no place I can hide from these things! And fighting them only brings more.” Almost instinctively the boy ran towards the ocean, as if it were a place of protection. Once arriving at the shore of the ocean, the boy had no other steps to his plan. “Great what to do now?” the boy said, as he watched the onslaught of monsters jolt towards him. There were at least half a dozen of these monsters gathering around the boy; each monster was dressed in a dirty, torn cloak resembling that of the grim reaper’s. Each monster also carried a scythe to accompany their dreadful look, and blazing red eyes.
The creatures began to surround the boy, carefully waiting for the boy to attack. “Ah I see….so you guys want me to make the first move huh? Well….THAT’S JUST FINE WITH ME!” the boy screamed as he whipped out his sword to attack the creatures. The creatures became enraged and vicious as the boy sliced apart one demon following the other. Blood and sand oozed from the bodies of those unfortunate to meet the end of the mysterious boy’s blade, but as before when one demon fell, more would accumulate. “ARGH! I really can’t do this all night! My body is getting weak” the boy slurred. At this point there were well over a dozen enemies surrounding the battered body of the boy, and as if to finish the mysterious boy off all at once the demons leapt forward with scythes in hand to rip through his body.
For a brief moment the black haired boy closed his eyes, and when he opened them there was a large stature of a man standing before him. The man’s skin was black like the oak of a tree, his scent smelt like brimstone, and the coat he wore was the color of a bright flame lightening up the darkness that surrounded them. The large man appeared to be fighting the demons with ease. Red and purple auras echoed throughout the man’s punches and kicks. The demons appeared to be no match for the large man, as many of the demons met a brutal fate of being beaten to death by the thunderous strikes of the large man. “Hey, who the hell are you!?” the boy asked eagerly. “Not even gonna give me a thank you for helping you out kid! Ha! Well the name’s Rodin, and you need to get the hell outta here!” “But these things are just gonna keep following me!” “Look kid, hop on my ferry and travel across the ocean, and I will take care of these guys.” “Okay, and thanks! Will we meet again?” “Oh im sure we will kid, Im sure we will.”


The one true son of Sparda
well it started out pretty normal but in the end gave rise to a little interest,overall good.do continue id like to see how it turns out :)


First of the Dead
Chapter 2
Welcome to Enzo’s

It was extremely relaxing for the boy to take a break from fighting, running, and just admire the beauty of the ocean as the ferry took him across. He knew he would have to start a new life wherever this ferry was taking him, but the dark haired boy was used to this routine. He moved from city to city pretty often, because of those that followed in his path. “Man who was that guy? Where did he come from? Why did he help me? Gosh so many questions running through my head right now, I probably need to focus on where the hell this ferry is taking me. What if this place is worse than the last? Ugh…I just really need some rest.” But before the boy could fall asleep, figures began to come into view; these figures where buildings, apparently from the city up ahead. The ferry slowly approached a dock where many ships and boats where positioned. The boy stumbled upon the rickety boardwalk of the dock. “Well I guess I should start exploring, hopefully I’ll find a place to sleep” the boy murmured to himself. As he dug deeper into the city there were many sights and sounds to be heard. Unlike the previous city, this city was alive and full of people wandering around the town communicating with one another. Bright lights draped the city like a blanket, it was truly extravagant, and exhilarating to the eye. “Wow this place is really beautiful, and there’s actually people out and about. Sweet so many things to take in, I think I’m gonna like this place.”
One thing that really caught the boy’s eye was a shop on a corner with a huge, neon sign that read “Enzo’s”. Truly fascinated by the exterior of the store the boy wandered in. On the inside was a bar table, with a plump, middle-aged man behind the counter. Right across from the bar there was a pool table surprisingly with no players accompanying it. Many odd decorations covered the walls of the interior including guns, abstract art, and heads of various animals. As the boy was observing his surroundings, the plump man announced “Hello there! Im Enzo and welcome to my place!” And in reaction to the Enzo’s warm welcome the boy replied “Hi there.” “Well kiddo I haven’t seen your face around you must be new to the city eh?” “Uh yes I am.” “Ah I thought so, well since you’ve made your way into my shop I guess I can tell you what exactly this place is. Basically this is a hangout spot where a lot of teenagers come on the weekends. There’s a pool table to play, and a jukebox that plays music, also I serve drinks and food here at the counter, it’s kind of like a bar for teens I guess you could say hahaha” Enzo chuckled. “I don’t suppose you have a place to sleep” the boy jokingly asked. “Do you not have a home to sleep at?” Enzo questioned. “Well not exactly.” “Hmmm I would hate to put you out on the street..hmmm…I tell you what kiddo. Once I close down the shop for the night I’ll let you sleep on the couch I got in the back, but first how about you tell me a little bit about yourself, you look like you need someone to talk to.” “You know what, I think I would like that Enzo.”


First of the Dead
Chapter 3
Errand Boy

“Okay so let me get these straight, you carry around that big ass sword everywhere you go? And there’s been someone following you?” Enzo asked as their conversation dissolved from minutes into hours. “Well yeah, this sword was a gift from my father who isn’t around anymore, and yes someone has been following me around just about wherever I go,” the boy replied. “Heh! Good thing the authority figures around here barely do their jobs, or else they’d be all over you kid! But anyway do you know who the guys were that’ve been following you?” “Uhhh…well….no…” “So you didn’t see their faces or anything?” “…It’s just a bunch of thugs that’s all,” the boy said as he avoided Enzo’s eyes. “Pfft! Nobody’s gonna mess with you around these parts! If anyone comes around here making trouble with you, you let me know and they’ll be picking up their teeth from the floor!” “Haha thanks Enzo I appreciate that.” “Hahaha no problem..ehh..what did you say your name was kid?” “Oh ummm…you can call me Tony,” the boy quickly exclaimed. “Well I don’t know about you Tony, but im pretty tired how bout yourself?” “Yeah I could use some sleep right about now.” “Alrighty then, I’ll finish closing then I’ll show you to the couch.” So Enzo locked up the front door, and flipped the open sign over to the closed side. Then he switched the power off to the giant, neon sign signaling for anyone passing by to continue walking. Enzo then lead Tony to the back of the store where a cozy, yet cramped room was. “Okie dokie kid here’s where the couch is, uh let’s see there’s a blanket there if you need it, and uh I hope it’s up to your standards haha.” “Oh yeah its just fine Enzo, I really appreciate this.” “Don’t mention it kiddo, hey if you need anything I’ll be upstairs in my bedroom. I guess it’s nice to have a roommate again,” Enzo sincerely joked. “Well I’ll leave you alone now kid, good night sleep tight, and don’t let the bed bugs bite! Hehe.” “Night Enzo.” Tony then whispered to himself, “It’s not bugs that I’m worried about.”

That morning Tony awoke to the sound of someone in the shop. Tony rose out of bed with his black hair messily bunched up on top of his head, and the drowsiness of last night’s sleep still lingering in his eyes. Tony opened the door from his room and peeked out to see who was in the shop. “Yo! Enzo! How bout some breakfast before I head to school!” Tony’s eyes found their way to the person occupying the front of the store yelling for Enzo. It appeared this guy was a teenager, probably around the same age as Tony. This teenager had a similar sense of style as Tony, the stranger sported a blue trench coat overlapping a red zip up hoodie, and what appeared to be dark red converse. But the thing that stuck out most about this individual was his snow white hair. Unlike anything Tony had ever seen before the teen’s mane was solid white, as if the color had been sucked out of it. “Enzo! Come on man you’re gonna make me late for school!” “Hold on! Hold on! I figured you’d be here, so I went ahead and planned for the occasion, here’s some hot pancakes, straight from the skillet!” “Ooooooo Enzo, you are a good man! They look extremely tasty, and here’s a five will that cover it?” “Yeah that’ll cover it kid.” The teenager then feasted on the pancakes like a lion feasts upon its prey. Enzo then yelled, “Hey Tony you awake yet?” Tony decided to fully leave his room and come out to the open to answer Enzo’s call. “Yeah I’m awake what’s up?” “Oh there you are. What’s up is breakfast time, I made you some pancakes.” “Ah man you read my stomache Enzo.” “Yeah I assumed you might be pretty hungry after the night you had last night. Oh! And where are my manners? I meant to introduce you two, Tony this is Nero Nero this is Tony.” Enzo said to the teenagers glancing at one another. Nero then replied with a mouth stuffed with pancake, “Sup.” Tony then hastily exclaimed, “Hey.” A suspicious stare down begun between the the two boys, as if they knew one another. Nero then stood up and told Enzo, “Thanks for the pancakes! They were oh so delicious, but I gotta get outta here and get my ass to school! See ya Enzo! See ya stranger!” Nero made his way out of the shop and onto the streets, where he slowly disappeared.
“Lookie there you’re already making friends,” Enzo said to Tony. “Ha very funny. He seemed kinda tense while I was around.” “Ah Nero will warm up to you, he’s usually tense so nothing out of the ordinary there hehe. You will probably see him again tonight he usually comes here on weekends, that is if you plan on staying?” Enzo asked. “Well I don’t know I have soooo much to do on my To-Do list.” “Ohoho finally showing me a sense of humor eh? Well Mr. Stand-Up Comic, would you mind doing me a couple of favors?” “Sure, whatcha need?” “I need you to go pick up some supplies I have ordered for the shop, that too much to handle?” “Course not, so I’m guessing you got a car for me to drive around in?” “Uhhhh not exactly Tony hehehe,” Enzo chuckled. Enzo took Tony to the garage on the side of the shop where Tony’s vehicle awaited him. “Welp here she is…she’s a beauty right?” Enzo jokingly asked. “Hmmmmm….a moped eh? Well I guess I can live with this.” “Oh come on kid! It’s not that bad, you only have to make a couple stops around town, and that’s all. You afraid all the other kids gonna make fun of ya? Hohoho!” “That’s exactly what I’m afraid of Enzo.” “More of that sense of humor I see. Before you take off here ya go, it’s a list of all the places you need to stop by. I know you haven’t gotten to explore this place much, but I guess this will give you the perfect opportunity to do so, and the places aren’t too hard to find. If you have any trouble there are street addresses and what not next to each destination.” “Okay Enzo I’ll be back soon with your supplies, hopefully I won’t get lost…hopefully.” “Alright see ya Errand boy!”


First of the Dead
Chapter 4
One Crazy Party
Tony just finished dropping off the last package at Enzo’s, and he decided to explore the city a little more. Tony parked the moped in the garage and peeked his head into the bar. “Yo Enzo I’m gonna go sight-seeing a little.” Enzo replied, “Mkay I shall see you whenever ya get back kid” as he stacked his supplies. It was a beautiful afternoon, the sun was shining, the weather was at a perfect temperature, and the autumn leaves rained upon the sidewalk. Each building that Tony passed had its own unique style to it, but each building shared similar gothic architecture. As Tony followed the sidewalk he passed apartment complexes, clothing stores, restaurants, and shops of all kinds. “Even though its fall, this place is as bright as a summer day. Haha I love it!” Tony said to himself. The perfect day was then cracked by a rigid scream. Tony, startled by it, began searching for the origin of the scream. “Please just get off me!” are the words Tony heard as he approached an alleyway between two apartment complexes. “Here take my money, my credit cards, take the whole purse just leave me alone!” “I don’t want your money lady, I want something more valuable.” A man and a woman quarreled in the middle of the alleyway that Tony was approaching. Tony then slipped in closer to the man and woman as they continued to argue. The woman nervously clamored, “Well then what do you want from me?” The strange man pinned the woman up against a cold brick wall and slurred out the words, “I want your soul…” The man maniacally laughed as he raised his fists towards the sky, threatening to slam them against the woman’s body. “Hey freak! I think you should keep your hands to yourself,” Tony shouted at the vicious stranger. “Leave the lady alone and pick on someone your own size……hmmm…no takers ha! Guess im up to bat!” As the man was distracted by Tony the woman he had pinned up against the wall ran away, fleeing for her safety. “Damn it kid! You let my meal get away!” the man shouted at Tony. “Well you should be thanking me, last I checked humans don’t make for a healthy diet.” “Oh you think you are so funny don’t you? Well let’s see you make smart ass remarks after this!” The man growled as his skin began to stretch, and convulse. His eyes flooded with golden light, claws ripped through the exterior of his hands, and his body plated with a white, waxy armor pasted together with black ooze that seeped through the rips in his skin. Tony watched in awe, knowing exactly what the man had transformed into…..a demon.
Once the stranger’s transformation was complete there was no hesitation in attacking Tony. The demon leapt forward claws leading the way, and Tony rolled under him, avoiding a deadly blow. Tony immediately whipped out his sword and began to slash away at the creature’s back. Vertical slash followed by horizontal slash, and again a vertical slash popping the demon into the air. “Time to get crazy!” Tony shouted as he followed his adversary into the air. A kick and a stab met the demon’s body as the two floated in the air, then dante slammed the demon back to the ground with a helm breaker. The demon bleeding profusely uttered, “Uh…you…are not an ordinary human are you?....No of course not…I know who you are boy! You..you are the son of Sparda…you are Dan-“ the demon was interrupted by the end of Tony’s blade. The demon’s head rolled off of his lifeless corpse, as Tony walked off leaving the demon’s remains to disappear into thin air. “Hu! So much for a challenge,” Tony said to himself as he walked away from the alley. Moments later Tony’s stomache began rumbling uncontrollably. “Man I’m really hungry, think I need to find some place to eat, hmm preferably pizza.” Just as Tony’s cravings proceeded him, he passed a small restaurant, and decided to take a look inside. The floor had black and white tile, and numerous pictures of movie stars lined the walls. It gave the overall restaurant a cozy, quant look. Tony stepped up to the counter to be greeted by an elderly man. “Welcome to Captain Blue’s Pizza Place I’m Blue how may I help you?” Tony quickly replied, urged by hunger, “Ummm yeah I would like a cheese pizza with mushrooms and onions and that’ll be it for me.” “Alrighty sir, one cheese pizza with mushrooms and onions that’ll be $7. 95.” Tony then reached into his pocket to pull out the remains of money he had, and slapped it to the counter. After inserting the money into the register Blue told Tony, “It’ll probably take around ten minutes to bake, if you would like to take a seat at a table and make yourself more comfortable you can.” “Okay thanks, I believe I’ll do that,” Tony said as he sat at one of the booths in the restaurant. Just as predicted about ten minutes later Blue delivered the cheese pizza to Tony’s booth. “Enjoy your pizza sir!” “Thank you, it smells delicious!” Tony did not hesitate to dig into the pizza quenching his hunger. “Aw man this is the best thing I’ve eaten in quite a while!” Minutes after the pizza arrived it had just as quickly been devoured. Day had descended as the night arose, and Tony decided to head back to Enzo’s. “Well again thank you for that magnificent pizza, it was to die for!” “Hahaha well I’m glad you enjoyed it youngster I do hope you’ll be back.” “Oh trust me, I’ll be back!” Tony said as he exited the restaurant.
Just like the previous night, the streets were packed with people wandering the streets in search of good times to be had. However, tonight it was twice as packed since it was a Friday night after all. The bright, neon sign that had drawn Tony to Enzo’s, lead him through the crowded streets. Tony approached the double wooden doors of Enzo’s and entered. There were over a dozen teenagers hanging out in the bar, and Enzo was busy serving customers drinks and snacks. Enzo spotted Tony walk in and shouted at him from across the shop, “Hey Tony I told you this place gets full on the weekends haha!” Tony smiled and continued to walk around, when he noticed Nero playing pool at the pool table. Nero was with a girl and a couple others laughing and talking as they played a friendly game of pool. Tony then said to himself, “Should I go over there? I mean the only person here I know is Enzo, and I gotta get used to talking to people if I’m gonna live here. Well I guess I gotta make friends sooner or later.” So with his decision, Tony walked towards the pool table. He approached Nero first, “Hey there Snow white.” Nero quickly turned around to see who insulted him. “Oh it’s just you…Tony right?” “Yeah that’s me haha, sorry I saw you guys having fun, and I don’t know really anyone else here so I thought I’d come by and say hey at least. Well I see you guys are busy with your game so I guess I’ll leave you alone..” Nero grabbed Tony by the shoulder, “Woah woah what’s the hurry man I haven’t even introduced you to my friends. Guys this is Tony. Now everybody introduce themselves to the nice stranger haha!” The first to introduce herself was a girl. “Hi Tony my name is Mary, but most of my friends just call me Lady. I’m not too fond of the name Mary.” “Hello Tony my name is Samanosuke, but since everyone here has trouble pronouncing my name you can just call me Sam for short haha!” “I saved the best for last, my name is Leon, no nickname just Leon,” Leon chuckled to Tony. “Well it’s great to meet you all. I probably should see if Enzo needs any help at the bar.” Nero again stopped Tony, “What’s the rush dude, hang out with us for a bit, let us get to know you better. We gotta make sure you’re a good guy if you’re gonna stay here with our good friend Enzo.” Tony replied, “Well how about we start another game of pool!” Everyone agreed to this, and so teams were picked and the game began.
Numerous conversations took place between Tony and the others as they played their game of pool. Tony was learning many things about the Nero as well as his group of friends; this was something Tony was not used to. Most of Tony’s childhood, no one was around to talk to you or hang out with. He was what society called a lone wolf or even an outcast. Nero then broke everyone’s silence, “So Tony I noticed that you kinda uhhh carry a sword around. Is that just for protection or what?” “Yeah I guess you could say that Nero.” “Well I will probably be the first to tell you that that is totally bad ass! The craftsmanship of it is superb, do you mind if I take a closer look at it?” Tony then glared at Nero, “Actually I kinda mind. No body touches this thing but me.” “Aw come on Tony! I just wanna look at it!” “Im sorry Nero but I gotta say no to ya.” “So there’s nothing I can do for you to at least hold it?” Tony replied with a stern “Nope.” “Can I buy it from you?” “Hell no. The only way you can get this sword from me, is if you take it from me, and that’s just not gonna happen Snow white haha!” “Oh really,” Nero replied. “Well Tony how about we fight for it?” Tony began chuckling as he responded to Nero, “Haha no thanks, I believe if I fought with you, you might not survive taha!” “Ah so the mystery man is pretty arrogant about his fighting skills, well how bout we take this outback and settle this, if I win I get the sword, if you win I’ll never ask about it again.” Tony looked into Nero’s eyes and saw that Nero was completely serious about the fight. Tony thought long and hard before he replied. “Alright Nero let’s do this. I mean what do I have to lose, but be warned I’m not gonna hold back on you, I’m coming at you with full force until you admit defeat.” “Mkay that’s reasonable, I’m ready for this, so let’s head to the parking lot out back.” “Okay but let’s not make a big scene, only bring your friends with us. “Alright that sounds fair, don’t want to get banned from Enzo’s anyway.” Tony, Nero and the others stopped their game of pool and headed out the back door leading to an old, un-used parking lot.
“Alright, so let’s lay down some ground rules for this. It’s gonna be a friendly duel, so no weapons, no low blows, and no one interferes. The winner will be declared when the other admits defeat, sound good Tony?” “Yeah sounds great. Now how bout we get this started!”
“Okay mystery man let us begin!” Tony and Nero dashed at one another impacting each other with blows. Nero landed the first punch, but Tony quickly recovered with another blow. Lady, Sam, and Leon watched in anticipation. Nero leaned back to connect a kick to Tony’s midsection, but to no avail. Tony blocked his kick with his forearm, and jutted towards him with the force of two or three punches hitting Nero’s sternum. He then stumbled from the blows, breathless. Tony ran up to meet Nero’s haziness, but Nero recovered and began punching Tony wherever he could land hits. Most of the hits landed on Tony’s sides, and one or two contacted his face. Each punch had a ton of momentum behind it, but it did not affect Tony much. Tony then began evading the kicks and punches that were thrown at him. As Nero missed blow after blow, his stamina began to deplete. Tony used this to his advantage by implementing multiple kicks to hit Nero’s weakened body. Tony then ran in to tackle Nero to the ground, but Tony’s attempt was countered as Nero twisted around to put Tony into a headlock and wrestled him to the ground. From this position Nero pummeled Tony with knees to the head. Blood began to ooze from the freshly wounded head of Tony. It looked like Nero was close to victory, but Tony rose from the ground still locked underneath Nero’s body trying to escape. Tony was now on one foot and a knee, gaining enough leverage to pick Nero off the ground. Nero was surprised by the raw strength of Tony. Nero applied the headlock even tighter to block the flow of oxygen to Tony’s lungs, but this did not stop Tony from rising to his feet. Nero was now helplessly in the air, and at the whim of Tony’s tactics. Tony pulled the grip of Nero away from his head, and continued to lift Nero even higher off the ground, and then with a ton of impact slammed Nero down to the cold pavement. From the expression on Nero’s face the slam delivered an enormous jolt of pain through his body. While Nero was weakened from the slam, Tony took advantage and kicked Nero across the empty parking lot. From the impact of the kick it looked as if Nero was out cold; however he slowly rose to his feet. Staggering and coughing blood from the internal damage, Nero regained his position. Everyone watched in awe as Nero continued to resist defeat. A staredown between Tony and Nero commenced, but was abruptly ended as Nero rushed towards Tony. Tony didn’t even bother to move as Nero came closer. Once Nero was a few inches away from Tony he began striking; forceful sloppy strikes. Each strike connected, and each strike cause Tony to stumble, but none of Nero’s hits managed to put Tony to his knees. Tony didn’t even attempt to stop Nero’s attacks at this point, he just let Nero continue to rack up hits. Nero, noticing Tony’s resiliency to fall, angrily slurred, “Say you quit! Give up you bastard! Just give up already!” Something truly bizzare happened as Nero throttled Tony with punches and insults. A red aura began to emit from Tony’s body, it grew more apparent as Tony took beating after beating from Nero. “Give up damn it!,” Nero screamed with frustration ignoring the red light emerging from Tony’s body. “Tony surrender! Tony! Just ****ing quit! Do it Tony I want that damn sword!” Nero reared back to land the final blow on Tony, but as he shot forward to attack, Tony blocked his shot with his bare hand, and Tony uttered “I’m not Tony….My name is Dante!” At that moment, all the red aura that covered Tony’s body, instantly gathered at Tony’s palm dissolving as Tony twisted Nero’s arm into a very contorted position, obviously breaking the bones in his forearm. Nero shouted with a cry of agony, “AGGGGGHHHHH!!!! DAMN IT! MY ARM!!! UGHHH! HE BROKE IT! ****! HE BROKE MY ARM!!!!” Nero’s friends quickly surrounded Nero to see if he was alright. They took a look at his arm to see the damage, it was definitely broken. “Oh god Nero we need to get that arm into a cast!” Lady exclaimed. “Yeah let’s get the hell out of here.” Nero cried. The crowd scattered as Tony stood there in shock of what he had just done. “Oh no. What did I just do? Why couldn’t I control my rage? Now they know my real name, they know who I really am..…and there’s no way they could not have seen the demonic energy emitting from my body. Why did I freeze up like that, why did I just stop fighting? Oh god….. what’s gonna happen now?” Dante was left to ponder as the night became silent.
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