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Design Your Own DMC Chracter!

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Well-known Member
Yep, that's right, folks! You finally get to make the DMC character of your dreams. Just come down here, sign up the application, and VOILA! Your character will be finished. The only rule here is to be original, have fun!

Here is my character, and the format of the sign-up)

Name) Kirinel
Age) 15
Gender) Male
Race) Half- Demon
Appearance) Kirinel has long, white hair with two of its locks tied by a single ornament in the back of his head. He has dark brown skin, and a very feminine figure and a face of that of a princess (no joke), with blue eyes, small mouth and nose, thin eyebrows, and fair- sized cheeks and ears. He usually wears a grayish- blue, cotton overcoat wtih white, black- outlined collar and pointed sleeves of the same color, and black, loose- fitting jeans and boots. His Devil Trigger state is vaguely similar, in which, it retains his overcoat and hair. But, his pants become part of his skin and his shoes are replaced with beast-like feet, a small patch of reptillian skin covers the area arond his crotch. His upperbody becomes hard and rock- like, and the color changes from brown to black, while his face is covered by a three-layered, rock- like helmet, his mouth being the only thing visible, with spikes that portrude from the helmet that extend over his head, each longer than the next, indicating its three layers. Under the helmet is his red eyes and nose, his whole entire face becomes as black as the rest of his body with orange cracks covering all over it.
Personality) Kirinel has a shadowy persona. In which, he would rather be alone and keep to himself. He is always quiet and in the dark, and rather have no one know about him or his past. Despite these feelings, his is a very good person at heart, and would be recognized by that than anything else, so he usually feels bad when someone only notes his secretive attitude. His only ambition in life is to be recognized by the world and to live a life of acceptance where he would simply be accepted by a person just because he is himself.
Biography) Kirinel is the Son of the Child of Apocalypse, correspondingly known as Apocalypse. Apocalypse was one of the Demon Saviors, along with Armageddon and Sparda, who saved the Earth, two millenias ago, from an approaching Hell. Sadly, in the village where he was born, his father was only recognized for his demonic reputation as the bringer of the Apocalypse. In spite of this, the villager's head priestess became Apocalypse's lover. Later, they gave birth to Kirinel, but, on that same day, she was killed by the other villagers. Apocalypse did not kill the villagers, but simply left the village. Soon, he and Kirinel moved into a city, where Kirinel lived a life of childish bliss. But, his father's reputation was still renowned across the world and when people found out his identity as the Child of Apocalypse, the quickly exorcised him and destroyed him, leaving Kirinel all alone. For most of life from that day, Kirinel raised himself, living a life of darkness, until he met an old woman. The woman was a relative of his mother whome she sent letters to, telling her stories about the Demon who became her lover. The old woman understood alot about Kirinel and decided to take care of him. Years later, on Kirinel's fifteenth birthday, she died of old age. Now, Kirinel continues his life of secrecy.
Style) Dark Slayer
Devil Arms) Flamberge- A flame- blade sword made out of demonic material that releases white flames when powered by Kirinel's Devil Trigger.
Guns) Hellfire- A white flame, signifying Kirinel's life energy, that Kirinel expends when he is in his Devil Trigger State. He can rapidly shoot the flames from his fist, and when they hit the target, the don't burn, but cut. Simply put, they are merely an attack made by Kirinel at his top speed.
Move Set) Air Trick- Kirinel teleports directly infront of his enemy.
Flame Trick- Kirinel shoots a Hellfire bullet at his enemy, quickly appearing in front of them after the bullet cuts the enemy.
Flame Shotgun- Kirinel shoots a number of Hellfire bullets at once, target a number of enemies.
Flame Shottrick- Kirinel shoots a number of Hellfire bullets at once, then appears in front of all his enemies at once, splitting into a number of clones, and attacks them.
Flame Rain- Kirinel fires Hellfire bullets into the air, attacking all enemies that get hit by them.
Flame Crawl- Kirinel slashes at the ground, creating flames that travel a distance away from him.
Flame Dash- Kirinel dashes and strikes his opponent, while shooting flames that follow behind him.


Relapse = Win
Name: Wee Lorkier
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Half-Demon
Appearance: Medium length brown hair styled in a messy, spikey kinda way. He has brown eyes and well defined muscles. He has some stuble and is 6 feet tall.
Atire: He wears an all white outfit with black buckles and belts and black boots.
Personality: He's a typical man, arrogant, abnocxious and a huge flirt, the ladies love him, the other guys want to be him or kill him, demons run from him, very very quickly.
Background: As a child his family was attacked by demons, it is unknown how he gained his demonic powers, it is said however that the demons attempted to kill him but were unable to finsih the job as they were killed a man attired in red and weilding a sword with dual handguns. Wee now dedicates his existance to the irradication of the demon race. He resents the fact that he is part demon and at times can be suicidal.
Style: Finese, he uses finese and acrobatics to dodge attacks and annihalte his opponents.
Devil Arms: Shadow and Silence - twin katanas that he weilds simultaneously or one at a time depending on the situation, they are both coated in a deadly poison that paralyses and then slowly kills the enemy, however the poison only becomes active in his devil form.
Guns: Sly Justice - A silenced sniper rifle that he uses to pick off those hard to reach enemies. In his demon form, the sniper rifle is capable of firing in an automatic fashion like an assualt rifle, in this state he is able to produce bullets using magic therefore not needing to reload manually.


Well-known Member
Here's a hint: Kirinel has the ability to fire bullets from his fist, someone from DMC had this same ability.

Wait, this turned into a guessing game in the first five posts!


Azure Night Goddess.... Or Wesker's daughter
Sounds cool, hehe

NAME: Project XIII (AKA Isabella)

AGE: Unknown (Appears to be 21)

GENDER: Female

RACE: She-Devil

APPEARENCE: Light Skin, Long Silver White Hair (Held up with a pair of black chopsticks), Blood red eyes. Black Corset (Red trimming and goes down to her lower waist) Black Tripp Pants (Red trimming). Black choke collar (red crystal hanging in the front), black boots, Black arm warmers that reaches up to her shoulders. She looks like a devil in shadows surrounded with red aura in her Devil Trigger form.

PERSONALLITY: quiet and somber, yet has a muderous bloodlust side if stressed or in a mental breakdown

BIO: Project XIII is a devil created by the Demon King Mundus supoosily created to hunt down those who carry the blood of Sparda, but for some unknown reason, she was conidered a failed experiment. She doesn't remember who or what she is, only remembering that her hands were stained with blood. The only happy life she ever known was living with a male human that found her. NOt knowing her name, the man gave her the name Isabella. She lived with him ever since and they even fell in love, but it soon ended as they were attacked by demons. He died and she went beserk, killing the demons in the process. His dead body made her snap out of her bloodlust. Ever since then, she's became a demon hunter.

STYLE: Quicksilver or Dark Slayer (Not both at once)

DEVIL ARMS: Twin Bladed Tonfas

GUNS: None

MOVES: ( Honestly I can't think of any at the moment)


Well-known Member
well here goes mine

Gender: Male
Race: Half Demon Half ANgel And Half Human
Appearance:Long Black hair(Like Nero's Hair Style) Blue eyes he is tall as Dante Wores Darkblue Long Coat with black colors . Has a Muscles like Dante in DMC 3.
Personality: Snob Serious. Loves to fight demons.Likes to eat sweets.
Backround: When he was just a child . His Step Father and mother was Killed by an unkown montsers like demons but they are not demons.
Thats why he promised to himself that he will avenge his love ones.actually he usually just live the earth 8000 years ago and just returned by a curse
(sorry for the backround)
Devil Arms : Krigen- A sword that once Slice The planet earth into half 8000 years ago in just a blink of an eye by him
Guns : Raizen : (im just thinking about the backround of this fire arm)
Mission: To find The group called Guns and Roses and the organization that killed hist step parents Dezer Association.

Specail powers: (Still thinking)

Style: HellRose


Relapse = Win
DemonDante;178932 said:
well here goes mine

Gender: Male
Race: Half Demon Half ANgel And Half Human
Appearance:Long Black hair(Like Nero's Hair Style) Blue eyes he is tall as Dante Wores Darkblue Long Coat with black colors . Has a Muscles like Dante in DMC 3.
Personality: Snob Serious. Loves to fight demons.Likes to eat sweets.
Backround: When he was just a child . His Step Father and mother was Killed by an unkown montsers like demons but they are not demons.
Thats why he promised to himself that he will avenge his love ones.actually he usually just live the earth 8000 years ago and just returned by a curse
(sorry for the backround)
Devil Arms : Krigen- A sword that once Slice The planet earth into half 8000 years ago in just a blink of an eye by him
Guns : Raizen : (im just thinking about the backround of this fire arm)
Mission: To find The group called Guns and Roses and the organization that killed hist step parents Dezer Association.

Specail powers: (Still thinking)

Style: HellRose

You play metal gear solid don't you?


lets kick some ass!...
my friend told me you can design your own devil may cry character with an engine two days ago is that true becouse i am searching it for two days


Well-known Member
DemonDante;178932 said:
well here goes mine

Gender: Male
Race: Half Demon Half ANgel And Half Human
Appearance:Long Black hair(Like Nero's Hair Style) Blue eyes he is tall as Dante Wores Darkblue Long Coat with black colors . Has a Muscles like Dante in DMC 3.
Personality: Snob Serious. Loves to fight demons.Likes to eat sweets.
Backround: When he was just a child . His Step Father and mother was Killed by an unkown montsers like demons but they are not demons.
Thats why he promised to himself that he will avenge his love ones.actually he usually just live the earth 8000 years ago and just returned by a curse
(sorry for the backround)
Devil Arms : Krigen- A sword that once Slice The planet earth into half 8000 years ago in just a blink of an eye by him
Guns : Raizen : (im just thinking about the backround of this fire arm)
Mission: To find The group called Guns and Roses and the organization that killed hist step parents Dezer Association.

Specail powers: (Still thinking)

Style: HellRose

I knew my new experiment of character will be a ****!. Sorry guys i put it in this window . Hope you forgive me for this.
Im just makin a new villain for my manga. Thanks for the replies. Now i know what do i need to change.


Demon Slayer
Name: Raziel
Race:half demon,quater angel,half human

: White hair shavednerly bald, electic Blue eyes,6 ft
a white hoodie but no shirt hood up can't see eyes and an 8 pack

Personality:a bit like vergil all togter hate show his eyes rely hates demons and love coca cola

Backgorund: there was a war vs mudus his father(aka Casper and sparda twin brother) was killed by mudus
mother: summer cole Race: half angel half human age unkown prob 29
what cuses death: by gave birth.

Devil Arms: Casper simlar 2 sparda sword, got raziel name engard on the blade in latin given by his father
guns: an uzi
mission: finding his uncle dante,vergil and his brother which rumored as nero

specail powers:unlike nero he can turn into a half demon angel + telksis

Style: Ruthless


Well-known Member
I don't think you get what Azure means. When I put Race, I meant genetic race (kind of obvious), if you want to add the fact that they have Angel- like abilities, add it to your style or moveset. Azure is saying that your character has two half races and a quarter race, making him 1 1/4 of a person, which doesn't make sense. If you want to add Angel as a race, then dumb down the fractions so it'll make more sense.
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