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Design Your Own DMC Chracter!

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Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Name: Xailer

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Title: Chaotic Hunter

Race: Half human, half demon

Appearance: Short black hair which are slicked to the back like Vergil, but with a few hair bangs to cover his left eye. He wears an inner black shirt too, which covers half of his face, almost like a ninja. Wears Black trenchcoat with red stripes. Wear black jeans with red stripes. Wear black boots with blue stripes. His left hand is half sleeved, with a metallic gauntlet with demonic claws. His right hand is half sleeved too with black gloves on his hand.

Devil Trigger Form - A demonic form with white hair, sports demonic wings, and a tail. His body is covered with black, red, and white motif colours.

Personality: Very quiet, but very lively when he is with his friends. He is kind of shy with girls, and he is called 'The Silent Ladykiller' because of his good looks that could entice any girls to him, without trying.


Morning Star - A longsword with demonic properties. It has the hidden powers of Lucifer itself, and supposedly the ultimate power of darkness. The sword allows Xalier to unleash his true form, Demi-Lucifer. Wields the power of light and darkness.

Wars of Chaos - A double barreled handgun which is made of titanium and adamantium metals. Uses high powered bullets to destroy demons. The gun itself able to channel Xalier's magic powers.

Fallen Angel - Gauntlets and greaves of the fallen angel himself, Lucifer. Xailer gains tremendous strength when wielding this weapon. Wields the power of fire and lightning.


Morning Star

Morning Star Combo I - A quick 4 hit combo using Morning Star to multiple enemies.

Morning Star Combo II - A powerful but slow 6 hit combo using Morning Star to any surrounding enemies.

High King - A powerful sword thrust attack using Morning Star to a single enemy.

Stream of Destruction - A powerful dash spinning attack using Morning Star.

Supreme Divide - A powerful uppercut attack using Morning Star on any surrounding enemies.

Judgement of Evil - A powerful downward slash using Morning Star to any ground enemies.

Prominence - A fast, high powered energy wave unleashed by Morning Star to multiple enemies.

Circle of Darkness - Throws Morning Star like a boomerang to multiple enemies.

Morning Star -Devil Trigger-

Dual Wield Swords - Wields two Morning Stars.

Ultimate Combo - A powerful combo attack using two Morning Stars.

Heaven's Judgement - A powerful light attack which destroys all enemies.

Megido Arc - Powerful destruction lasers attack.

Proton Crusher - Powerful double energy ball attack.

Double Divider - Throws two Morning Stars to destroy all enemies.

Dark Hurricane - A powerful hurricane attack powered with darkness.

Meteorfall - Summons meteors to destroy enemies.

Armageddon - Unleashes powerful waves of destruction.

Wars of Chaos

Shoot - Shoots normal bullets using Wars of Chaos.

Charge Blast - A powerful charged shot attack using Wars of Chaos.

Wars of Chaos -Devil Trigger-

Dual Wield Guns - Wields two Wars of Chaos.

Grand Corona - Unleashes powerful energy beam.

Annihilation - Uses two Wars of Chaos to shoot infinite stream of magical bullets.

Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel Combo I - A quick 4 hits martial arts combo using Fallen Angel.

Fallen Angel Combo II - A powerful 6 hits martial arts combo using Fallen Angel

Supreme Dragon - Powerful uppercut attack using Fallen Angel.

Angelic Descend - A powerful dive kick using Fallen Angel.

Devil Blaster - Unleashes powerful energy attack.

Lethal Tremor - Powerful earth tremor attack using Fallen Angel.

Fallen Angel -Devil Trigger-

Sundestroyer - A powerful flame wave attack.

God's Lightning - Powerful lightning storms which destroys all enemies.

Nova Burst - An almighty attack using the powers of Lucifer.

History: Xailer, a man who inherits the powers of the fallen angel, Lucifer, is searching for the reason why he wields the powers of Lucifer. His father was a powerful demon, with unknown origins, while his mother was a human that fell in love with the demon, They both love each other, hated the demon world and it's evil, and they died protecting the Earth from the devils. They are supporters of Sparda, and yet die for unknown reasons to save the world. However, Xailer's father is not Lucifer himself, yet he wields it's powers. Xailer, along his friends, work together to search the truth why he inherits the powers of Lucifer, and what really happened to his parents.

Nice thread, Railazel.:)

Pantera Queen

Well-known Member
Chaos Master;180265 said:
Name: Xailer

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Title: Chaotic Hunter

Race: Half human, half demon

Appearance: Short black hair which are slicked to the back like Vergil, but with a few hair bangs to cover his left eye. He wears an inner black shirt too, which covers half of his face, almost like a ninja. Wears Black trenchcoat with red stripes. Wear black jeans with red stripes. Wear black boots with blue stripes. His left hand is half sleeved, with a metallic gauntlet with demonic claws. His right hand is half sleeved too with black gloves on his hand.

Devil Trigger Form - A demonic form with white hair, sports demonic wings, and a tail. His body is covered with black, red, and white motif colours.

Personality: Very quiet, but very lively when he is with his friends. He is kind of shy with girls, and he is called 'The Silent Ladykiller' because of his good looks that could entice any girls to him, without trying.


Morning Star - A longsword with demonic properties. It has the hidden powers of Lucifer itself, and supposedly the ultimate power of darkness. The sword allows Xalier to unleash his true form, Demi-Lucifer. Wields the power of light and darkness.

Wars of Chaos - A double barreled handgun which is made of titanium and adamantium metals. Uses high powered bullets to destroy demons. The gun itself able to channel Xalier's magic powers.

Fallen Angel - Gauntlets and greaves of the fallen angel himself, Lucifer. Xailer gains tremendous strength when wielding this weapon. Wields the power of fire and lightning.


Morning Star

Morning Star Combo I - A quick 4 hit combo using Morning Star to multiple enemies.

Morning Star Combo II - A powerful but slow 6 hit combo using Morning Star to any surrounding enemies.

High King - A powerful sword thrust attack using Morning Star to a single enemy.

Stream of Destruction - A powerful dash spinning attack using Morning Star.

Supreme Divide - A powerful uppercut attack using Morning Star on any surrounding enemies.

Judgement of Evil - A powerful downward slash using Morning Star to any ground enemies.

Prominence - A fast, high powered energy wave unleashed by Morning Star to multiple enemies.

Circle of Darkness - Throws Morning Star like a boomerang to multiple enemies.

Morning Star -Devil Trigger-

Dual Wield Swords - Wields two Morning Stars.

Ultimate Combo - A powerful combo attack using two Morning Stars.

Heaven's Judgement - A powerful light attack which destroys all enemies.

Megido Arc - Powerful destruction lasers attack.

Proton Crusher - Powerful double energy ball attack.

Double Divider - Throws two Morning Stars to destroy all enemies.

Dark Hurricane - A powerful hurricane attack powered with darkness.

Meteorfall - Summons meteors to destroy enemies.

Armageddon - Unleashes powerful waves of destruction.

Wars of Chaos

Shoot - Shoots normal bullets using Wars of Chaos.

Charge Blast - A powerful charged shot attack using Wars of Chaos.

Wars of Chaos -Devil Trigger-

Dual Wield Guns - Wields two Wars of Chaos.

Grand Corona - Unleashes powerful energy beam.

Annihilation - Uses two Wars of Chaos to shoot infinite stream of magical bullets.

Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel Combo I - A quick 4 hits martial arts combo using Fallen Angel.

Fallen Angel Combo II - A powerful 6 hits martial arts combo using Fallen Angel

Supreme Dragon - Powerful uppercut attack using Fallen Angel.

Angelic Descend - A powerful dive kick using Fallen Angel.

Devil Blaster - Unleashes powerful energy attack.

Lethal Tremor - Powerful earth tremor attack using Fallen Angel.

Fallen Angel -Devil Trigger-

Sundestroyer - A powerful flame wave attack.

God's Lightning - Powerful lightning storms which destroys all enemies.

Nova Burst - An almighty attack using the powers of Lucifer.

History: Xailer, a man who inherits the powers of the fallen angel, Lucifer, is searching for the reason why he wields the powers of Lucifer. His father was a powerful demon, with unknown origins, while his mother was a human that fell in love with the demon, They both love each other, hated the demon world and it's evil, and they died protecting the Earth from the devils. They are supporters of Sparda, and yet die for unknown reasons to save the world. However, Xailer's father is not Lucifer himself, yet he wields it's powers. Xailer, along his friends, work together to search the truth why he inherits the powers of Lucifer, and what really happened to his parents.

Nice thread, Railazel.:)

Wow your character sounds hot!!!!!! Interesting ideas,dude;)

I second that on the nice thread;) This was actually fun for me to come up with my own character.


Bringer of Death
Name: Walter

Age: Centuries

Gender: Male

Race: Half Demon

Appearance: A white shirt, with a sleeveless purple shirt on top. A tie, black boots, glasses. Black hair.

Style: Wireswinger, Gunsligner, Trickster, Excelent in using his self-made weapons, the monolecular wires, his guns, Death and Strawberry, and he can also do a fast movement called "The Flash Steps" to teleport to a really short distance. Though his movements can be read, that doesn't mean they can be stopped by a normal human.
Walter is also just like Dante. He cannot die by being stabbed, thrown, even if somebody beats him up so hard, he still isn't heart or feels any pain.

Weaponry: Monolecular Wires - indestructible wires, created by Walter to amplify his fighting style. The wires are stored and controlled by a glove which reads fingerprints. Walter installed this protection measure so that only he can use them, though no one else probably can anyway.

Death and Strawberry
- Walter's guns. They are too heavy for any normal human's strength to be able to wield, but Walter is no normal human, he is a half-demon. The bullets explode in pieces once they strike a target, meaning certain death for anyone that cannot deflect them. After he saw Dante's guns which never run out of bullets, he installed this option in Death and Strawberry too, by using demon magic. Dante called Walter a copycat when he was going to install the "Charge Shot" ability into Death and Strawberry, but Walter changed his mind and made it so that he can curve the trajectory of the bullets themselves.

Abilities: The Flash Steps aka Shunpo - an ability which enables Walter to dissapear and then appear several steps ahead. It is not full teleportation, because he is temporarily seen when doing shunpo and enemies can see his movements that way, but that doesn't mean they can block the attack.

Bullet Curving - By using Death and Strawberry, Walter can curve the very trajectory of the bullets, not just fire straight, but curve the bullet, which means that he can kill someone even if this someone is covered.

The Silent - A strong ability, which Walter uses when he is surrounded. He uses shunpo to dissapear, and when he appears, he wraps the wires around everyone around him. They cannot move at all. All that Walter has to do is to pull the string, and his enemies will all die by this deadly attack, unless they are the strongest of demons.

Devil Trigger - When using this ability, his power is at his peak. His skin becomes exceptionally hard, that even his own guns don't even make him bleed. His appearance becomes more demonic. He looks simillar to Dante in Devil Trigger, but his eyes are red, and his skin is coloured in the darkest shade of grey. His speed is increased tenfold, aswell as the shunpo. He runs amazingly fast, and only someone of his own power level like Dante can read his movements when using shunpo. His strength is increased too. In the past he hit the demon Berial hard enough to throw him on the ground. He can also do long range grasps like Nero, because his father, Sparda's brother had this ability too.

Telekinesis - Walter uses Telekinesis to control his monolecular wires. He can use it to wrap them around the enemy and cut them, and all other kinds of abilities.

Walter has all kinds of abilities he can use by with the above abilities, for example a Telekinesis push, or a Wire Swipe, but these are the most important.

Personality: Walter is not afraid of death, and is not afraid to kill. He actually never misses an opportunity to kill, because he likes fighting. This is because of what happened in his past, which he rarely mentiones.
His enemies will recieve no mercy from him.
When it is not about battle though, he is kind and nice. He often uses sarcasm to annoy his friends. He is also a lovable person.

Nickname: Angel of Death - Dante gave him this title when he saw what power Walter really has when they went on a mission.

Like it? I took some stuff from my favorite animes, Bleach and Hellsing. As I am a Walter C. Dornez fan, I named by DMC character Walter and made him use simillar abilities.

Let me show you how Walter looks like:




Bringer of Death

Centuries ago, the demonic forces of Hell had broken through their fiery world into the place we call home. They destroyed and pillaged village after village, city after city. There was a Sanctuary for humans though. It was a place protected by the Legendary Dark Knight who is better known as Sparda.

Walter's family was invaded by the fiery forces of Hell. The demons destroyed his home and killed his mother and father. Walter and his little brother learned of the Sanctuary while they were hiding. They made a decision: if they would stay hiding, sooner or later they would either be found, or they won't have any food. They set out to the Sanctuary.

After a month of hiding and running from the demons they finally came to the forest that lies between them and the Sanctuary. As they were finding their way through the forest, they heard a scream behind them. Walter and his brother turned around, only to find that the scream came from a woman, who is now dead on the sword of a demon (Scarecrow). The Scarecrow saw them and chased after them. They ran and ran but Walter's little brother tripped on a fallen branch. He fell down. Walter turned around and saw his brother. He started running after him as fast as he could, but he knew he wouldn't save him. The Scarecrow was right above him. Walter saw how his little brother was stabbed by the giant blade of the Scarecrow.

He was shocked. He started crying. He thought there was no reason for him to live anymore. He thought he should just let the Scarecrow killed him. But then he saw the evil demon looking at him. Fury and rage took over Walter. He decided he would survive. He was the last of his family. If he would die, then that is the end of his whole bloodline. He didn't know why he was thinking about blood. It was unusual for him to be so filled with rage. But he was never attacked by a demon before, he thought. He made the decision. He stood up with no fear.
The Scarecrow was examining him. The demon jumped at him. Walter ducked, and rolled to his brother's body. He closed his eyes and said "Farewell, little brother. I'm sorry..." and took the Scarecrow's blade out of him.
Then with all of his rage, he saw the Scarecrow jumping at him again. That was it. He would either die or be the victor. He screamed and jumped at the Scarecrow with the blade. He stabbed the demon, and it died. Walter fell down though. He was too exhausted to even stand on his feet.


Walter arrived at the gates of the Sanctuary. He was asked a couple of questions and when he answered them, the guards let him in.
Strange though, the guards looked a lot like demons, Walter thought. They had dark, reptile skin and glowing yellow eyes, but they also had black hair, clothes...
Walter had never seen such. He was not scared though. The Sanctuary was his only hope of survival.
As he got pass the gates, he continued walking. Then suddenly, one of those guards appeared right next to him. He told him that the Legendary Dark Knight, the creator of the Sanctuary, Sparda, wanted to see him. The guard told Walter to follow him. And so he did.

They soon arrived at a big tower. The guard said that Walter must go upstairs to meet Sparda.
When Walter got there, he saw something what he thought was demonic and evil. It looked like an insect, had big wings, horns, and a huge blade.
The thing spoke "Do not worry, Walter." and started changing shape. To Walter's surprise, the thing became a human. "I am Sparda. I have called you here to show you something which will change your whole life."
Sparda had spiky white hair. The huge cleaver blade that he was wearing now looked like a sword with its hilt being a skull. Sparda was dressed with a long purple coat. He had a monocle on his eye.
"What can that be?!", Walter thought.
Then he was amazed when Sparda answered his question, like if reading his mind.
"To put it straight - You have demonic powers of which you do not know, kid."
"What are you talking about? What the hell?! And how do you know my name?!", Walter yelled.
" I am your uncle. Your father was my brother. As I see you don't know of your powers. Your father did a good job of hiding them from you. He didn't want you to risk your life.
You are half a demon and half a human, Walter. You don't believe me? You have lived your whole life in fear of the demons attacking you. But when that Scarecrow did, you remained cold, and you killed it. Something a normal human has never done before."
Walter was confused. How did Sparda know his name? How did he know he was attacked by that demon?
And then again, like if he read his mind, Sparda said:
"I have put barriers on the forest by using demon magic. I know everything that happens there. And I knew about you, but I didn't send people to help you so that you can awaken your power. Because without it, you're done for." Sparda looked in Walter's eyes, "If you don't believe me, then let me show you." He took his sword and stabbed him.
Walter couldn't believe it. Sparda's sword was thrusted into him and yet he wasn't dead. He didn't even feel pain.
"What the hell is happening to me...", Walter said
"Exactly this: Hell.", Sparda answered.


Walter was sitting on his desk in "Devil May Cry". Then the phone ringed. He picked it up, listened, and closed it.

"Who was it?", Dante said.

"Trish.", Walter answered.

"Oh, so there IS demon butt to kick. How much?", Dante said again.

"My goodness, you MUST take this offer. A hundred thousand dollars, that much!"

"So, what is the job?"

"Some old guy. Trish said that a huge demon with glowing red eyes came in his house and kidnapped his family, and told him that the only way to save them is to deliver `The Blood of Sparda` to him..."

"Dude... again? I'm getting tired of this. Every time a demon comes he wants our blood...", Dante yelled.

Walter put his monolecular gloves and said "A hundred thousand dollaaars..."

"Oh yeah, I forgot", Dante smiled. "Yo, Nero. You heard?"

"Yeah." Nero stood up from the couch, "I did."

"Then let's rock!", said Walter.

Backstory End


Bringer of Death
Railazel;180643 said:
o_OMake this thing shorter, godangit! It so long you had make a seperate post for it!:wacko:

I just like designing. And I have 2 more pages in my Word :D


Name:Xentor A.K.A Angelo Gehenna or Angel of Hellfire in Half-Latin Half-Italian


Race:Angelo Knight

Backstory: Xentor is a Teenage Angelo trained from the age of 3 to serve under Mundus but refused to do so because he didn't like what Mundus does. He left the Underworld and lived a life of survival of the fittest and developed his Angelo powers for himself. Now at 14 he is one of the most powerful Angelo Knights in all of history.

Appearance: He stands at 5'8 and 235 pounds(135 without armor).His armor is significantly different from any other of the Angelo knights.It is Black mostly with Lime Green veins and White Gauntlets and Grieves. His helmet is similar to that of the Blanco Angelos. except it follows his armor's color scheme.

Personality: Xentor is just like a plain teenager who can be goofy at time but in the heart of battle he is a mature man and is ready to face his foe. when Dante fought Xentor he was caught off guard to fight because Xentor was incredibly skilled at fighting .Dante never defeated him because he was too worried about Vergil at the time.Dante quotes that the kid has some incredible potential to take over DMC when Dante Dies or retires.

Devil Arms:
Green Gehenna- A standard Angelo Knight sword Xcept it follows his Color Scheme and because he did not go through formal training it is not fully awakened but Xentor had a Near Death Experience and his blood awakened his sword in a different way resulting in a much more powerful version of the Angelos sword. it can now transform into a scythe and now has a trail of green fire every time he swings the sword.

Ion Gauntlets- Gauntlets forged in a lab somewhere in the world. It takes the surrounding ion particles in the air and charges the gauntlet t has electric powers.the color scheme is yellow and silver

Green Gehenna-
Million Stab
Boomerang-Throws the sword in a boomerang fashion towards the enemy that strikes the enemy and returns to the user
Shockwave-jumps in the air and comes back down with a green fire filled shockwave the creates a crater when executed
Lance Jab-Throws the sword in a lance fashion and impales the enemy
Twister-Jumps in the air and spins upward sucking up nearby enemy and tosses them aside.
Gehenna Fury-A fiery move that incinerates enemys everywhere in a 30 foot radius.

Ion Gauntlets:
One Two Combo-A simple boxing combo
Ion Punch- An electric charged super punch
Thunder Drop-A aerial move that create bolts of lightning when you hit the floor
Atom Smasher-A devastating combo that is capable of spliting an atom.
Lightning Storm-Bolts hail from the sky shocking and frying enemys everywhere on screen
Speed of Light-A lightning fast 100 hit combo that can kill many enemys at once
Ion Doom-a move that charged Ion particle in the airs and turn the surrounding air into pure 5 megawatt electricity.


Well-known Member
Pretty good, you should've centered her head a little more though, but nice details on her hair and her chest (I'm not a pervert).
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